Chicago area sales for this are HIGH. I don't back things up on the cloud OR on any other device... Maybe i should start storing my grad school work somewhere other than my laptop.... Maybe.
@shortman exactly! The worst part is it's just so damn boring. It just makes me What's next a speaker bar or a pentium refurb desktop. Come on Meh, get sexy- I want something interesting like chainsaws that shoot fireworks! Make it happen!!
@CrossIT yes. Why would i make up something that incredibly dull? I do own a few flash drives but they're for putting Powerpoints on the smart board... And i used my external hard drive once when i quit a former job.
@JonT I'm just lucky that he's understanding most of the time. I don't spend money anywhere else, so he usually doesn't say too much. I thought I was in for it when I bought three sets of the walkie-talkies after being told not to buy anything for two weeks. I got lucky and our tax refund hit the next day! Saved by the IRS!
@bakeyoural No kidding, right? It's not something I thought I'd ever say. I'm still a little bitter that homeownership didn't give us the higher refund we expected, but I guess we're still lucky to get a refund at all.
@PurplePawprints I'll be shocked if we don't owe this year. We owe every year. But we did have another kid in October so there's hope? Meh-level hope, but hope nonetheless.
Eh, I'll snag one. It never hurts to have one of these around, and my biggest handy usb is a 2gb stick from Princeton's aerospace department, so I might as well.
I'm a little uncomfortable with all this talk about my "cloud", Meh. Perhaps your HR department offers some sensitivity training. Mind your manners or I will kick you in your "cloud".
@G1 Ya after looking it up I think if I was to buy one I'd go for the $35 PNY 128gb. PNY isn't the fastest or best around but when it comes to memory sticks and such I've never had one fail, including the one I have plugged into my van radio for 2 years when it is sub zero in winter and over 100 in summer.
@WilhelmScreamer USB 3 is backward and forward compatible with USB 2, so you can still use it with everything you have but USB 3 is a lot faster (only when used with a USB 3 host, it's the same as USB 2 on a USB 2 host). USB 2 was something like 450mbps, USB 3 is 5gbps.
"@brhfl backwords compatibility?"... sadly, the USB 3.0 connection is still unidirectional - can only insert it one way. Have to wait for USB 4.0 for Apple Lightning connector-like reversibility.
@dashcloud Truly amazing we had to wait this long to finally fix an erogonamic mess that frustrates everyone everytime they connect a USB device. 'Seems so obvious in hindsight.
@RedOak I never got this problem. The USB logo is nearly universally on the same side of just about everything. Look once, figure out the orientation, stop caring.
@editorkid so you don't see the benefit? And if you were designing the standard up front you would not make it direction-ambivalent? That feature was a nice step forward for the Lightning connector.
@RedOak Well sure, the benefit is that something stupid easy will be stupider easy. It doesn't hurt to add it, so I'm not bitching about it. I'm just amazed that anyone thinks it's a problem after what, 15 years?
@patrickgill4 If you carve a USB shaped hole into your iPhone with one of the knives I'm sure you've recently procured, then yes, you can "plug" it in.
I own a 128gig USB3.0 drive from another, better known brand for $50. I barely use it though, I usually use the 4gig slimline 2.0 one that fits in my wallet easily.
It supports USB 3.0 but doesn't read/write anywhere near its limitations. Not only that but it is a cheaply built thumb drive. As a techie I say don't buy this, you can get vastly superior ones for +$15
@hamjudo Dunno. I've got Centon thumb drives, SD cards, micro SD cards, they all work. I'm not saying there's no junk. Maybe things sucked early on and now all people ever see are bad reviews and think they're junk. Maybe I somehow got lucky. Dunno. I bought two.
I wouldn't give the fuzz off the bottom of my nutsack for this drive. Centon is shit. It's always been shit. I've made a mistake buying their USB drives before. Look at online reviews regarding these. I am ashamed that Meh is even offering this, this is the kind of bullshit that woot has now.
This is the first thing I bought from meh. You guys can thank the free shipping from that free vip membership you offered for the new year for pushing me over the edge.
@Lister You've had free shipping for over a month and you're just now buying something? I can't seem to go a week without buying things here. @unixrab would be proud. Or surprised and confused that his vmp theory was wrong for you. Or something.
