25 lights running off of probably a couple of AA NiMH in that base with the tiny solar panel means each one is dim AF and doesn’t last the whole night right?
Video makes them look like warm white. Bullcrap. They are cool white. They will look great at someone else’s house, because I’m giving them as terrible gifts to people I don’t care for this year.
Product: 2-Pack: Chris & Peyton 25-LED Solar String Lights
Model: 768894000000
Condition: New
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, May 8 - Thursday, May 11
25 lights running off of probably a couple of AA NiMH in that base with the tiny solar panel means each one is dim AF and doesn’t last the whole night right?
Available to members only? For 30 minutes? Big whoop.
Vid from HSN
@mehkato thanks for the video
@mehkato They look super dim
Video makes them look like warm white. Bullcrap. They are cool white. They will look great at someone else’s house, because I’m giving them as terrible gifts to people I don’t care for this year.