2020 Dec. Goat Daily Rant 02
13Daily Rant 02: Salt rant.
So I was enjoying a suspiciously undersalted dish in the break room at work (mea culpa, I cooked it). I grabbed the available disposable picnic salt shaker (no way to open and refill the container) to dispense some salt. As I turned it upside-down I noticed a date printed on the bottom of the container. What could this possibly be? Being a foodstuff, it’s the obligatory expiration date. For salt.
Let me tell you a little story:
1.3 billion years ago, there was a great salty sea in an endorrheic basin. All waters that flowed into the sea left through evaporation, not flow. Thus it became steadily saltier over time. Over time, the continents moved and collided, creating a subduction zone and pushing up mountains in the west. These mountains wrung out all the water from the winds blowing in from the oceans, resulting in our salty sea drying up. Thus was created a great salt flat. The continents continued to move, and the subduction zone grew, completely burying the salt flats underground.
Fast-forward 1 billion years.
The human race matures and begins exploring the planet, including drilling into a great buried salt dome. They mine it and package it for a variety of uses, including filling up plastic picnic salt shakers.
Then they put an expiration date on the package because it’ll spoil by March.
Truth be told this salt, unfooled with, will remain salt until the Sun swells up in 5 billion years and swallows Earth, at which time it will become plasma.
This takes me back about ten years when the hair-splitters at work went through our electronics lab to remove “expired” lead-tin solder. Non-flux. Just a two-metal alloy drawn into wires. Same story, will remain so until we melt them or the planet melts.
We’re conditioned to panic and throw out anything with an “end” date on it, but often-times, it’s bullshit. An exception would be sugar-free soda; one day out of warranty and it tastes like it was sweetened with potting soil.
What things have you seen with an expiration date ridiculously inscribed?
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There was a time in which HP printers would rejected “expired” ink cartridges.
I stopped recommending any HP printers after that BS.
now it’s third party cartridges they reject!
@tinamarie1974 If I ever get a chance to travel to the moon, I’ll leave a Twinkie right there on the regolith so E.T. can discover it and wonder about our civilization.
@tinamarie1974 Zombieland covers this: 45 days now. Days, not months or years.
@mollama but, but
Bottled water.
My ethical and moral sensibilities expired more than half a century ago I think.
but I’m still hanging on to what’s Left of the detritus and trying to pretend it’s the real thing
the people who deal with me are far too polite to comment within my hearing on this obviously sad situation
@f00l Perhaps they really aren’t all that polite, but your hearing has also expired.
Well, you just had to point that out, didn’t you?
/giphy I’m not listening

: )
@f00l @ThunderChicken
or maybe

I’m always amused by expiration dates on mustard and various spices that were once used for embalming.
@ThunderChicken Ground mustard should outlive most of us here.
Or maybe the people that wrote the expiration date are astrophysicists and they they know something they aren’t sharing. It is 2020, after all.
Yogurt… WTF. It’s already bad milk. You really think a few more days will hurt it. (FWIW I just ate a (oui) yogurt dated Oct 10. Tasted fine to me.)
@chienfou May I interest you in some fine cheese, er, fromage, monsieur?
@chienfou And may the Schwartz be with you and your Yogurt.
@chienfou @mike808 I don’t care how fucking runny it is. Hand it over with all speed.
I hardly ever eat most brie or camembert cheese before the use by date. It is so much better with a little ‘age’ on it. Also way better if you leave it out of the fridge awhile.
Hard cheeses just need to be ‘shaved’ a bit if they get long in the tooth…
@chienfou @mike808 I have this bad habit of accidentally leaving the meat and cheese out after making a sandwich. If more than four hours pass before discovery, I toss the meat. The cheese I throw back into the fridge, but not before sampling some because it’s so much more flavorful at room temperature.
@mike808 @ThunderChicken
fortunately a lot of sandwich meat has a built in color sensor when it goes bad… it’s a sort of shiny iridescent green color!
@chienfou @ThunderChicken
If you wait even longer (like in the back of the fridge, aka modern-day “cave aged”), you get “meat cheese”. But it just washes off.

@mike808 @ThunderChicken
there you go… saves the assembly time of using meat AND chesse!
@chienfou @mike808 @ThunderChicken
I think the kids are calling that “Toobin” these days.
Wine and spirits.
@mike808 Yeah, they get better with age. Hell, the value of a Scotch whisky skyrockets around 12 years.
I mostly ignore expiration dates. I recently found an unopened jar of apricot jam on the back of a shelf in the pantry. It had a “best by” date of 2004. The lid popped when I opened it (i.e., was still sealed). The jam is a dark brown (instead of apricot orange) but has no bad smell or taste (although it is now just kind of sweet-tart, with no discernible apricot flavor). I’ve eaten it on toast a couple of times with no ill effect.

ahhh. a man after my own heart.
@chienfou That which does not kill me
has made a grave tactical error.
@chienfou @macromeh

Seems legit. Can vouch for the same about those free condiment packs you get from fast food places that end up in some kitchen drawer or next to the butter in that compartment in the fridge for some reason.
/image expired ketchup packet
@chienfou @macromeh @mike808
Ehhhh… best not.
They put expiration dates on pure honey…
@PyroVanquisher Pasteurized honey actually can expire. Raw honey is an antibiotic and fungicide, so it will last basically forever. Pasteurized honey loses both of those qualities, just to make it be little bit easier to get out of the bottle.
In short, expiration dates on raw honey can be ignored, while expiration dates on honey that isn’t labeled as raw (which is probably Pasteurized) should still be kind of adhered to.
@Weboh Yeah, that’s kind of why I said pure…
@PyroVanquisher Pasteurized honey can still be pure, 100% honey.
I didn’t mean for it to sound like I was correcting you; I just wanted to share what I knew with other people who may be reading this.
I found something the opposite of this: A container of salsa that said “picked fresh” on it. Because all the other brands of salsa wait for the tomatoes to rot on the vine before they pick them…
“Our salsa is carefully processed in the bowels of various caterpillars…”