Well...look who decided to show her ugly fucking face, Twofer Tuesday that dirty filthy temptress. She is soo filthy that I HAD to jump in on the deal to get an extra shower head for her. First Twofer in weeks, well done Meh, we'll done.
@hippiechik you must be too young to have heard the West Village folklore of Richard Gere and his habitrail of horror. The 70s were scary times, especially for domesticated rodents.
@hippiechik You may also not realize that Gere posed for Robert Mapplethorpe, and not just for portraits. There are images that include a metal plate with holes bored in it, a famous actor's scrotum/testicles, and rawhide laces holding it all together. (And those were the tame shots.).
I'm on the fence. I would like to have a few spare shower heads (two are better than one), but can't find any decent reviews on these. Are they super-cheap? Anyone have any experience with them?
this doesn't have a mist setting. for great mist, get the Waterpik LAR-563. but for $10 each, including a slinky style hose, I can't resist these. meh wins again.
@kadagan That's all I want too. The mist setting is good for kids though. The powerful settings are sometimes too powerful for them and they get scared.
OK ,Im liking this item seems like a great deal one for me one for a friend after checking mine it looks like it needs replacement hope the proper hardware comes with this lets get real 7 bucks a steal period no ifs and or buts ..ty once again MEH my friend you ROCK
@texquill I was nervous about this! I prefer to take a bath but have a wall mounted shower head & thought having a nice long hose would be great! Is everyone experiencing this?
@texquill Disappointing... did it leak at the connection or the showhead/hose itself? If the former, try re-seating the threading with some teflon tape. That usually does the trick (and make sure the gasket is present and properly seated). If the latter, I hope the warranty and/or meh will take care of that as a defective item,
@ACraigL Yes, one of the leaks was at the connection between the adapter unit and the shower line. I did re-install the teflon tape and it continued to leak. When I snugged the connection further down (by hand, and, at age 70, I'm not a powerlifter), the plastic threads snapped.
Got mine today, just installed it. First impressions, it feels really cheap. It's nickel colored cheap feeling plastic. Not just the head, even the hose, bracket, and connecting pieces feel that way. That said, I installed it, making sure the gaskets were in place (they had fallen out of place and were loose in the packaging) and wrapping the threads in teflon tape, and was glad to see that it works fine without leaks. One thing though, how do you change the spray pattern? The ribbed ring going around the outside doesn't seem to turn easily, and the thumb tab is fixed in place.
I'm in agreement with the previous reviews -- this shower head is amazingly cheap and probably not even worth it at the price as sold by Meh. And it's a good thing it was a two-pack, since the first one had a bad hose and leaked from just below the joint. I trouble-shot that for 30 minutes before I realized it. It also leaked at the connector from the pipe. Fortunately, my current connector works fine, so I put that back on as it was compatible. I had to use the hose from the second package, so this was like getting one shower head, with some spare parts for $14.
I don't think I'll impulse buy things like this again. Unless it's a known quantity, the level of disappointment and frustration is just way too high in addition to throwing away the (small amount of) money.
Yes, I'm a little bitter. Almost an hour to install a shower head and forced to Frankenstein it just to get it work properly. I sure hope the spray is satisfying once I'm in there... the actual performance of the unit still needs to be trialed.
I just tried to install the first one and man what a cheap piece of junk. I glad it was two for Tuesday, because you obviously need 2 to increase your odds of getting a working product. The spray seemed OK aside from the fact that it sprayed from both ends of the hose as well. Cheap plastic connectors, cheap hose, just all around cheap. I guess I am a victim of my own favorite saying: You get what you pay for. Please don't offer these again.
@jrelson just an update . Installed the second shower head and the same deal. This one is usable until I can get to the store to buy a working shower head. I tried to pile some teflon tape around the backend of the connectors to maybe create a better seal but this didn't work either. Again see my favorite saying above.
Guys, I got my two shower heads and both of them work great! Just follow these guidelines: 1.- HAND tighten both ends of the hose. 2.- there is a small rubber gasket included in the box, BOTH ends of the hose should have a gasket and one end is specifically designed for the shower head... I did not use teflon tape, and no leaks whatsoever... happy with the purchase
Just got around to installing my shower head. I have to say I'm really happy with it. Sure the shower head is plastic with a chrome finish but it gives me amazing water pressure! It's so much better than the Waterpik showerhead I bought for $30 a few years ago.
This product is bad, and you should feel bad. Bought these in May, and as of August 17th BOTH had become useless due to the hose bursting. I don't even have high water pressure!
Condition: New
Warranty: 5 Year Conair
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
2x Shower heads
2x 5ft hoses
2x Arm brackets
2x Teflon tape
Shower heads
T-Rex needs two because the handheld feature is useless to him
Price Comparison
$79.98 List, $50.00 for 2 at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
Yay! I've been wanting better shower heads but my husband always says no. He can't complain at this price!
@PurplePawprints a good shower head is the best investment ever. It turned my miserable shower experience into morning awesome.
