@The_Tim It looks like these were intended to be handed out on American Airlines flights. The top line on the packaging says “Welcome aboard” and the American Airlines logo is in the upper-right corner.
Perfect! Got snacks for my kids lunches covered until the end of the year…. They might get tired of them but they will be for perfect lunch time trading.
@sammydog01 I have had this brand before. They aren’t too hard. They are softer than CornNuts, not that I personally think CornNuts are too hard.
This is a premium brand for this style of corn snacks. You don’t need to worry about your teeth.
@KENSAI To be very clear, I wasn’t going to feed any of these to ducks. That would be a waste of good food.
I have and still do feed ducks occasionally but am very careful of what I give them. First, I live in an area with a homeowner’s association and they distributed a newsletter asking the members to not feed the ducks so I can’t do it where I live. However, I have been known to go around my lake and feed them in areas not governed by the HOA. When I do, I usually feed them duck food specifically for that purpose with at least 16% protein for the adults and 22-24% protein for the ducklings.
I consider myself an expert in raising ducks and have raised hundreds of ducks from eggs using an incubator. I’ve raised mallard, peking, khaki campbell, apricot, and muskovy ducks. Even raised chickens.
I wrote portions of the Angel Wing wikipedia article back in 2008 and all the duck images still in that article are from me. I’ve been featured on the news with one of the videos from my Youtube channel explaining the causes of Angel Wing.
With that all said, there is no problem with occasionally feeding ducks a little bread or corn every now and then. It’s the same thing as me eating ice cream periodically – we all know it’s not the most nutritious food for you to eat and as long it’s not the only thing you eat (as in eating it in moderation), you should be okay health wise.
@cengland0@KENSAI Moderation, THAT’S where I’ve gone wrong! (Hello, my name is Ircon & I’m a corn addict.)… But seriously, that’s quite the CV, I’d love to raise ducks, chickens, etc, someday!
This is an aspiration often held by those who have not done it.
I’ve done it.
I like not needing to hose off my porch two or three times a day. (With chickens, it’s easily possible to keep them happy in a movable pen that shuffles to fresh, not-yet-destroyed grass every couple of days, but ducks want to roam and forage, without even getting into the size of cattle tank they want for recreation. Either way, No Vacation Trips For You!)
@cengland0 do you consult to aspiring duck farmers (ranchers?) on the finer points of raising ducks? My former associate moved to upstate New York to start a goat farm (ranch?) and I suggested that phase two be raising ducks. Do ducks and goats get along? What is the G.O.A.T. duck breed?
@screechowl duck species have ther own pros and cons. Muscovy ducks do not quack so they are silent but they are all so ugly. Peking ducks don’t fly, at least not very far. Pekin ducks are almost like chickens with their flight but are large and eat more food. Peking and Mallards are both very noisy ducks. Mallards will fly away and seem the hardest to domesticate and keep as pets.
I never consulted with any farmers because the ducks were raised as pets and not for food. I’m a vegetarian and would never eat a duck. I basically raised them to stock the local Lake nearby.
@werehatrack Amen! That’s exactly why it’s a “someday” thing for me! I had some experience helping out at a horse farm when i was younger & got a good idea of the work & dedication involved in having livestock of any kind. I call it my “lottery dream” to run a farm rescue/sanctuary, more like a distant fantasy!
@cengland0 raising ducks to raise ducks but not eat ducks is very altruistic but also a bit of a waste of ducks which are delicious but also an animal with feelings that quacks so I get it. But still delicious. Like goats.
@iwilsker@sammydog01 I’d be really surprised of it was this brand.
I eat legit CornNuts all the time. I had some today. These are softer and fancier and prettier and nicer in a lot of ways. I personally prefer the harder, weirder pseudo-originals.
@travo These days, with the turds they have to deal with on a daily/hourly basis, it might depend on how good you are at smiling with your eyes
/giphy eyes
@Kyeh@travo Exactly! I wasn’t sure how many mehtizens were familiar with Tyra. Lol @ that gif, I’m not sure that dude quite captures the concept! Leans a little too much toward serial killer…?
@ircon96@travo Yeah, he doesn’t seem to have it down quite right; I tried to find one with Tyra but none of them were very good either.
I really hate that Squid Games doll, though - shudder!