@PurplePawprints On the contrary - It proves the point that VMP is a gateway drug to buying things you normally wouldn't buy. I hope @lister sees this and does not continue PAYING for VMP. It's mere presence is dangerous.
@unixrab I disagree. If this were true, lister would have bought something much sooner. Instead, s/he waited until something was put up that s/he really wanted. For me, vmp is definitely the gateway you speak of, but I'm okay with that. This person has proved that there are exceptions to your rule, that's all.
@unixrab Gateway drug ... "well, it all started with the first sample from meh. Then it continued. And next thing we know, he's into annual warehouse memberships. And next we find out, some high dollar cut now with the promise of free 2-day shipping and videos on demand. WHERE DID IT ALL GO SO WRONG?!?!"
@PurplePawprints To be honest, there aren't many things on Meh that interest me. Junk is junk, even if shipping is free. But there have been other instances where I would have bought something here but it was sold out before I woke up. Not the knife, though. I still don't know how that thing sold out so fast. And @unixrab, I probably won't keep the VMP upgrade when it expires. Not to say I won't ever consider it again, but who knows when I will really want something offered here again. It could be months, or days. I will probably just bite the bullet and pay the shipping at the rate I buy stuff on here. The products are secondary to the entertainment and that is what makes this site work, anyway.
@SydBeckman Some folks (most notably @unixrab) choose not to buy VMP, so they pay shipping, and there's folks who are charged tax if the state they live in requires it.
@avidone Well, I haven't received any further reply from Centon in more than 10 days so I'm going to contest the charge. Sent notice to meh but they as well haven't replied to 3 emails past the first 'it's dead Jim' email. I'm not batman and this drive is not my ward.
So there can be no reasonable expectation that something bought from meh.Com is actually fictional and what it says it is? Centon tell me to ask for Exchange from the vendor. Will now have to jump through who knows how many hoops to get this issue addressed. We are not talking about a USB stick that ever worked on arrival, not for even one minute. Selling non-functional electronics then not taking responsibility is really not cool. In Europe it is illegal. I guess here a vendor hasuch no responsibility? Even so, this is the first time I have been told by a vendor they would not replace a DOA. How much defective merchandise is actually sent out by meh?
@avidone You may have already done this, but send a note (or a follow-up) here: They'll get back to you and work it out for you.
@avidone As @dashcloud mentioned up there, contact support at and we'll work through it with you. We do take responsibility for our broken crap.
@avidone Most electronics I buy come in the manufacturer's package. I don't expect retailers to open every package and test the product. Honestly, in this country, I think most people would object to receiving opened boxes when they buy new electronics.
@nadroj my point is not that all things should be checked. My point is that an item that is DOA should be replaced by the vendor, without having to jump hoops with the manufacturer. This is what customer "support" said to me when I wrote about a refund or replacement:
I’d reach out to Centon and if they can troubleshoot first. Since your drive comes with a lifetime warranty from Centon, they can get a replacement sent out to you if is necessary. You can call them at 800-9-CENTON (800-923-6866) or contact through their website. When you talk to them let them know you purchased from A Mediocre Corporation. If you need a proof of purchase you can use a screenshot of the My Orders page. Let us know how it goes.
what Centon said was this: In reply to your inquiry " Centon Electronics, Inc.: 128gb USB DOA": If possible, please exchange through the merchant from which the product was purchased. Exchange through the merchant should be faster and more convenient that exchange under warranty. Centon cannot refund your purchase. Only the merchant that collected payment from you can refund your purchase, in accordance with their return policies. If you cannot exchange the product through the merchant, follow the instruction below to begin a warranty claim.
I filled out Centon's online form and am waiting to see what happens next. I just think this is a lot of hassle to go through for replacement or refund of a DOA, something which was pretty straightforward with any other vendor, eg. Amazon or Woot, when I had similar issues in the past
@avidone I guess I'm missing how a retailer could know a product is DOA without individually testing each one, or how/why anybody other than the manufacturer is responsible for a NIB defective product.
