@Kidsandliz What started it was the 3D printer we got in January from a link to woot shared here. I put that together two Saturdays ago and the only safe place was in our bedroom (cats). But I can’t run it in there. And the box was off of my sewing machine (which had a light up tree in a box we got at costco ten years ago on it before that-I had recently moved that to the garage). Sewing machine accessible and functioning, i went into the junk room for my sewing notions and decided something had to be done because I had a hard time getting to them.
That room hadn’t been cleaned in years. You know junk drawers? That was a junk room. Didn’t feel like folding laundry? In the room. Boxes of meh and woot stuff i had no use for? Speaker docks. Lots of speaker docks. Into the room. I took before and after photos.
So now the 3D printer has a dedicated area, I can get on the exercise bike, Brian can do his ab exercises, with room to spare (video on little tv). And I don’t dread looking in there.
I bet the streak for dumping stuff in there was longer than my streak here. lol!
Okay, I’m not proud of what it was. And I still need to go through the stuff under the tables, but I’m not really concerned about that right now. As soon as we figure a place to get rid of our Encyclopedia Britannica and the ten annual volumes after those (got it when we were first married), I’ll have a go at the things under the tables (like electric hair style things that never worked, fine (thin) hair doesn’t hold curl well)).
But for now, the things that need to be accessible are accessible.
Sunday, April 26 (the day after I put the 3D printer together) - this is a junk drawer times a million
Sunday, May 3 - now we’re talkin’ (and missing a meh button click; I was so tired that I didn’t double check at 8:30 that night that I’d clicked it…I was fast asleep). See the 3D printer? After I get the telescope put together (a Meade 4504, yeah it’s old, but it’s brand new! and sleeping on the futon in the living room, under a nice thick quilt), I’ll learn me that 3D printer and make a whistle.
Monday, May 4 - I asked my husband how it felt, finally getting back to the ab thing (it really helps his back). His response? “It was weird, it was like I was in this really big room…” I had stuff piled against that storage cabinet. Half of my sewing stuff. The other half was shoved under the table in the first picture. (Speaker dock alert on the table.)
So, am I disappointed my streak ended? Yeah. But hey, look at what an improvement in that room. No longer an embarrassment. And a room without cats or dogs. Yes!
Thanks, on behalf of us all, for taking on this terrible task, and for making this dangerous sacrifice, which will cost you precious “free time set aside for chores”.
Sometimes we just allow that sort of thing (failure of regular order-keeping habits) to happen.
Esp during stressful and “life change” situations. And, after a family loss like the one you mentioned, many people have not only the terrible grieving and the various personal, financial, and legal stuff do deal with; many experience a major loss of energy and that takes years to get past and some “personal perspective” changes that also simply take energy and lots and lots of time.
It’s cool if that happens.
It’s also cool that most people eventually start to pick up the pieces.
@lisaviolet I meant to ask - that is an impressive collection of - what are they - CD’s? Many years ago a friend of mine’s dad did a radio show for public radio and they had the entire family room turned into a vinyl record shelving area. I was envious that they had so many records they could likely listen to whatever it was they wanted to listen to regardless when they wanted to listen to it and not have to wait for it to come around on the radio. Nice.
Is the end of the streak a good thing or a cause for dismay?
@chienfou Well, I’m kinda sad, but I won’t worry about it now. I won’t start another one.

Well clean is good… but so sad though about your pretty impressive, incredible streak.
@Kidsandliz What started it was the 3D printer we got in January from a link to woot shared here. I put that together two Saturdays ago and the only safe place was in our bedroom (cats). But I can’t run it in there. And the box was off of my sewing machine (which had a light up tree in a box we got at costco ten years ago on it before that-I had recently moved that to the garage). Sewing machine accessible and functioning, i went into the junk room for my sewing notions and decided something had to be done because I had a hard time getting to them.
That room hadn’t been cleaned in years. You know junk drawers? That was a junk room. Didn’t feel like folding laundry? In the room. Boxes of meh and woot stuff i had no use for? Speaker docks. Lots of speaker docks. Into the room. I took before and after photos.
So now the 3D printer has a dedicated area, I can get on the exercise bike, Brian can do his ab exercises, with room to spare (video on little tv). And I don’t dread looking in there.
I bet the streak for dumping stuff in there was longer than my streak here. lol!
@lisaviolet I believe there is someone who was complaining about a lack of speaker docks. Perhaps you could work out a deal? (grin).
Sounds like it was a lot of work to accomplish that. But now what excuse will you use not to use the exercise bikes?
@Kidsandliz I will use the exercise bike now that I can get to it. Easy on the back.
I’m not sure if condolences or congratulations are in order. Let me know.
DAMN! 4.24 years of clicks in a row?!?! I was excited that today I made it to 250 for the first time!
@tohar1 That’s a great start.
Okay, I’m not proud of what it was. And I still need to go through the stuff under the tables, but I’m not really concerned about that right now. As soon as we figure a place to get rid of our Encyclopedia Britannica and the ten annual volumes after those (got it when we were first married), I’ll have a go at the things under the tables (like electric hair style things that never worked, fine (thin) hair doesn’t hold curl well)).
But for now, the things that need to be accessible are accessible.
Sunday, April 26 (the day after I put the 3D printer together) - this is a junk drawer times a million