@Kyeh@travo Yep, she’s creepy af, but the juxtaposition of her crazy eyes gave me a chuckle! Those poor flight attendants would prob find her less scary than their regular passengers most days, though.
@Felton10 Yeah, if it was closer to next Halloween I would definitely get these since I like to pass out something not candy for Trick or Treats. This year is was single serve packets of Dot’s Pretzels because if I had any leftover they are all mine!
@brubro How appropriate, since the company is in Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ. I wonder if that’s where Santa grew up & couldn’t wait to turn 18 so he could fly the hell out of there…?
@cfg83@ircon96 If I am remembering right, I’d say that these are not as hard as a raw carrot. CornNuts are a little harder than a raw carrot.
Take everything I say with a grain of salt, though. Buying 300 of these is a bit commitment.
It is a noticeable difference, though. Part of the reason I prefer the CornNuts brand is because they are harder.
For those wondering about contributing to their dentist’s future summer home on the lake, the Amazon reviews are a little confusing.
One reviewer says, “I was introduced to love corn on a recent flight, it was one of the snacks that was offered. I liked it so much I looked it up on Amazon and was happy to see I could order it directly. It’s nice and crunchy but lighter than corn nuts and doesn’t break your teeth.” It also answers why the bags are so tiny (it takes about 3 of them to make a 1-oz serving size, so just the thing airlines would serve to torture you ).
Another reviewer said it reminds them of Fritos, but then there are others who compare them to a lighter version of corn nuts. How much lighter?
This one seems to think they’re pretty close. “These are great. I grew up eating cornuts and thought these seemed to be a healthier alternative. They are very crunchy, I do feel like they are not as hard as cornuts maybe a little more airy. They are my new fav snack.”
TLDR: So, i guess the consensus is, be ready for anything from pleasantly crunchy to prosthodontic reconstruction…?
Wait a second these are so much healthier than the other corn nuts sold a couple of weeks back… or did they conveniently change the serving size from 28g to 10g and make it look healthier and just giving you a smaller portion?
@ponagathos Stay tuned for my new snack brand, Like, Corn. I should have small packages ready for distribution <checks shipping info> just before the New Year.
@dannokun It must be hell getting anything shipped there these days, I’m guessing. Talk about being akin to pulling teeth, that tangentially fits the other prominent subject of this thread!
That page will get you a deal on a sampler pack for a buck a flavor, btw.
I actually do like dried corn but can’t see getting 300 packs of them when one regular store size package will have me set for quite some time. I think the bucees Texas size bag lasted me a few weeks. They’re like making Fritos in your mouth.
@djslack You make them sound so yummy! Lol… They’re really only 100 “servings” or more like 50 real world servings. You’d just have really light, fluffy garbage bags for awhile, kinda like the day after Christmas. (I realize the phrase “light & fluffy” may be asking for some inappropriate toilet humor, given the product. Fire away, juvenile delinquents! )
Serious now (I know that goes against the meh “grain,” - sorrrrry - but not) - anyone have a suggestion of a non-profit or place of worship that is giving out disaster aid in an area of Kentucky that was affected by the terrible tornado(es)? I’m thinking it might be a nice, albeit small, gesture - since it’s “Love Corn.”
@ircon96 Brilliant - Thank you so much! And continuing with your train of thought - I see a couple distilleries on this list that are distributing supplies. Don’t think they’d mind adding a box to the needed coffee and disposable diapers too much(?)
There’s also different collection places for toys and pet supplies. I have a feeling I may be using my VMP membership free shipping perk for all it’s worth, hehehe.
Has anyone tried microwaving these to see if they magically transform like those yak cheese dog chews? That would be a great help for the dentally challenged!
@cliquid Well, this adult understands that Meh is buying excess stock of things already produced in the first place. They didn’t commission the original production of said product. The packaging is undoubtedly wasteful but in no way is Meh “supporting wasteful products.”
@cliquid@itsthebrod If anything, Meh is reducing the loading of landfills a bit by matching up the product with a potential consumer so that only the packaging is waste afterwards. Would we all be better off (infinitesimally) if such sub-single-serving products weren’t made in the first place? Yes. But because of the demands placed on various entities in the name of sanitary handling, many foods end up packaged this way, and inevitably some do not get used for their first-choice purpose.
