3D Printed Food?
1What are your thoughts? Would you eat it? What about when it expands past dessert-type food into vegetables and meat?
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What are your thoughts? Would you eat it? What about when it expands past dessert-type food into vegetables and meat?
Or how about when they can print food faster than we can cook it? Would you be on board with “Star Trek” style food replicators?
@Targaryen Replicators materializing an exact molecular copy of a meal prepared using raw and minimally processed food components as feed stocks would theoretically be serving up precisely what it looked like, modulo any copying errors. Presumably they know enough about the Transporter tech on which it’s based to keep those errors from creeping in. Not the same thing at all - regardless of Bones’ opinions.
I think they’re intentionally blurring the lines between “edible” and “food” here. Something can be edible without having any nutritional value whatsoever, or it can even be a bad idea to consume in anything but trivial amounts. I will need a great deal more hard data before accepting that this stuff, which pretty much defines the bleeding edge of “highly processed foods”, is anywhere near being “good for you”, even by the questionable standards of C.W. Post and W.K. Kellogg.
See also Charlie Stross’ book “Quantum of Nightmares”.
@werehatrack Oh sure I doubt we’re close to simulated food being a regular thing even though Huel and Soylent exist. They’d kind of fit your description: it’s edible it has vitamins and minerals but it doesn’t really strike me as “food.”
I don’t know I think I’d give it a shot. I’ve tried both Soylent and Huel and they’re fine not good or bad just filling which I guess is part of the appeal. I assume simulated food will come along. Judging by the history of MREs and food for astronauts. It’s slowly gotten better over time. So I think this will too.
@snapster’s Pancakebot!
@narfcake So what is a “narfcake” I’m curious.
@narfcake @Targaryen
NO. Just no.