Well...look who decided to show her ugly fucking face, Twofer Tuesday that dirty filthy temptress. She is soo filthy that I HAD to jump in on the deal to get an extra shower head for her. First Twofer in weeks, well done Meh, we'll done.
@studerc Damn, you can't resist!
How much "healthier" will these showerheads make me feel?
@mehgrl well...if they make you take a shower more often than once a week...
@mehgrl Well, how healthy do you feel now?
@mehgrl They will make you feel 1.67 times healthier. There was a study somewhere, but I'm too lazy to link it. Try google.
It's Monday. Guess the Meh Creek partied too hard.
@uscpsycho I know holidays are confusing, but it really is Tuesday. That doesn't change just because you have Monday off.
@uscpsycho Not on the east coast, it's not.
@uscpsycho sorry to break it to ya pal, but thanks to the long holiday weekend, its actually tueday now
@PurplePawprints Guess I'm the one who partied too hard. LOL
@uscpsycho It did throw me for a split second when I saw the two-fer, then it clicked.
Easier way to descale if they are handheld: pour vinegar into tub with drain closed. Add some water. Drop in shower head.
@MsELizardBeth similar trick with a quart freezer bag, vinegar, and a rubberband
@MsELizardBeth that also works for enhanced interrogation
Meh, why must you make it too easy??? We have two showers, this is perfect!
If installed in a two outlet shower I will get dinosaurs?
@Pufferfishy Meh
@Pufferfishy Mehby...
@spencer060 Shower.
The pitfalls of two-for: when you only need 3.
(murmurs something about $7 could've bought another ill-fitting daily Woot shirt ...)
Sigh. In for two (4). You win this round, meh.
hmmmm....why don't they show the picture of the bracket and hose??
@eeterrific they do on the 2nd pic
I've held off buying showerheads for a long time. Can't pass these up for the price.
@triciad Hope mine don't leak like the one in the video meh
@jmelones no kidding
@jmelones I'm really hoping that that one was leaking because they didn't tape it up just for a review video. I'm really, really hoping that.
@triciad That's enough to make me not buy it. Leaky shower heads are the worst.
@triciad Looks like the leaking might be normal..
@kadagan Well that sucks.
This has nothing to do with showerheads, but I want to point out that there's a nice Google doodle today.
Now, if Meh can just get me a shower curtain...

I don't get the "Richard Gere" thing...but this is what Google suggested :)
"Hey Rocky! Want me to do my Richard Gere impression?"
"Bullwinkle! Put me down! Put me mrff mffrf mrfffmm!"
@hippiechik you must be too young to have heard the West Village folklore of Richard Gere and his habitrail of horror. The 70s were scary times, especially for domesticated rodents.
@eyewerks I've heard of "fanny rats" :) I just didn't know that Richard Gere was famous for them
@hippiechik You may also not realize that Gere posed for Robert Mapplethorpe, and not just for portraits. There are images that include a metal plate with holes bored in it, a famous actor's scrotum/testicles, and rawhide laces holding it all together. (And those were the tame shots.).
@hippiechik Or for those in the Philly area, Jerry Penacoli...
How do you embed a youtube video? I found one of the showerhead.
Embed. Embath. Embeyond.
@triciad post the URL and mediocrebot does the rest!
@TerriblyHuang Thank you. I posted it above in my first comment.
Okay, okay, I get the hint, I'll take a damn shower.
damn. i thought it was shower head. just one less 's' and i would've been all over this deal!
@labellyy You'd prefer only one shower head over two shower heads? You obviously don't have a shower stall built for three.
@cinoclav no, no. i prefer "shower head". like the sexual kind. you know. blowjob
@labellyy Uh yeah, I got that. Apparently you didn't. I was suggesting two bj's are better than one...
Is this shower head the same as the Pollenex one here: http://www.amazon.com/Pollenex-PNHPM5SR-Microban-Handheld-Shower/dp/B008HZNL2E
They have the same model number.
Also looks like walmart used to sell this model for ~15 bucks: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Conair-PNHPM5SR-Handheld-Showerhead-5-Settings-Accs/41086009
Bought this because my bed-bath-beyond shower head has broken water holes. You win meh.
Nice. My shower head needs descaling. It's spraying in all different directions. This is much easier.
I bought something like these. They are just cheap plastic painted silver.
@Lazarpandar seriously? you got sleepytime-gorilla-museum?
EXACTLY what I need!
@donkeynuts That gif needs to be longer. Much, much longer.

@cengland0 Touché
These look nice.

twice as useful as that "portable shower" deal
The images for my legible-nebulous-yoke are stultifyingly boring, so Giancarlo. And it contains water.
@OldCatLady That definitely works for me!
I'm on the fence. I would like to have a few spare shower heads (two are better than one), but can't find any decent reviews on these. Are they super-cheap? Anyone have any experience with them?
@ACraigL Meh, for $14 I'm in. absent-obscene-pie
this doesn't have a mist setting. for great mist, get the Waterpik LAR-563. but for $10 each, including a slinky style hose, I can't resist these. meh wins again.
