1x 2-Pack Asobu Chill 10oz Wine Tumbler of your choice
Here’s a Fun Fact for You
While a tumbler is a drinking glass with straight sides and no handle or stem, it is also an acrobat or gymnast (especially one who performs somersaults.) Sometimes I wonder if my brain is an acrobatic tumbler, as it feels as though it’s been performing somersaults ever since that dark, dreary day–not long ago–when that man in uniform made me a cuckold.
Not to encourage potentially dangerous behavior, but I’ve seen people do the freezer thing IF you don’t fill it up all the way. leaving maybe 1/2" at the top for expansion, and IF you chill the water in the fridge and the glass in the freezer first, so the freeze time is quick, and IF you don’t put the cap on the bottom until after it freezes.
Seems like a lot of work for something that still has the chance to leave a you with a cracked and leaking wine glass.
@mtb002@therealjrn I had an uncle who raised them for fur, like in the ad, would have as more than a hundred some times. In the winter he had to bring them into the basement and we hated going over there during the holidays because of the smell … they were cute tho.
@mtb002@stolicat I’m sure they were. My daughter ran a ferret rescue. Yep…there seems to be a need for ferret rescue from dumb asses who think they are all cute but later need to get rid of them…I digress.
@blaineg aww, that’s so nice, but it is defunct now. It was just a local group she bootstrapped through networking. Currently she is concerned with rearing my grandchildren and taking care of her husband.
I was astounded at how many she got in a relatively short time.
Let me tell you, those cute little corkers stink up a joint.
@mtb002@stolicat My brother had a chinchilla in high school days. It was a cute little critter, and about 90% fluff. One was just fine, but I can imagine that a herd would get stinky.
Ours used to love getting scratched under the chin and right in front of their front arms. They’d stretch over and out almost like a dog so you could get to it. It’s like petting a cloud.
That’s it! Special chinny scratchy spot! Our male had lost most of his tail to an aggressive rabbit at the pet store, so his name was Stumpy, our female we got a few years later we named Wren. So we had Wren and Stumpy.
Two days in a row with stuff that needs to be hand washed? I think your buyers may be overestimating the amount of effort the average mehtizen wishes to put into domestic chores – There’s a reason why the early success of the former husk of this company began with the Roomba.
@shahnm@therealjrn could be the model guy in the picture or the agency guy who came up with that shot is the insensitive one - we could start a whole other argument.
@stolicat@therealjrn The guy he pushed out of the chair so he could sit in it himself and look oh so very wheelchair-chic couldn’t cross his legs. 'Cuz he didn’t have any.
@shahnm@therealjrn ouch
The kinder, gentler-Meh scenario is that he’s just resting for a moment before continuing down the street to deliver his donation to the local Vets’ hospital … after which he’ll have a nice glass of chilled wine.
@shahnm@stolicat@therealjrn people that don’t have use of their legs still cross them sometimes. They usually grab their leg with their hand and cross it over.
@goldnectar Women alkies love those wine boxes. What’s up with that? Is it they don’t rattle around in the can and give them away on trash day? The smile gives her habit away anyway BTW.
@thechinglish What? Are you suggesting putting Absolute vodka in the chilled water part? Hm, I don’t drink any more but that sounds like a two-fer right there.
wine hack… yep, that’s a good idea. Remember, “room temperature” red wine was really aimed at cooler temp room in old castles etc and wine from a wine cellar.
Did you hear about the Rabbi that did circumcisions for free…
He worked for tips.
What’s in the Box?
1x 2-Pack Asobu Chill 10oz Wine Tumbler of your choice
Here’s a Fun Fact for You
While a tumbler is a drinking glass with straight sides and no handle or stem, it is also an acrobat or gymnast (especially one who performs somersaults.) Sometimes I wonder if my brain is an acrobatic tumbler, as it feels as though it’s been performing somersaults ever since that dark, dreary day–not long ago–when that man in uniform made me a cuckold.
Price Comparison
$19.16 at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
/giphy Wine Sippy Cup

@sp3ar the more you have, the more necessary they become
@sp3ar @ybmuG

So… You’re saying I should freeze them?
@Zeusandhera For science!
Reviews look pretty bad
I heard CRACK these are CRACK great! Just pour CRACK water in LEAK bottom then just LEAK freeze it. PASS
@bugger LEAK frogs?
Not to encourage potentially dangerous behavior, but I’ve seen people do the freezer thing IF you don’t fill it up all the way. leaving maybe 1/2" at the top for expansion, and IF you chill the water in the fridge and the glass in the freezer first, so the freeze time is quick, and IF you don’t put the cap on the bottom until after it freezes.

Seems like a lot of work for something that still has the chance to leave a you with a cracked and leaking wine glass.
I miss my chinchillas
@mtb002 @stolicat Me too, until those fancy pants Fort Worth bankers stole my farm.

