@katbyter Well after mehrethons it is usually something more than $100 that sells in low volume. That seems to be the case in order for them to be able to catch up on the shipping from the mehrethon. Of course they have yesterdays silly birthday sale of masks. So I guess they had the makeup day.
@fuzzmanmatt I don’t know. I have an RV and it looks pretty good. I mean there is no bluetooth speaker and it is also missing a bag of candy corn.
I will never give up on that. I still think that was one of the funniest runs meh ever head.
@kevinrs It would depend o the the amperage of the battery and the load. I would expect 3 to 4 hours for these and that’s based on probably a 2amp battery and the stated lumen.
@kevinrs The packaging says 2x 18650 Li-ion batteries. That doesn’t specify the capacity of the battery, but on the low side, they are probably around 2500 mAh each. Output is probably about 3.7 V. So, two batteries is 5 Ah…at 3.7V…18.5 Wh. A 400 Lumen LED uses about 6W, so with the two batteries at full brightness, you’ll probably get about 3 hours of light. Turn the brightness down to get more.
@Blahbbs@kevinrs@ohhwell “Replaceable” generally means “easily replaceable” - e.g., in a spring loaded battery compartment with a slide off lid, as opposed to being soldered in place and embedded inside a structure which must be cut open to service.
An example: replacing the battery pack for a cordless drill is a snap. Replacing the cells inside the battery pack - doable, but they wouldn’t be advertised as “replaceable”.
@D_a_v_e Oh well. I probably should have looked around a little more, Amazon has one that has a solar panel on it. A little more money, but that would be better during camping. Oh well. Meh.
After going through the Sanford Dam failure floods, I’ve come to appreciate anything that’s solar powered. These would’ve been worth their weight in gold here a year ago.
What’s Included?
2x Litezall Rechargeable Fold-Out Lanterns
Price Comparison
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Jul 19 - Wednesday, Jul 21
You light up my life.
@yakkoTDI you give me hope to carry on
@katbyter @yakkoTDI you light up my days?
@katbyter @mexicantacos @yakkoTDI, You Light Up My
@1DisabledWarVet @katbyter @mexicantacos @yakkoTDI It can’t be Meh, if it feels so right
@yakkoTDI said the lightening bug
Fuck, did I miss the TrackR’s?
@cinoclav Oh hell no, I’m sure they’re on track for more…
@cinoclav There are some available over at MorningSave. . 5 for $5 with extra batteries

/giphy over the head
Oh man I so need these for my trip next week.
Boy I was wrong about what they were going to sell today.
/giphy okay-i-was-wrong

@Fodder650 still sucks.
@Fodder650 and your prediction was…?
@katbyter Well after mehrethons it is usually something more than $100 that sells in low volume. That seems to be the case in order for them to be able to catch up on the shipping from the mehrethon. Of course they have yesterdays silly birthday sale of masks. So I guess they had the makeup day.
@fuzzmanmatt I don’t know. I have an RV and it looks pretty good. I mean there is no bluetooth speaker and it is also missing a bag of candy corn.
I will never give up on that. I still think that was one of the funniest runs meh ever head.
/giphy candy-corn

@Fodder650 @fuzzmanmatt and not just bags of candy corn…it was melted lumps of candy corn that people were receiving towards the end of that run!
@fuzzmanmatt @TimW Oh and this was also during their brief tactical knife thing. So they combined the two with your melted lump of candy corn one day.
/giphy melted lump

@Fodder650 @fuzzmanmatt @TimW, I still got some!!
@1DisabledWarVet @fuzzmanmatt @TimW I would probably suggest turning into a really nice smelling candle.
But is it an African swallow or a European swallow?
/youtube unladen swallow
@GenWithaG123 It’s an afroeuro.
/giphy turbulent-instrumental-orangutan