@cliquid@itsthebrod Exactly! Distributors and manufacturers have excess stock and they say, where are we going to unload this crap, uh we mean find quality merchandise.
And then the buyers at Meh say, hey we know some suckers, uh we mean great customers!
Followup to previous comment. Had a chat with a rep from this company (it’s a leather goods company). They have a truck and strong connections with western KY and will make sure non-perishable items WILL get there.
Soooo, not SO useless? It’s the thought that counts. Of course, they’ll be glad to take other (possibly, probably) more useful stuff, too. hash tag BUY
Attn: W KY Disaster Collection
Louisville, KY 40202
Aside from the insoluble, and nearly indigestible, fiber in these being anathema to an IBD patient, these are likely made with GMO corn. I read:
Most GMO corn is used in processed foods like corn chips, breakfast cereals, high-fructose corn syrup and corn oil, or turned into livestock feed and ethanol.
Yes, the GMO varieties are largely ones developed for high yield per acre but without much regard for flavor or specific characteristics that lend themselves to direct use as people food. The packaging for these says they went with non-GMO, but it also says that they used sunflower oil, which I’ve heard that a lot of folks with IBD don’t tolerate very well in any event. As you note, yes, these are probably a bad idea for you, GMO or not. Most likely, so is most of the modern wheat; even the officially non-GMO varieties are mostly crosses with other grasses in an effort to increase the yield per acre, but that introduced exotic gluten proteins in the process. I know a couple of people with IBD who have resorted to making their own bread using kamut flour in order to avoid those gluten proteins altogether. (Kamut is the direct ancestor of the traditional heritage wheat varieties. Humans have used it as food since before agriculture was a thing.)
@werehatrack Interesting! Sunflower oil, unless in huge quantities, is not usually an issue. (Though I often have unhappy reactions to potato chips.) And the whole gluten issue is wildly overblown, though some patients claim a gluten-free diet makes them feel better. Actual gluten reaction tests find very few with intolerance, or even sensitivity, even with an IBD diagnosis. But every patient is different, with their own food intolerances, disease manifestations, and flare/remission patterns. But general advice is to avoid high fiber foods during flares.
And the GMO thing is really a non-issue. No one is really sure what causes IBD: genetics, altered microbiome, antibiotic exposure, overly clean environment, birth by caesarean section, eating habits, or all of the above. Having rid myself of an intestinal stricture by surgery last year, I could probably digest a few corn kernels with only a few post-prandial “surprises,” but anyone in or near an IBD flare should probably reserve an ambulance ride in advance.
@mediocrebot@sinless thought at first that was one of those magiceye images, but no, though it’s possible to look through it like one, the image is just flat
Given the fact that those who bought and will consume this meh offering will see their corn again, this wasn’t actually 300 for $29 but in fact will seem like 600 packs of corn for $29. Just give it a few days, and you’ll see what I mean.
These are good! The individual packets prevent me from eating a pound of 'em without even noticing. Packaging was bad, a single piece of tape across the top and one flap not stuck to the tape. I’m sure some delivery workers along the way had a treat.
These are good but do have an after taste that is NOT appealing. They are a bit less hard then the other brand which makes them easy on the teeth. Will try to give them away.
What do I do with the 290 packs I have left as no one wants to eat them. They are way better on your teeth then the original but have a definite after taste that appeals to nobody. Maybe fish chum this spring???
@falcon3 Food bank or a homeless shelter. The food bank near me is always asking for individually packaged snack items to add to the bags they fix up for the homeless.
@Pufferfishy A lot of people like it; people who go to the food bank can try it out and throw it out themselves if they want, but it’s not spoiled or bad food just because some people don’t like it.
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$115.96 for 105 oz at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Dec 20 - Monday, Dec 27
ooooo fun for dentists of all ages!
@alacrity I hear you - I busted a tooth that had a big filling in it once eating some corn nuts. But I have a crown there now so these sound tempting.
These things are delicious. Not a box of 300 packs delicious though. Maybe 250.
@yankeesrule After a hundred or so, it’s all the same.
@lisagd @yankeesrule Kinda like that old saying, in for a penny, in for a pound. Or, in this case, 6.5625 pounds.
Dang, that it is a lot of extremely wasteful packaging.
@The_Tim It looks like these were intended to be handed out on American Airlines flights. The top line on the packaging says “Welcome aboard” and the American Airlines logo is in the upper-right corner.