@mtb002 @therealjrn I had an uncle who raised them for fur, like in the ad, would have as more than a hundred some times. In the winter he had to bring them into the basement and we hated going over there during the holidays because of the smell … they were cute tho.
@mtb002 @stolicat I’m sure they were. My daughter ran a ferret rescue. Yep…there seems to be a need for ferret rescue from dumb asses who think they are all cute but later need to get rid of them…I digress.
that is all.
@mtb002 @stolicat @therealjrn I hereby request the name.
@blaineg aww, that’s so nice, but it is defunct now. It was just a local group she bootstrapped through networking. Currently she is concerned with rearing my grandchildren and taking care of her husband.
I was astounded at how many she got in a relatively short time.
Let me tell you, those cute little corkers stink up a joint.
@mtb002 @stolicat My brother had a chinchilla in high school days. It was a cute little critter, and about 90% fluff. One was just fine, but I can imagine that a herd would get stinky.
@blaineg @therealjrn
were you referring to ferrets, children, or husbands?
@blaineg @stolicat @therealjrn Beat me to it AND so much more coherently!
Heh, I’m not going to put that in writing.
@blaineg @stolicat
Ours used to love getting scratched under the chin and right in front of their front arms. They’d stretch over and out almost like a dog so you could get to it. It’s like petting a cloud.
@blaineg @mtb002

@blaineg @stolicat
That’s it! Special chinny scratchy spot! Our male had lost most of his tail to an aggressive rabbit at the pet store, so his name was Stumpy, our female we got a few years later we named Wren. So we had Wren and Stumpy.
@blaineg @mtb002 @stolicat Oh… I like that. When our daughter was little we raised a pair of hogs we named Porky and Bess.
Yeah but the model number tho!! W1N3-TH3-601N6-63T5-T0U6H
@shahnm TH3-T0U6H-DR1NK-W1N3.
@PocketBrain I now look forward to the inevitable model-numbering of the how-much-wood-would-a-woodchuck-chuck query. In its entirety.
Upside down and colorful bowling pins?
these’ll hold margaritas.
@alacrity And in a pinch, pancakes.
@alacrity @shahnm Since I couldn’t find a chinchilla with a pancake on its head, here’s a picture of a rabbit with a pancake on its head.
Two days in a row with stuff that needs to be hand washed? I think your buyers may be overestimating the amount of effort the average mehtizen wishes to put into domestic chores – There’s a reason why the early success of the former husk of this company began with the Roomba.
@ciabelle keep them filled and technically they’re still clean.
Damn fuckin’ stupidhead VMP…
/image fabulous-fashionable-reason

/giphy fabulous-fashionable-reason

@shahnm So it’s the fashion reason to cross your legs?

@shahnm @therealjrn yeah, not too many people who need a wheelchair can do that
@shahnm @stolicat I didn’t want to appear insensitive about the wheelchair. heh
@shahnm @therealjrn could be the model guy in the picture or the agency guy who came up with that shot is the insensitive one - we could start a whole other argument.
@shahnm @stolicat
@stolicat @therealjrn The guy he pushed out of the chair so he could sit in it himself and look oh so very wheelchair-chic couldn’t cross his legs. 'Cuz he didn’t have any.
@shahnm @therealjrn ouch

The kinder, gentler-Meh scenario is that he’s just resting for a moment before continuing down the street to deliver his donation to the local Vets’ hospital … after which he’ll have a nice glass of chilled wine.
Hadn’t seen the con video before.
@shahnm @stolicat @therealjrn people that don’t have use of their legs still cross them sometimes. They usually grab their leg with their hand and cross it over.
@RiotDemon @shahnm @therealjrn yes, that’s correct, and my bad for not considering that. I should add myself to the list of the insensitive …
@shahnm @stolicat @therealjrn also, forgot to mention… Not everyone in a wheelchair is paralyzed.
Does casemates really sell a different wine every day? Seems like I only get an email from them once per week…
@medz apparently the writer hasn’t checked out the site …
@medz @stolicat It sounds like he needs a glass of chilled wine.
@medz I believe the wine offerings change 4 times per week. Technically not everyday, but definitely more than once.
@medz @therealjrn they should make some sort of glass that keeps your wine nice and chilled …
wtf? no one asked for this and i am a functioning alcoholic.
@goldnectar Women alkies love those wine boxes. What’s up with that? Is it they don’t rattle around in the can and give them away on trash day? The smile gives her habit away anyway BTW.
Asobu with freezing these, and you’re
Asobu-ing with fire
huehuehues in weeb
@thechinglish What? Are you suggesting putting Absolute vodka in the chilled water part? Hm, I don’t drink any more but that sounds like a two-fer right there.
As of this post, these are selling only in North and South Dakota.
What does this imply regarding faulty wine tumblers and Dakotans?
No, seriously.
@vikkiruth It may imply something about chill and the Dakotas.
Huh… Indonesia.
That was a quick hell no…excuse me …meh no
Remember meh or that other site? I do. Where are the Roombas? Where are the Zunes? Where are the next gen leak frogs? This makes me sad.
@steffej3 where are the sansas…refurb, of course
@eeterrific @steffej3 !
could definitely go for a roomba_sansa_zune right now.
Will these work in reverse? Add hot water? You know, to keep my urine warm???
@Bumplepimp They might come in handy on those “testing” days.
WTF do I do with these? I don’t drink. Booo! I’m being discriminated against.
@Dog19026 That’s because you can’t be trusted.
I very quickly read through the forum here and saw a couple of people claim that these came with CRACK.
Count me in.
/giphy evil-ecstatic-hydrogen

I’m super late to the conversation on this topic, but I wanted to pass on a little cool wine knowledge I picked up somewhere.
Having a party? Serving wine?
Turns out…red wine taste a little better if it’s slightly chilled, and white is better if it’s a little less chilly than fridge temp.
What do you think of my tip!?
@UncleVinny Put that thing away Vin, nobody wants to see that here.
But your wine life hack does sound reasonable I suppose.
@therealjrn I’m tipping you extra for that joke.
@UncleVinny ew. lol
@therealjrn @UncleVinny
He worked for tips.
/giphy rimshot