2020 Dec. Goat DailyRant 15

PocketBrain thought this was worth mentioning said

Rant: Truk Nutz

Just a quick, stupid rant.
Outfitting your pickup with Truk Nuts is the quickest way to inform me that you and I will never have productive discourse. I can look forward to zero intelligent conversation between us. Quick second is Calvin (from Calvin & Hobbes) urinating on anything. I’d rather discuss the history of the East India Tea Company with somebody who has their bumper held on with bailing wire and duct tape.

So, what is the quick indicator for you that you are not going to have more in common with a person than you do with a potato?

Let me make it a little more difficult: NO POLITICS! We all know how that divides, and you are all wrong and you are all crazy.

Truk Nutz… what, to replace your own defective set? Sheesh.