Different retailers offer different levels of customer service. For example, there are stories of Nordstrom accepting returns on products they didn't sell to make customers happy. They also often charge higher prices on the products they do sell. Maybe there's a connection there.
@avidone Been > 10 days since I filled out their form with no further response. I've notified meh and centon that I will dispute the charge with my CC company if I don't hear anything further (and I haven't)
@notmsn I have got a couple other responses from meh, but still no return authorization from them or from centon. Do you know what the limits are on disputing a charge. I don't want to have to do this, but I am really getting ticked off now.
so did everybody else get a functional drive? like, functional for more than a few minutes? after much hassle, I got a replacement for my original DOA drive and it (only sorta) worked for a few minutes, crashed, needed reformatting, etc. and on the third iteration could not be read in any way (the wee led would sometimes flash once while plugging or unplugging). In all the years that USB keys have been a thing, all the ones I have had worked fine (speed sometimes an issue, sure, but they worked). How come I get two duds in a row from these guys?
Condition: New
Warranty: Lifetime Centon
Estimated Delivery: 2/12 - 2/16
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x USB flash drive
The drive
With cap
Retail packaging
Volume 1 of 7
Price Check
$89.99 List, $85.71 at Amazon
$59.99 at Microcenter
Note the difference between USB 2.0 and 3.0 when checking other prices
90 days
@mediocrebot Am I at Woot!???? Meh
Woot has it for $34.99 +s/h
Chicago area sales for this are HIGH.
I don't back things up on the cloud OR on any other device... Maybe i should start storing my grad school work somewhere other than my laptop.... Maybe.
@shortman exactly! The worst part is it's just so damn boring. It just makes me What's next a speaker bar or a pentium refurb desktop. Come on Meh, get sexy- I want something interesting like chainsaws that shoot fireworks! Make it happen!!
@MsELizardBeth really?
@MsELizardBeth You're playing with fire if you're not backing your grad school stuff up somewhere.
@CrossIT yes. Why would i make up something that incredibly dull?
I do own a few flash drives but they're for putting Powerpoints on the smart board... And i used my external hard drive once when i quit a former job.
@Superjimtendo There will be fireworks if you shoot running chainsaws at power lines...
What happens when a bunch of smelly pricks get together to offer you something stupid as shit??? This.
@MsELizardBeth laptop crashing would be more dull.. If you lost grad work
@Kidsandliz I am totally including a chainsaw-shooting gun in my Sharknado 3 fan-fic.
@MsELizardBeth Sony?
@jqubed meh. I do most of my assignments the day they are due anyway. I like living on the edge.
Lame and Meh!
@eric780 ok, it's almost funny again.
Thanks Meh.
this is awesome. Always looking for bigger flash drives to move my animations to and from the labs!
Goodnight and good meh
i was intrigued until I saw the name thanks.
@wyk3d why?
@BootlegCraig Shitty reputation. Look at the reviews for their other flash memory products.
@BootlegCraig Because they stop working - for 2.0 half the people who reviewed that complained about the same thing - quits being recognized
Yay, two days in a row where there's no temptation to buy! Thank you, Meh! You just might not destroy my marriage after all!
@PurplePawprints This.
@PurplePawprints Eh! Buy it anyway.
@PurplePawprints aww man, if we're not destroying marriages we're not doing our jobs.
@givemeyoursoul They're selling quickly, so we may be in the minority. But hey, our marriages are safe for another day!
@PurplePawprints I emphatically second that. My wife has repeatedly said "What did you buy from Meh this time?"
@marvelljones Your wife doesn't understand awesome. I mean meh.
@JonT I'm just lucky that he's understanding most of the time. I don't spend money anywhere else, so he usually doesn't say too much. I thought I was in for it when I bought three sets of the walkie-talkies after being told not to buy anything for two weeks. I got lucky and our tax refund hit the next day! Saved by the IRS!
@PurplePawprints I'm having a hard time processing that last statement: "Saved by the IRS."
@bakeyoural No kidding, right? It's not something I thought I'd ever say. I'm still a little bitter that homeownership didn't give us the higher refund we expected, but I guess we're still lucky to get a refund at all.
@PurplePawprints Well, all the better for us. we can boast of our willpower resisting such a popular item.