Yikes, why is meh selling cond… oh wait it’s corn snacks
@awk The same thing ran through my head.
There are times that I don’t understand the things that I do. This is one of those times.
@shahnm It worked! Your order number is: wondrous-jovial-winter
/image wondrous jovial winter
What in the actual…
Perfect! Got snacks for my kids lunches covered until the end of the year…. They might get tired of them but they will be for perfect lunch time trading.
The internet is for… corn?
@panafonics almost like that. but with a ‘p’
@panafonics @pmarin The internet is for corp?
@panafonics @pmarin @yakkoTDI
By Jove, I think he’s got it!
@panafonics @pmarin There needs to be a song about this… oh wait…
@aarond12 @panafonics @pmarin Someone always beats ya to it, huh?
@panafonics grab your **** and double click for corn corn corn
Question- how hard are these? Teeth breaking like corn nuts or softer? I like my teeth intact.
@sammydog01 so you are asking if this site has hardcore corn or softcore corn?
@pmarin @sammydog01
You mean hardcorn or softcorn?
You probably need to check out cornhub.com for some unbiased reviews.
@sammydog01 I have had this brand before. They aren’t too hard. They are softer than CornNuts, not that I personally think CornNuts are too hard.
This is a premium brand for this style of corn snacks. You don’t need to worry about your teeth.
@Limewater Thank you, I ordered some.
The ducks in my neighborhood would probably love these.
@cengland0 Where I’m from, corn isn’t naturally oiled or salted, so I wouldn’t feed it to an animal.
@KENSAI To be very clear, I wasn’t going to feed any of these to ducks. That would be a waste of good food.
I have and still do feed ducks occasionally but am very careful of what I give them. First, I live in an area with a homeowner’s association and they distributed a newsletter asking the members to not feed the ducks so I can’t do it where I live. However, I have been known to go around my lake and feed them in areas not governed by the HOA. When I do, I usually feed them duck food specifically for that purpose with at least 16% protein for the adults and 22-24% protein for the ducklings.
I consider myself an expert in raising ducks and have raised hundreds of ducks from eggs using an incubator. I’ve raised mallard, peking, khaki campbell, apricot, and muskovy ducks. Even raised chickens.
I wrote portions of the Angel Wing wikipedia article back in 2008 and all the duck images still in that article are from me. I’ve been featured on the news with one of the videos from my Youtube channel explaining the causes of Angel Wing.
With that all said, there is no problem with occasionally feeding ducks a little bread or corn every now and then. It’s the same thing as me eating ice cream periodically – we all know it’s not the most nutritious food for you to eat and as long it’s not the only thing you eat (as in eating it in moderation), you should be okay health wise.
@cengland0 @KENSAI Moderation, THAT’S where I’ve gone wrong! (Hello, my name is Ircon & I’m a corn addict.)… But seriously, that’s quite the CV, I’d love to raise ducks, chickens, etc, someday!
@cengland0 Well quack me I didn’t realize I was talking to the ducking King/Queen of waterfowl. I’ll shut up now.
This is an aspiration often held by those who have not done it.
I’ve done it.
I like not needing to hose off my porch two or three times a day. (With chickens, it’s easily possible to keep them happy in a movable pen that shuffles to fresh, not-yet-destroyed grass every couple of days, but ducks want to roam and forage, without even getting into the size of cattle tank they want for recreation. Either way, No Vacation Trips For You!)
@cengland0 do you consult to aspiring duck farmers (ranchers?) on the finer points of raising ducks? My former associate moved to upstate New York to start a goat farm (ranch?) and I suggested that phase two be raising ducks. Do ducks and goats get along? What is the G.O.A.T. duck breed?
@screechowl duck species have ther own pros and cons. Muscovy ducks do not quack so they are silent but they are all so ugly. Peking ducks don’t fly, at least not very far. Pekin ducks are almost like chickens with their flight but are large and eat more food. Peking and Mallards are both very noisy ducks. Mallards will fly away and seem the hardest to domesticate and keep as pets.
I never consulted with any farmers because the ducks were raised as pets and not for food. I’m a vegetarian and would never eat a duck. I basically raised them to stock the local Lake nearby.