Sunday, May 3 - now we’re talkin’ (and missing a meh button click; I was so tired that I didn’t double check at 8:30 that night that I’d clicked it…I was fast asleep). See the 3D printer? After I get the telescope put together (a Meade 4504, yeah it’s old, but it’s brand new! and sleeping on the futon in the living room, under a nice thick quilt), I’ll learn me that 3D printer and make a whistle.

Monday, May 4 - I asked my husband how it felt, finally getting back to the ab thing (it really helps his back). His response? “It was weird, it was like I was in this really big room…” I had stuff piled against that storage cabinet. Half of my sewing stuff. The other half was shoved under the table in the first picture. (Speaker dock alert on the table.)

So, am I disappointed my streak ended? Yeah. But hey, look at what an improvement in that room. No longer an embarrassment. And a room without cats or dogs. Yes!
Decluttering is a v worthy achievement.
I hope your success inspires me to follow up on my projects.

Nice work, very nice @lisaviolet. You are giving me incentive to, uh… take a nap.
@Barney @lisaviolet
Take that nap!
It’s a necessary job, so gut up already. You gotta do this!
@f00l Yes, someone has to do it, so I might as well volunteer.
@Barney @lisaviolet
You are brave.
Thanks, on behalf of us all, for taking on this terrible task, and for making this dangerous sacrifice, which will cost you precious “free time set aside for chores”.
@f00l I have a really hard time understanding how this even happened. How I ever let it get that bad.
Maybe it was after my mom died. I don’t know. But it’s done now.
It’s a huge relief. If you need a cheering section, let me know. I shared the before picture so people would realize that it can happen to anyone.
@Barney Naps are streak killers. You know that, don’t you?
Sometimes we just allow that sort of thing (failure of regular order-keeping habits) to happen.
Esp during stressful and “life change” situations. And, after a family loss like the one you mentioned, many people have not only the terrible grieving and the various personal, financial, and legal stuff do deal with; many experience a major loss of energy and that takes years to get past and some “personal perspective” changes that also simply take energy and lots and lots of time.
It’s cool if that happens.
It’s also cool that most people eventually start to pick up the pieces.
Yep, you’re right. I know I wouldn’t want to end my one day in a row streak.
@lisaviolet I meant to ask - that is an impressive collection of - what are they - CD’s? Many years ago a friend of mine’s dad did a radio show for public radio and they had the entire family room turned into a vinyl record shelving area. I was envious that they had so many records they could likely listen to whatever it was they wanted to listen to regardless when they wanted to listen to it and not have to wait for it to come around on the radio. Nice.
@Kidsandliz Yes, CDs. On the other side of the room, I have the Disney flavored CDs. (You can kind of see them in the second photo, on the right.)
I do have vinyl, in the closet in that room.
All of them pre-marriage. 1985. The entire top shelf, six feet? (which Brian reinforced) is vinyl.
@lisaviolet So do you ever leave your back door unlocked when you aren’t home? I’m, ah, asking for a friend
@Kidsandliz “when you aren’t home”…what does this even mean?
“when you aren’t home”?
@lisaviolet - a joke, apparently a bad one, sneaking in to listen to/enjoy your collection.
@Kidsandliz The joke is i’ve hated leaving the house for about twenty years now. I don’t unless it’s absolutely necessary.
And since brian started his current business from home, he hates leaving, too. He used to leave at the drop of a hat, now he dreads going out.
@Kidsandliz @lisaviolet
I hope you two and the pup still go for walks!
I’m always sad when my record breaking streaks of 3 end, my condolences.