@TheCO2 i have the same problem as @purplepawprints ... Maybe you should buy one for each of us.
@PurplePawprints I'll be shocked if we don't owe this year. We owe every year. But we did have another kid in October so there's hope? Meh-level hope, but hope nonetheless.
@MsELizardBeth What makes you think I have money?
@PurplePawprints what's lucky about giving the government a 0% loan?
Needs more Speed.
@okaytodd this. I got a PNY 128GB USB3 from newegg for $35 and its 3x as fast as this one. meh
@Nemesis158 Do you have a link to that PNY deal?
@cengland0 here is one the $35 usb3.0 is no where i can find at the moment. I an the other hand have had great speed and trust
@CrossIT Thanks but both of those links are $40. I'd prefer a PNY too but for $10 more, that's an increase of 33% over the one Meh is offering.
@cengland0 well i tried .. Just keep an eye on kinja dealzmodo it comes up periodically
@Nemesis158 I was about to type in almost the same words.
@CrossIT I never heard of this place. thanks. I'll put it in my daily stops. oh that was to @cengland0
@wew yeah but sharing is caring
@cengland0 it was this one -index--Item-_-20-178-689"> but its currently at $50. just keep an eye out it might go back at some point
That review was helpful... :|
I think I want it but it doesn't look like it will last very long. Can anyone vouch for durability?
@JTrilogy It's not durability that you should be concerned about; rather, it's reliability. And that isn't a strong point with this brand.
@JTrilogy The previous Centon models had issues with being randomly write protected - as in you can't write anything to the drive anymore.
Seems like a cheaply made one. Lots of reviews for the same brand say it stopped working after a few weeks. Meh.
I don't think this is baby arm compatible. For that alone, meh.
sold cut-kept-fighter
At least it's not a speaker dock...
I one solitary review on Amazon is not to be missed.
@okaytodd That was an amazing review, too.
I could save my whole life on this flash drive.
...or 1/4 of my music.
@TheCO2 1/3 of mine ...that sounds tempting but meh
Can't remember when was the last time I needed a flash drive. I usually transfer files across the network or via online storage nowadays.
I see these Centon USB flash drives on deal sites all the time, what is the problem with them? Are they defective, slow or just plain cheap?
@UncleMel All of the above. Cheap, slow, and unreliable.
Big furry balls plopped menacingly on a table.
You could always try and substitute an SSD with these....
@billymayfield even at 3.0 speeds you'd never reach SSD speeds if I'm not mistaken
@billymayfield what would the name for one if those be?
@billymayfield Not with these shit drives, the read/write speeds are worthless.
@thekenya USB hub. You could set up four drives in RAID 0 and have one drive, but it won't be as quick as an internal SSD.
@The_Baron Ah yes, RAID 0… the 0 stands for the likelihood that you won't lose everything in a spectacular and tragic failure!
@Nexar You could come close. SATA II is 6gbps and USB 3 is 5gbps. The bottleneck is on the drive itself for its read/write speed, though.
Double meh. Had a Centon 32 GB one, admittedly usb2 from years ago and it was s...l...o....w......
I've got about 30 usb drives and a couple of external disk!
Eh, I'll snag one. It never hurts to have one of these around, and my biggest handy usb is a 2gb stick from Princeton's aerospace department, so I might as well.
@Jamileigh17 Same here, though a different university.
@Jamileigh17 I have a flash drive I got at a university in Boston. Well, near Boston. Not Tufts.
@njd shut up, twofer
@njd MIT?, The College of Auto Musicology? (Located in Cambridge, Just off Harvard Square)
I'm a little uncomfortable with all this talk about my "cloud", Meh. Perhaps your HR department offers some sensitivity training. Mind your manners or I will kick you in your "cloud".
Something I could actually use, but not for $30 right now. I spent way too much tonight on nachos.
@Outofmehmind Apparently, the nachos probably lasted longer.
@G1 Ya after looking it up I think if I was to buy one I'd go for the $35 PNY 128gb. PNY isn't the fastest or best around but when it comes to memory sticks and such I've never had one fail, including the one I have plugged into my van radio for 2 years when it is sub zero in winter and over 100 in summer.