@werehatrack Amen! That’s exactly why it’s a “someday” thing for me! I had some experience helping out at a horse farm when i was younger & got a good idea of the work & dedication involved in having livestock of any kind. I call it my “lottery dream” to run a farm rescue/sanctuary, more like a distant fantasy!
@cengland0 raising ducks to raise ducks but not eat ducks is very altruistic but also a bit of a waste of ducks which are delicious but also an animal with feelings that quacks so I get it. But still delicious. Like goats.
@cengland0 I mean I think they have feelings. I really don’t know. I just know the delicious part.
I used to love those and eat them often, until I very painfully broke a tooth on them. Have not had one since.
@iwilsker This brand or something that looks like it?
@iwilsker @sammydog01 I’d be really surprised of it was this brand.
I eat legit CornNuts all the time. I had some today. These are softer and fancier and prettier and nicer in a lot of ways. I personally prefer the harder, weirder pseudo-originals.
Originally I said I buy all the food meh sells except candy corn, but I’m expanding that to anything with “corn” in the name.
@walarney It worked! Your order number is: endearing-endearing-relatives
/image endearing endearing relatives
Got doubles on my order number, do I win something for that?
@walarney The new australopithecus version of AncestryDNA…?
@walarney do it two more times and end up in Meh jail
@mediocrebot @walarney That’s an endearing expression.
This feels like something I’d be offered by a flight attendant
@travo just not 300 at a time
@travo These days, with the turds they have to deal with on a daily/hourly basis, it might depend on how good you are at smiling with your eyes
/giphy eyes
@ircon96 @travo
You mean “smize”:
@Kyeh @travo Exactly! I wasn’t sure how many mehtizens were familiar with Tyra. Lol @ that gif, I’m not sure that dude quite captures the concept! Leans a little too much toward serial killer…?
@travo Ahem… did you notice the American Airlines logo in the upper-right corner of the packaging?
@ircon96 @travo Yeah, he doesn’t seem to have it down quite right; I tried to find one with Tyra but none of them were very good either.
I really hate that Squid Games doll, though - shudder!
@aarond12 @travo Oh, good catch!
@Kyeh @travo Yep, she’s creepy af, but the juxtaposition of her crazy eyes gave me a chuckle! Those poor flight attendants would prob find her less scary than their regular passengers most days, though.
@ircon96 Oh, sad but maybe true.
Buy three and have treat or treat stuff for the next 10 years.
@Felton10 Are you sure you don’t mean “tricks & tricks”?
@Felton10 @ircon96
By next Halloween, they’d be 100% expired, so yeah, all tricks, no treats.
@Felton10 Yeah, if it was closer to next Halloween I would definitely get these since I like to pass out something not candy for Trick or Treats. This year is was single serve packets of Dot’s Pretzels because if I had any leftover they are all mine!
Atleast it is not candy corn for months!
@whomeyesu It worked! Your order number is: jolly-spirited-longjohns
/image jolly spirited longjohns
@whomeyesu hey, Michigan! And did I miss where you said buy?
@fuzzmanmatt It was a top secret purchase.
Corn kernels, salt, and sunflower oil.
Meh. Pass. I don’t have anything corny enough to say about these.
Well see if these can decorate Mr Hankie for Christmas
@brubro It worked! Your order number is: treasured-happiest-sniffle
/image treasured happiest sniffle
@brubro How appropriate, since the company is in Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ. I wonder if that’s where Santa grew up & couldn’t wait to turn 18 so he could fly the hell out of there…?
You can’t fool me! This is just fossilized candy corn found in the back of the meh warehouse under a pile of speakerdocks.
The size of two boxes of tissues.
So, unpopped popcorn that you can’t pop?
@NoSalt That’s what i was thinking, they finally found a marketing angle for all the “old maids” at the bottom of Smartfood bags!
Well, that was a let down. At first I thought, “great weekend ahead” that changed to “fat weekend enabled”.
As much as I would like to gobble down cornnuts again, my teeth are too old for these delectible crunchies.
@cfg83 These are a bit softer than cornnuts. And I feel like modern cornnuts aren’t as hard as they were thirty years ago.
@cfg83 @Limewater Can you define “a bit”? I haven’t had corn nuts for years. I think they need to come up with a Mohs scale for snacks!
@cfg83 @ircon96 @Limewater Jolly Ranchers would need two entries, one each for chomp & squeeze.
