N41, because that’s as many as they’ll sell me. I’ve been very pleased with the 72 rainbow unicorns that I got last time. Trying radical skedaddle this time.
@sammydog01 looks like meh has a new competitor. Selling out the back of a pickup truck, you guys might be able to edge him out in the customer service arena!
I bought the case of Rainbow Unicorn last time it was on Meh and it was good. I’m tempted to buy a case of one of the other flavors, but I still have enough Rainbow Unicorn left that I’m not sure I’d drink it all before it starts going past its best by date.
On the other hand, if I buy it and drink the whole case in one day, perhaps I’ll be amped up for the rest of my life.
Star blast is better than any Monster flavor (some of which are just bad) but that’s a buried bar. OTOH, Venom makes an apple-strawberry flavor that’s pleasant, and the regular price nearby is 92 cents per can. And my favorite artificially flavored, brightly colored energy drink of choice is about a fifth of that, though it has a lower lever of caffeine.
Mostly artificial, usually vaguely and/or overwhelmingly fruity-ish (according to various sources), with aftertones of sad, perplexity, oddness, happy, knurd, or any conbination thereof. Completely unlike the Monster line, which tends more toward Aroma Of Houston Ship Channel Chemical Plants with artificial flavors reminiscent of truly awful canned cocktails.
My S.O. would order them differently; that list puts Cherry Blade at the top, but it’s the only one we’ve tried so far that ended up with the rest of the six getting handed off to me. I thought it was OK but nothing special. YMMV, take the endorsements with caution. Of the three available here, we have experience with Star Blast (found to be decent) and Rainbow Unicorn (also found decent).
The idea of shipping canned carbonated beverages makes me cringe. I know what it takes to make sure that normal handling won’t cause damage, and it’s not going to be applied with this kind of pricing. Lots of these will fail to arrive even if the transport distance is short.
And after reading that writeup, I’m wondering when somebody will come out with an energy drink named GOOOOOOAL! (Yes, I know, needs more Os for the proper effect.)
Not intended for individuals under the age of 18
Do not use this product if you are pregnant or nursing
Do not consume this product if you are taking any prescription drug and/or have any medical condition
This product contains caffeine and should not be used with any other caffeine containing products
This product is intended for us by healthy individuals only
@bluecolor I just got mine a couple days ago, but be sure to keep an eye on it. That happened to me on the DailySteals site one time & when i inquired, they admitted it had sold out & then refunded the charge to my credit card. I wondered if they would have done that if i had missed it, it sure didn’t seem like it. I trust Meh a lot more, but things can fall through the cracks, especially this time of year, not to mention with the state of the supply chain.
Star Blast
Rainbow Unicorn
Radical Skadattle
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$47.52 - $105.98 from Amazon
Star Blast
Rainbow Unicorn
Radical Skadattle
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, Jan 30 - Monday, Feb 3
“Why don’t you come in for a little BANG?” just won’t be as enticing to me now.
Bang, bang, bang on the drum baby
@tinamarie1974 Actually it was the door getting banged, but I guess a drum will work too!!
/youtube drum solo
@IndifferentDude well shit! BUSTED!!
@IndifferentDude @tinamarie1974
/youtube bang a gong
@IndifferentDude @mike808 @tinamarie1974
@IndifferentDude @macromeh @tinamarie1974
It’s all about the bang, about the bang, about the bang, no edible.
So about 50% more caffeine than coffee (200mg vs 300).
Maybe Rufio should have stayed off the bang-a-rang.
@mcanavino One can of Bang is about three cups of coffee.
1 cup of coffee is about 95-100 mg caffeine
Which one tastes the least like mad cow disease?
@twinesurge Star Blast.
Agreed, it’s Star Blast.
Ow why can’t I buy more than 1?
Can’t buy more than one?
N41, because that’s as many as they’ll sell me. I’ve been very pleased with the 72 rainbow unicorns that I got last time. Trying radical skedaddle this time.
@trent Pssst. You can make more than one order. May need to be one of each.
@trent My bad. Use a second account, like SWMBO’s.
/giphy fark

Besides the 72 Rainbow Uni,
I grabbed 24 from sidedeal with the 15% Black Friday deal.
@Nyc_Tattoo You still can with the cyber week deal.
@mike808 @Nyc_Tattoo how do you get the 15% off?
@mike808 @Nyc_Tattoo @umbrellacorp The promo code is CYBERWEEK15 & it’s good at SideDeal & MorningSave thru 12/3.
@ircon96 @mike808 @Nyc_Tattoo thank you for sharing!
Finish off this online shopping season with a BANG!
@sammydog01 looks like meh has a new competitor. Selling out the back of a pickup truck, you guys might be able to edge him out in the customer service arena!
@dam091 On a college campus too. I had to look up “feigns” on urban dictionary.
@sammydog01 …well? We’re waiting!
Sure. Trying the star blast this time.