Meh. A few bucks more gets you a better stick at the same size that transfers files at a much faster rate.
I'd rather have a 1TB external drive. AMZN shows a nice one, USB 3.0, for about $85. Meh.
@OldCatLady Make it a 4TB (or larger!), and I'm all in.
@haydesigner That could be a couple years, but I'm betting we see one.
@OldCatLady Because we all want Meh to become Amazon's dumping ground...
this description and poll are made much much better when using the Cloud to Butt extension in Chrome (That should be C-l-o-u-d to Butt, in case this shows up as butt to butt). See for more details, but basically it replaces "my butt" with "my butt" (and "butt" with "butt" and a few other things) when viewing web pages.
Given that meh is meh... I had to verify that it was the extension doing it and not meh itself.
@baqui63 you win
@baqui63 This is incredible
@baqui63 best extension.
@baqui63 Brilliant.
@Thumperchick Correction: mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Theory: Meh doesn't want us to buy anything for a while, so they can catch up from the neoprene and fukus.
Is this an Internet of Thing?
My current flash drives are failing and need replacement, but I know nothing of usb 3.0
@WilhelmScreamer It's one better than 2.0. Any other questions?
@brhfl backwords compatibility?
@WilhelmScreamer USB 3 is backward and forward compatible with USB 2, so you can still use it with everything you have but USB 3 is a lot faster (only when used with a USB 3 host, it's the same as USB 2 on a USB 2 host). USB 2 was something like 450mbps, USB 3 is 5gbps.
"@brhfl backwords compatibility?"... sadly, the USB 3.0 connection is still unidirectional - can only insert it one way. Have to wait for USB 4.0 for Apple Lightning connector-like reversibility.
@RedOak It's actually USB 3.1, and it could actually be here this year:
@dashcloud Truly amazing we had to wait this long to finally fix an erogonamic mess that frustrates everyone everytime they connect a USB device. 'Seems so obvious in hindsight.
@RedOak I never got this problem. The USB logo is nearly universally on the same side of just about everything. Look once, figure out the orientation, stop caring.
@editorkid so you don't see the benefit? And if you were designing the standard up front you would not make it direction-ambivalent? That feature was a nice step forward for the Lightning connector.
@RedOak Well sure, the benefit is that something stupid easy will be stupider easy. It doesn't hurt to add it, so I'm not bitching about it. I'm just amazed that anyone thinks it's a problem after what, 15 years?
@editorkid 'Happy to amaze you.
Can I plug this into my iphone? guys??
@patrickgill4 I'm pretty sure not.
@patrickgill4 If you carve a USB shaped hole into your iPhone with one of the knives I'm sure you've recently procured, then yes, you can "plug" it in.
@bakeyoural Great recommendation. I'm definitely buying one, now.
@patrickgill4 'Not sure why you'd want to, but yes, you can plug it into "guys".
Exactly the sort of thing I've been hoping for. Thanks, meh. And on my last day as goat. That makes me feel special. Like this guy.
@joelmw Who said it was your last day? :P
@narfcake I did. Right up there. I guess it's my fault you didn't notice. 😜
@joelmw Osprey--aka "fish eagle" or "sea hawk."
Is that last picture one of those selfie-sticks everyone is talking about?
Too small, too slow. Would buy if it was 1 TB and 8.0.
Where's my Roomba, eh???
@w00tazn COOL!
This has to be the best product text ever.
For those who don't get it....
Not even worth a meh
I impulse bought it and then realized just how cheap quality usb drives have become at faster speeds than this, and canceled.
@andrewpatrick The hour of power
It is USB 3.0, but the read/write is half the speed of decent drives. Meh.
Stick it in your ..
@satih .. USB 3.0 port
@cengland0 Or 3.1, 2.0, or 1.1… hooray for backward compatibility!
There's only two noteable clouds I'm aware of:
Glow Clouds
and Body-spray clouds
and neither one of them is relevant.
@Chops Does Hypnotoad live in The Glow Cloud?
Now re-read the page substituting all instances of the words "the cloud' with "my butt", and attempt to stifle your laughter.
Better yet, Install the Chrome Cloud to Butt browser extension, and skip the imagining.