@cfg83 @ircon96 If I am remembering right, I’d say that these are not as hard as a raw carrot. CornNuts are a little harder than a raw carrot.
Take everything I say with a grain of salt, though. Buying 300 of these is a bit commitment.
It is a noticeable difference, though. Part of the reason I prefer the CornNuts brand is because they are harder.
@cfg83 @Limewater It’s not your imagination. They did soften CornNuts, and went a bit smaller: https://www.sfgate.com/food/article/Bay-Area-history-of-Corn-Nuts-Oakland-snack-16194249.php
order corn
@dooglehead Hanoi corn?
You can get all the corn you want for free over at cornhub.com.
@mike808 Is that where you find your dad jokes?
Only 300? No deal until it is over 9000.
For those wondering about contributing to their dentist’s future summer home on the lake, the Amazon reviews are a little confusing.
One reviewer says, “I was introduced to love corn on a recent flight, it was one of the snacks that was offered. I liked it so much I looked it up on Amazon and was happy to see I could order it directly. It’s nice and crunchy but lighter than corn nuts and doesn’t break your teeth.” It also answers why the bags are so tiny (it takes about 3 of them to make a 1-oz serving size, so just the thing airlines would serve to torture you ).
Another reviewer said it reminds them of Fritos, but then there are others who compare them to a lighter version of corn nuts. How much lighter?
This one seems to think they’re pretty close. “These are great. I grew up eating cornuts and thought these seemed to be a healthier alternative. They are very crunchy, I do feel like they are not as hard as cornuts maybe a little more airy. They are my new fav snack.”
TLDR: So, i guess the consensus is, be ready for anything from pleasantly crunchy to prosthodontic reconstruction…?
Wait a second these are so much healthier than the other corn nuts sold a couple of weeks back… or did they conveniently change the serving size from 28g to 10g and make it look healthier and just giving you a smaller portion?
@akatz227 My guess is it’s just airline teaser packaging.
Sorry. I like corn nuts but I do not love corn nuts.
@ponagathos Stay tuned for my new snack brand, Like, Corn. I should have small packages ready for distribution <checks shipping info> just before the New Year.
@JvB Now that’s my kind of smut! (Is this thing on?)
@ircon96 @JvB Smutto?
@blaineg You made my day by getting my lame, corny pun! Yep, I’m that needy! Lol (Spot on comic strip, btw!)
@monkeyman0510 It worked! Your order number is: twinkling-mirthful-delight
/image twinkling mirthful delight
These make shitty margaritas.
@mike808 yeah, but if you grind 'em up they make shitty margarita salt, too
What the quack
No shipping to Hawaii
@dannokun It must be hell getting anything shipped there these days, I’m guessing. Talk about being akin to pulling teeth, that tangentially fits the other prominent subject of this thread!
From American Airlines? The package says lovecorn.com/aa
That page will get you a deal on a sampler pack for a buck a flavor, btw.
I actually do like dried corn but can’t see getting 300 packs of them when one regular store size package will have me set for quite some time. I think the bucees Texas size bag lasted me a few weeks. They’re like making Fritos in your mouth.
@djslack You make them sound so yummy! Lol… They’re really only 100 “servings” or more like 50 real world servings. You’d just have really light, fluffy garbage bags for awhile, kinda like the day after Christmas. (I realize the phrase “light & fluffy” may be asking for some inappropriate toilet humor, given the product. Fire away, juvenile delinquents! )
I’m trying to decide if this is intriguing or disgusting.
@blaineg it’s maybe a little of column A, a little of column B
/giphy why not both
Also, everyone’s on cornhub and no one is taking advantage of the 300 aspect of this deal.
/giphy this is Sparta
Aw man, I thought this was Heisenberg’s blue meth
I do admit this generated one of the better cornment collections in a while. Good work everyone.
So corny
Just gonna say, they need to make that comma in the name a little more obvious.
Big difference between getting some “love corn” and some “love, corn.”
Still not sure which is more disturbing…
90 day warranty should they fail to do what they are supposed to do…
/giphy triumphant-pumpkinspiced-nutmeg
Doe’s Cornholio know about these?? Will they scrape on the way out??
Love Corn is people!!!..I meant to say, Love Corn is Corn Nuts, people!