/giphy meaningful gargantuan word
Turns out my husband really likes Rainbow Unicorn, so I grabbed another case of it.

/giphy quick-headstrong-earth
I had no idea it was legal to sell this without scantily-clad women pretending to drink it in the product pictures.
Fun, clear liquid make heart go wheeeeeeeeeee!

/giphy boisterous-fresh-mongoose
BANG is the sound your heart makes after drinking a few of these.
Great with vodka, or so I heard.
@TuxFL not recommended. Had an interesting tailgate with that combo.
I bought the case of Rainbow Unicorn last time it was on Meh and it was good. I’m tempted to buy a case of one of the other flavors, but I still have enough Rainbow Unicorn left that I’m not sure I’d drink it all before it starts going past its best by date.
On the other hand, if I buy it and drink the whole case in one day, perhaps I’ll be amped up for the rest of my life.
@lljk If amped is the same as “dead”, then yes.
@KENSAI @lljk I mean… he would be amped for the rest of his life.
@ddbelyea @KENSAI @lljk
However short that may be…
Star blast is better than any Monster flavor (some of which are just bad) but that’s a buried bar. OTOH, Venom makes an apple-strawberry flavor that’s pleasant, and the regular price nearby is 92 cents per can. And my favorite artificially flavored, brightly colored energy drink of choice is about a fifth of that, though it has a lower lever of caffeine.
@werehatrack Star Blast is indeed one of my favorites.
NBA on ESPN is unwatchable to me. They have, by far, the worst team out there.
Those flavor names mean nothing. What are the flavors like?
Mostly artificial, usually vaguely and/or overwhelmingly fruity-ish (according to various sources), with aftertones of sad, perplexity, oddness, happy, knurd, or any conbination thereof. Completely unlike the Monster line, which tends more toward Aroma Of Houston Ship Channel Chemical Plants with artificial flavors reminiscent of truly awful canned cocktails.
Limited to one case???
@slagheap I died a bit but if I was the guy delivering my last order I would’ve quit. so I get it.
@TheBrainninja yeah I had three cases (2.5 of which made it intact) and my delivery guy was not ok w/ that box
Perhaps helpful: Bang flavors ranked
My S.O. would order them differently; that list puts Cherry Blade at the top, but it’s the only one we’ve tried so far that ended up with the rest of the six getting handed off to me. I thought it was OK but nothing special. YMMV, take the endorsements with caution. Of the three available here, we have experience with Star Blast (found to be decent) and Rainbow Unicorn (also found decent).
I hope it makes it to my house this time… my last order must have exploded on the way and got returned before I even saw the carnage.
The idea of shipping canned carbonated beverages makes me cringe. I know what it takes to make sure that normal handling won’t cause damage, and it’s not going to be applied with this kind of pricing. Lots of these will fail to arrive even if the transport distance is short.
/giphy gainful-abiding-expansion


And after reading that writeup, I’m wondering when somebody will come out with an energy drink named GOOOOOOAL! (Yes, I know, needs more Os for the proper effect.)
Actual warnings on a can of Bang
Wot? No “For external use only”?
I was just looking for an old post & i came across this, gave me a much-needed chuckle! (As did the Rudy G. one above, well done! Lol)
/giphy thank you, sir

/giphy advanced-jaunty-ink

Anyone else still processing on this? Surprised it hasn’t shipped after a week.
@bluecolor I just got mine a couple days ago, but be sure to keep an eye on it. That happened to me on the DailySteals site one time & when i inquired, they admitted it had sold out & then refunded the charge to my credit card. I wondered if they would have done that if i had missed it, it sure didn’t seem like it. I trust Meh a lot more, but things can fall through the cracks, especially this time of year, not to mention with the state of the supply chain.
@ircon96 yeah just got refunded
@bluecolor Bummer. You never know, they might pop up again, keep your clicking finger ready!

Wanna bang?
Ok what flavor?