$20 more and double the read speed and more than double the write speed.
If you don't need the space, go for a 64GB at about the same price as this and have some speed.
I own a 128gig USB3.0 drive from another, better known brand for $50. I barely use it though, I usually use the 4gig slimline 2.0 one that fits in my wallet easily.
Tonight I learned a valuable lesson. Don't drink and meh.
In for two...
Starting feel that VMP isn't worth it. Meh.
Install this Chrome extension to increase your enjoyment of tonight's Meh by 500%
It supports USB 3.0 but doesn't read/write anywhere near its limitations. Not only that but it is a cheaply built thumb drive. As a techie I say don't buy this, you can get vastly superior ones for +$15
@Kyle772 I'm willing to sacrifice exquisite craftsmanship in my thumb drive to pay Meh's price.
@editorkid bad craftsmanship, as in not very reliable. Few of us would mind if the logo wasn't centered.
@hamjudo Dunno. I've got Centon thumb drives, SD cards, micro SD cards, they all work. I'm not saying there's no junk. Maybe things sucked early on and now all people ever see are bad reviews and think they're junk. Maybe I somehow got lucky. Dunno. I bought two.
For those who use firefox:
Hella good deal no?
Microcenter gets recognition on MEH! Cool place for what!s not for sale on MEH.
Most epic order number ever! Touching-great-destruction. Unfortunately, no What3words map, and the Google photo hit is a mine craft screen capture.

@dave The first rule of touching-great-destruction is that no one talks about touching-great-destruction.
Cloud to butt made this the best writeup of ALL TIME. @JasonToon you are amazing.
I wouldn't give the fuzz off the bottom of my nutsack for this drive. Centon is shit. It's always been shit. I've made a mistake buying their USB drives before. Look at online reviews regarding these. I am ashamed that Meh is even offering this, this is the kind of bullshit that woot has now.
This is the first thing I bought from meh. You guys can thank the free shipping from that free vip membership you offered for the new year for pushing me over the edge.
@Lister You've had free shipping for over a month and you're just now buying something? I can't seem to go a week without buying things here. @unixrab would be proud. Or surprised and confused that his vmp theory was wrong for you. Or something.
@PurplePawprints On the contrary - It proves the point that VMP is a gateway drug to buying things you normally wouldn't buy. I hope @lister sees this and does not continue PAYING for VMP. It's mere presence is dangerous.
@unixrab I disagree. If this were true, lister would have bought something much sooner. Instead, s/he waited until something was put up that s/he really wanted. For me, vmp is definitely the gateway you speak of, but I'm okay with that. This person has proved that there are exceptions to your rule, that's all.
@unixrab Gateway drug ... "well, it all started with the first sample from meh. Then it continued. And next thing we know, he's into annual warehouse memberships. And next we find out, some high dollar cut now with the promise of free 2-day shipping and videos on demand. WHERE DID IT ALL GO SO WRONG?!?!"
@PurplePawprints To be honest, there aren't many things on Meh that interest me. Junk is junk, even if shipping is free. But there have been other instances where I would have bought something here but it was sold out before I woke up. Not the knife, though. I still don't know how that thing sold out so fast. And @unixrab, I probably won't keep the VMP upgrade when it expires. Not to say I won't ever consider it again, but who knows when I will really want something offered here again. It could be months, or days. I will probably just bite the bullet and pay the shipping at the rate I buy stuff on here. The products are secondary to the entertainment and that is what makes this site work, anyway.
@Lister @narfcake @PurplePawPrints
I like that Wyoming and Mississippi are just not having it.
Pretty sure I just got the last one......
Your math doesn't work. 995 * $30 does not equal >31,000
@SydBeckman Some folks (most notably @unixrab) choose not to buy VMP, so they pay shipping, and there's folks who are charged tax if the state they live in requires it.
@SydBeckman It does when you add in tax and shipping for some orders.
@dashbutt beat me by a few seconds
@dashcloud speaks truth
Nice sellout Meh. Keep up the good work.
No Georgia Red. . for that alone, meh.
I love purple.
OMG. I bought this and forgot to click meh. My streak is reset! This sux. Bath.