These should come with a warning. It only takes one bag to crack your pearly whites.
@pixelated Is that from IRL experience, or are you assuming for to their resemblance to corn nuts?
@pixelated *due to
At this price, I’m surprised American Airlines hasn’t bought all the inventory.
Southwest, more like.
Serious now (I know that goes against the meh “grain,” - sorrrrry - but not) - anyone have a suggestion of a non-profit or place of worship that is giving out disaster aid in an area of Kentucky that was affected by the terrible tornado(es)? I’m thinking it might be a nice, albeit small, gesture - since it’s “Love Corn.”
@evgrosen That’s kinda symbolic, since they do use a lot of corn for their most famous export, bourbon. I know food banks usually say cash donations go a lot further since they can convert it through their extensive networks, but this article lists a lot of different organizations, including food-based ones. https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/local/2021/12/11/how-help-mayfield-kentucky-communities-affected-tornadoes-fundraisers-donations/6477051001/
@ircon96 Brilliant - Thank you so much! And continuing with your train of thought - I see a couple distilleries on this list that are distributing supplies. Don’t think they’d mind adding a box to the needed coffee and disposable diapers too much(?)
There’s also different collection places for toys and pet supplies. I have a feeling I may be using my VMP membership free shipping perk for all it’s worth, hehehe.
@evgrosen 'Tis the season! At least it’ll hurt less when you know you’re doing something good for those in desperate need! Good luck & happy holidays!
I have really been trying to reduce my “plastic footprint”.
this will not help.
This goes all the way beyond Meh, clear to Nope.
Has anyone tried microwaving these to see if they magically transform like those yak cheese dog chews? That would be a great help for the dentally challenged!
@ircon96 No, but that sounds like fun.
There’s supposedly an American Airlines logo on them.
Am I gonna say it? Yup.
I guess these wouldn’t fly, even on American.
I can’t scan/read the QR code. Does it do anything than bring you to the lovecorn.com/aa site with the sold out sampler packs?
300 individually wrapped one use packages. Meh needs to stop supporting these wasteful products.
@cliquid I think American Airlines are the ones ordering the one-use packages.
Meh is saving these from a landfill by selling them to a bunch of weirdos.
Well, saving the corn part from a landfill anyway.
@cliquid You don’t seem to understand how Meh works.
@itsthebrod Shhhh. The adults are talking.
@cliquid Well, this adult understands that Meh is buying excess stock of things already produced in the first place. They didn’t commission the original production of said product. The packaging is undoubtedly wasteful but in no way is Meh “supporting wasteful products.”
@cliquid @itsthebrod If anything, Meh is reducing the loading of landfills a bit by matching up the product with a potential consumer so that only the packaging is waste afterwards. Would we all be better off (infinitesimally) if such sub-single-serving products weren’t made in the first place? Yes. But because of the demands placed on various entities in the name of sanitary handling, many foods end up packaged this way, and inevitably some do not get used for their first-choice purpose.
@cliquid @itsthebrod Exactly! Distributors and manufacturers have excess stock and they say, where are we going to unload this crap, uh we mean find quality merchandise.
And then the buyers at Meh say, hey we know some suckers, uh we mean great customers!
@cliquid @ironcheftoni @itsthebrod
I have occasionally wondered if some of this stuff ended up at Meh’s dock as a way of avoiding landfill costs…
So, what’s the expiration date on these? Or the “best by” date. It would take me a while to go through 300 of these.
22 Sept 2022 in one of the photos.
@connorbush It worked! Your order number is: resplendent-comfortable-snowball
/image resplendent comfortable snowball
I’m tempted to get this, but would be more tempted if a knife were included.
Followup to previous comment. Had a chat with a rep from this company (it’s a leather goods company). They have a truck and strong connections with western KY and will make sure non-perishable items WILL get there.
Soooo, not SO useless? It’s the thought that counts. Of course, they’ll be glad to take other (possibly, probably) more useful stuff, too. hash tag BUY
Attn: W KY Disaster Collection
Louisville, KY 40202
Woohoo! A buttload of crunchy corn nuggets!!!
I thought it was a pile of condoms.
You are not the only one.
My kids love these, so this will make packing school snacks easy for 150 days. I may eat a few (dozen) before we get there, though.