Big Death Stranding vibes, here.
@dcNate Awesome. Director’s Cut for PS5 launches Sept 24.
Forgot about the lights, where do I get that tank top?
I’m holding out for some KN95 masks
So 400 lumens. About the same as a 40 watt bulb. Not very bright. And that’s max. That means it can go lower.
That doesn’t seem like it’s very useful.
@sflesch You beat me to it. I was going to post the same comment. Not bright enough for most useful purposes.
@sflesch, I use 40 w bulbs to light up empty rooms & have 1 under my oven hood & 1 in the hallway. They aren’t good for much else.
Our 120 year old house lacks power in certain places, so I’m in! [But we do have broadband. Go figure.]
I kind of want to know how long the battery lasts, haven’t found anything yet
@kevinrs It’s a lithium battery. I’d say the age of the battery would be more useful.
@jewelshound I meant how long on a charge
@kevinrs I found the company’s business website for wholesalers. Doesn’t list any time for long the batteries would last.
@kevinrs It would depend o the the amperage of the battery and the load. I would expect 3 to 4 hours for these and that’s based on probably a 2amp battery and the stated lumen.
@kevinrs The packaging says 2x 18650 Li-ion batteries. That doesn’t specify the capacity of the battery, but on the low side, they are probably around 2500 mAh each. Output is probably about 3.7 V. So, two batteries is 5 Ah…at 3.7V…18.5 Wh. A 400 Lumen LED uses about 6W, so with the two batteries at full brightness, you’ll probably get about 3 hours of light. Turn the brightness down to get more.
@Blahbbs @kevinrs what I don’t get then is if it is 18650 cells, why do 5hey list them as non-replaceable??? That seems messed up.
@jewelshound @kevinrs Just past the 30-day return period…
@Blahbbs @kevinrs @ohhwell “Replaceable” generally means “easily replaceable” - e.g., in a spring loaded battery compartment with a slide off lid, as opposed to being soldered in place and embedded inside a structure which must be cut open to service.
An example: replacing the battery pack for a cordless drill is a snap. Replacing the cells inside the battery pack - doable, but they wouldn’t be advertised as “replaceable”.
Don’t forget its a huge 3 3/4 inch wide ?wtf…lol the size of my thumb.
@mellowirishgent You must have a big thumb
Those are folded dimensions, 5" tall, and guessing unfolded it would be closer to 10" wide?
More microUSB-powered gadgets, just what I never wanted!
“There are four lights!” is what I’d say if I bought two two-packs. But that’s too many, but two will do, so I’ll buy one.
@D_a_v_e It worked! Your order number is: elaborate-uplifted-vegetable
/image elaborate uplifted vegetable

@D_a_v_e Oh well. I probably should have looked around a little more, Amazon has one that has a solar panel on it. A little more money, but that would be better during camping. Oh well. Meh.
I could really go for 15 TrackRs and 25 KN95 masks right about now
@t0nyc0tt4m IKR?!?!
@boildkitty @t0nyc0tt4m
Well, they’ll probably be in your IRK - if you got one.
Not recommended for the doctor’s office, but it highly recommended for playing doctor.
These actually look pretty cool. Nifty idea.
After going through the Sanford Dam failure floods, I’ve come to appreciate anything that’s solar powered. These would’ve been worth their weight in gold here a year ago.
@punkynpye They are not solar powered, they’re rechargeable.
@punkynpye I’ve got a little 15W solar panel with USB output. I wonder how long it would take to charge these puppies on a reasonably sunny day?
@Blahbbs @punkynpye, I would say about 1.5-3.0 hrs unless they bark all fn night & don’t go outside to TCB!!
Oh, kk, my bad!
Thanks for the heads up!
@punkynpye ha! I just drove through Midland earlier today. Hard to believe that so much of that was under water a year ago.
That man is definitely proofreading his manifesto. It’s a good thing that light is good and bright.
Why a picture of the dude cleaning his tool?
@chiefpontiac57 It’s always important to keep your tool clean, isn’t it?
I got out the lantern that uses double As as the latest tropical weather spun up. It is nice to have and hang from the fan pull chains. Hmmm.
Amazon has something similar but theirs also charge via solar. Same price if you factor in $6 meh shipping.
@DubbaD but the one you linked on AMZ claims 2500 lumens vs Meh 400 lumens. But who knows, most cheap mfgrs just claim whatever they want anyway.
I need just one.
Make another deal with one of this item.
Do these come with a charging cord?
@montezumaz I have so many micro-USB charging cords, that I’d be good forever if I never received another one!
Looks like I could 3D print this thing and use a better lumen setup.
Has anyone figured out a mechanism for folding the bits out that isn’t “break it”?