Mine arrived today. Did a quick speedtest on it:
@Skylord123 Access denied on the pic. We don't have access to see your dropbox photos.
@JerseyFrank Thanks for letting me know. Here it is:

Mine arrived DOA... Meh says I must pursue the lifetime warranty with the manufacturers. Is that the usual way it goes? Not too happy about this.
@avidone Yes. The product information states that the lifetime warranty is provided by Centon.
@avidone Well, I haven't received any further reply from Centon in more than 10 days so I'm going to contest the charge. Sent notice to meh but they as well haven't replied to 3 emails past the first 'it's dead Jim' email. I'm not batman and this drive is not my ward.
So there can be no reasonable expectation that something bought from meh.Com is actually fictional and what it says it is? Centon tell me to ask for Exchange from the vendor. Will now have to jump through who knows how many hoops to get this issue addressed. We are not talking about a USB stick that ever worked on arrival, not for even one minute. Selling non-functional electronics then not taking responsibility is really not cool. In Europe it is illegal. I guess here a vendor hasuch no responsibility? Even so, this is the first time I have been told by a vendor they would not replace a DOA. How much defective merchandise is actually sent out by meh?
@avidone You may have already done this, but send a note (or a follow-up) here: They'll get back to you and work it out for you.
@avidone As @dashcloud mentioned up there, contact support at and we'll work through it with you. We do take responsibility for our broken crap.
@avidone Most electronics I buy come in the manufacturer's package. I don't expect retailers to open every package and test the product. Honestly, in this country, I think most people would object to receiving opened boxes when they buy new electronics.
@nadroj my point is not that all things should be checked. My point is that an item that is DOA should be replaced by the vendor, without having to jump hoops with the manufacturer. This is what customer "support" said to me when I wrote about a refund or replacement:
I’d reach out to Centon and if they can troubleshoot first. Since your drive comes with a lifetime warranty from Centon, they can get a replacement sent out to you if is necessary. You can call them at 800-9-CENTON (800-923-6866) or contact through their website. When you talk to them let them know you purchased from A Mediocre Corporation. If you need a proof of purchase you can use a screenshot of the My Orders page. Let us know how it goes.
what Centon said was this: In reply to your inquiry " Centon Electronics, Inc.: 128gb USB DOA": If possible, please exchange through the merchant from which the product was purchased. Exchange through the merchant should be faster and more convenient that exchange under warranty. Centon cannot refund your purchase. Only the merchant that collected payment from you can refund your purchase, in accordance with their return policies. If you cannot exchange the product through the merchant, follow the instruction below to begin a warranty claim.
I filled out Centon's online form and am waiting to see what happens next. I just think this is a lot of hassle to go through for replacement or refund of a DOA, something which was pretty straightforward with any other vendor, eg. Amazon or Woot, when I had similar issues in the past
@avidone I guess I'm missing how a retailer could know a product is DOA without individually testing each one, or how/why anybody other than the manufacturer is responsible for a NIB defective product.
Different retailers offer different levels of customer service. For example, there are stories of Nordstrom accepting returns on products they didn't sell to make customers happy. They also often charge higher prices on the products they do sell. Maybe there's a connection there.
@avidone Been > 10 days since I filled out their form with no further response. I've notified meh and centon that I will dispute the charge with my CC company if I don't hear anything further (and I haven't)
@notmsn I have got a couple other responses from meh, but still no return authorization from them or from centon. Do you know what the limits are on disputing a charge. I don't want to have to do this, but I am really getting ticked off now.
Should day functional but fictional may be closer to the truth
should SAY "functional"
bloody auto-correct
still waiting for mine to arrive
@mrken30 just checked for you, it's in transit right now. You can find your tracking number at your orders page:
so did everybody else get a functional drive? like, functional for more than a few minutes? after much hassle, I got a replacement for my original DOA drive and it (only sorta) worked for a few minutes, crashed, needed reformatting, etc. and on the third iteration could not be read in any way (the wee led would sometimes flash once while plugging or unplugging). In all the years that USB keys have been a thing, all the ones I have had worked fine (speed sometimes an issue, sure, but they worked). How come I get two duds in a row from these guys?