@btwonder It worked! Your order number is: toasty-wintry-sugarplum
/image toasty wintry sugarplum
@walarney Obvious Plant
@walarney Hmm, same day. Coincidence? Or causality?
I think this is my dream come true! I can’t eat the big bags!
@Spymom007 you’re not supposed to eat the bags…
Aside from the insoluble, and nearly indigestible, fiber in these being anathema to an IBD patient, these are likely made with GMO corn. I read:
@MrNews Yes, if you need to maintain a diet that avoids corn, then eating 300 small bags of corn is probably not a great idea.
@MrNews nope, non GMO
Yes, the GMO varieties are largely ones developed for high yield per acre but without much regard for flavor or specific characteristics that lend themselves to direct use as people food. The packaging for these says they went with non-GMO, but it also says that they used sunflower oil, which I’ve heard that a lot of folks with IBD don’t tolerate very well in any event. As you note, yes, these are probably a bad idea for you, GMO or not. Most likely, so is most of the modern wheat; even the officially non-GMO varieties are mostly crosses with other grasses in an effort to increase the yield per acre, but that introduced exotic gluten proteins in the process. I know a couple of people with IBD who have resorted to making their own bread using kamut flour in order to avoid those gluten proteins altogether. (Kamut is the direct ancestor of the traditional heritage wheat varieties. Humans have used it as food since before agriculture was a thing.)
@werehatrack Interesting! Sunflower oil, unless in huge quantities, is not usually an issue. (Though I often have unhappy reactions to potato chips.) And the whole gluten issue is wildly overblown, though some patients claim a gluten-free diet makes them feel better. Actual gluten reaction tests find very few with intolerance, or even sensitivity, even with an IBD diagnosis. But every patient is different, with their own food intolerances, disease manifestations, and flare/remission patterns. But general advice is to avoid high fiber foods during flares.
And the GMO thing is really a non-issue. No one is really sure what causes IBD: genetics, altered microbiome, antibiotic exposure, overly clean environment, birth by caesarean section, eating habits, or all of the above. Having rid myself of an intestinal stricture by surgery last year, I could probably digest a few corn kernels with only a few post-prandial “surprises,” but anyone in or near an IBD flare should probably reserve an ambulance ride in advance.
/image corn palace
Since they mentioned 300 and abs…
300, the movie, summarized in fifteen minutes
I got all excited for a moment! I thought it was Salted Candy Corn.
@mossygreen It worked! Your order number is: fondest-chilly-frostbite
/image fondest chilly frostbite
@mossygreen Now that’s a thoroughly considered purchase! Either that, or a rush to get it in under the wire…? Lol
@ircon96 Yes.
@sinless It worked! Your order number is: treasured-tranquil-solstice
/image treasured tranquil solstice
@mediocrebot @sinless thought at first that was one of those magiceye images, but no, though it’s possible to look through it like one, the image is just flat
Rubs hands menacingly
@cdf12345 It worked! Your order number is: icy-spiked-leftovers
/image icy spiked leftovers
Given the fact that those who bought and will consume this meh offering will see their corn again, this wasn’t actually 300 for $29 but in fact will seem like 600 packs of corn for $29. Just give it a few days, and you’ll see what I mean.
These are good! The individual packets prevent me from eating a pound of 'em without even noticing. Packaging was bad, a single piece of tape across the top and one flap not stuck to the tape. I’m sure some delivery workers along the way had a treat.
These are yummy.
I really like these- they taste like corn nuts but aren’t nearly so hard. Good buy!
These are good but do have an after taste that is NOT appealing. They are a bit less hard then the other brand which makes them easy on the teeth. Will try to give them away.
What do I do with the 290 packs I have left as no one wants to eat them. They are way better on your teeth then the original but have a definite after taste that appeals to nobody. Maybe fish chum this spring???
@falcon3 food bank?
I put them out at work and everyone loves them. We are on our second box
@falcon3 Food bank or a homeless shelter. The food bank near me is always asking for individually packaged snack items to add to the bags they fix up for the homeless.
“What should we do with this shitty food?”
Giving it to the needy / homeless is not the ideal solution you think it is. Throw it out. JMO.
@Pufferfishy A lot of people like it; people who go to the food bank can try it out and throw it out themselves if they want, but it’s not spoiled or bad food just because some people don’t like it.
@Kyeh Fair point I guess.