24 hours is longer than I thought?
4After having an intense discussion with my Mother about how she couldn’t possibly have purchased something the day after it was listed on Meh from Meh, not SideDeal, we realized you could now purchase something at least the day after the original sale. So… how long has this been available? Is Meh on some weird new time that extends the day longer than normal earthlings? Is there something weird in the water at Meh headquarters? Did the Moon/Jupiter/Saturn alignment already begin armageddon and it started with Meh?
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The RC earthmover was available for at least a week.
@blaineg I wish I’d known that!! That thing was cool…
@blaineg @PooltoyWolf
Do you mean this one? Because it’s on Sidedeal - or did you mean the on sold back in 2018? (Before my time but I found it searching for this one.)
@blaineg @Kyeh The Laegendary Buckster, yep! Do not tempt me…must save money…
@blaineg @PooltoyWolf Awwww…
@blaineg @Kyeh @PooltoyWolf Meh, get the Wagon Queen Family Truckster instead. The name is close enough.
@Kyeh @PooltoyWolf Yep, that one. I bought it within the 24 hours, but went back to it for some reason, and it was still active.
@Kyeh @PooltoyWolf And the same price!
Buy! Buy!
@blaineg @PooltoyWolf Yeah, amazing that they’ve left it at the same price, they hardly ever do that!
They should keep the click-face active during that time for us sloths that forget to click it before the the changeover.
@stolicat Knowing meh they will only do that in conjunction with hitting buy LOL
I was not aware of this until now.
It gave me the opportunity to not buy the Popular Mechanics bags again today!
“Last call” has been a thing for a while…
The extra 24 hours is just a VMP/Member thing, isn’t it?