@uwacn Honest question.. Why would someone want a mist setting on a shower head? All I ever want is a "ripping your flesh off" power setting.
@kadagan That's all I want too. The mist setting is good for kids though. The powerful settings are sometimes too powerful for them and they get scared.
@Prizeless I guess that makes sense.. I got one of these that my son loves!
Rinse Ace 3801 My Own Shower Children's Showerhead with 3-Foot Quick-Connect/Detachable Hose and Blowfish Character https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00477SCWU/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_AGqzvb1K4VP3X
OK ,Im liking this item seems like a great deal one for me one for a friend after checking mine it looks like it needs replacement hope the proper hardware comes with this lets get real 7 bucks a steal period no ifs and or buts ..ty once again MEH my friend you ROCK
Wait one for me and one in the closet till the first one gets odd looking ..haha
I'm (perhaps strangely) proud that no one in Vermont bought the shower heads. We go our own way again.
@sligett i hear people in vermont are too busy eating cheese and tipping cows
@sligett Perhaps people in Vermont don't take showers?
It’s odd to feel this way about shower heads, but...
Arrived yesterday. Installed one last night. Used it this morning. Absolute P.O.S. - cheap plastic that leaks profusely.
@texquill I was nervous about this! I prefer to take a bath but have a wall mounted shower head & thought having a nice long hose would be great! Is everyone experiencing this?
@texquill 'cheap plastic' what about the specs of "Nickel finish"?
@texquill Disappointing... did it leak at the connection or the showhead/hose itself? If the former, try re-seating the threading with some teflon tape. That usually does the trick (and make sure the gasket is present and properly seated). If the latter, I hope the warranty and/or meh will take care of that as a defective item,
@ACraigL Yes, one of the leaks was at the connection between the adapter unit and the shower line. I did re-install the teflon tape and it continued to leak. When I snugged the connection further down (by hand, and, at age 70, I'm not a powerlifter), the plastic threads snapped.
@fjp999 "Nickel finish" is a thin coating on top of the plastic part.
@texquill I had the leak at the hose and adapter. I was able to put an o-ring on the hose where the chrome starts and the leak is gone.
Got mine today, just installed it.
First impressions, it feels really cheap. It's nickel colored cheap feeling plastic. Not just the head, even the hose, bracket, and connecting pieces feel that way.
That said, I installed it, making sure the gaskets were in place (they had fallen out of place and were loose in the packaging) and wrapping the threads in teflon tape, and was glad to see that it works fine without leaks.
One thing though, how do you change the spray pattern? The ribbed ring going around the outside doesn't seem to turn easily, and the thumb tab is fixed in place.
I'm in agreement with the previous reviews -- this shower head is amazingly cheap and probably not even worth it at the price as sold by Meh. And it's a good thing it was a two-pack, since the first one had a bad hose and leaked from just below the joint. I trouble-shot that for 30 minutes before I realized it. It also leaked at the connector from the pipe. Fortunately, my current connector works fine, so I put that back on as it was compatible. I had to use the hose from the second package, so this was like getting one shower head, with some spare parts for $14.
I don't think I'll impulse buy things like this again. Unless it's a known quantity, the level of disappointment and frustration is just way too high in addition to throwing away the (small amount of) money.
Yes, I'm a little bitter. Almost an hour to install a shower head and forced to Frankenstein it just to get it work properly. I sure hope the spray is satisfying once I'm in there... the actual performance of the unit still needs to be trialed.
I just tried to install the first one and man what a cheap piece of junk. I glad it was two for Tuesday, because you obviously need 2 to increase your odds of getting a working product. The spray seemed OK aside from the fact that it sprayed from both ends of the hose as well. Cheap plastic connectors, cheap hose, just all around cheap. I guess I am a victim of my own favorite saying: You get what you pay for. Please don't offer these again.
@jrelson just an update . Installed the second shower head and the same deal. This one is usable until I can get to the store to buy a working shower head. I tried to pile some teflon tape around the backend of the connectors to maybe create a better seal but this didn't work either. Again see my favorite saying above.
Guys, I got my two shower heads and both of them work great!
Just follow these guidelines:
1.- HAND tighten both ends of the hose.
2.- there is a small rubber gasket included in the box, BOTH ends of the hose should have a gasket and one end is specifically designed for the shower head...
I did not use teflon tape, and no leaks whatsoever...
happy with the purchase
Just got around to installing my shower head. I have to say I'm really happy with it. Sure the shower head is plastic with a chrome finish but it gives me amazing water pressure! It's so much better than the Waterpik showerhead I bought for $30 a few years ago.
Where the hose connects to the pipe, it ripped open. Dead already.
@alahser The warranty information is in the top post of every thread - check there to see who to contact about your dead shower head.
This product is bad, and you should feel bad.
Bought these in May, and as of August 17th BOTH had become useless due to the hose bursting. I don't even have high water pressure!
@Grimmloch -
You can be sure meh wouldn't sell defective items on purpose. I'm certain they do feel bad about these shower heads.
@KDemo One does get what they pay for! And I figure they don't so much feel bad, as kinda feel meh.