“This reduction in carbs puts your Hyundai into a metabolic state called ketosis. When this happens, your Hyundai becomes incredibly efficient at burning fat for energy.”
If this is pure coconut oil, wouldn’t it be cheaper and easier to just buy coconut oil? My grocer’s all out of snake oil and I hear it’s the next best thing.
@boygenius1991 No, it isn’t the same thing. MCT oil is made FROM 100% coconut oil, but is not just coconut oil. MCT oil is fractionated, basically meaning that the MCT’s are separated from the coconut oil. The bottle doesn’t make this very clear at all, but if you go to the product page on Amazon you’ll see that it says that on the back of the bottle.
@hchavers No, THC binds better to MCT and absorbs into the body more efficiently. And for tinctures, MCT has the benefit of staying liquid at room temperature, so it’s easier to take sublingually.
@patbarrett1 I use the Ardent FX for decarbing and infusing, so my recipe is just to press a couple of buttons! Lots of websites and subreddits will have good info on infusing with a slow cooker, oven, or double boiler. I’ll use the infused oil for baking into edibles, making topicals, or just taking straight.
Everyone’s railing on this because of the silly keto marketing, but it really is a good deal on decent MCT oil.
It’s an oil, therefore it has stored energy which is represented by calories, which is a scientific term – though generally used in relation to food products. From the internetz: all oils contain 9 calories for each gram of fat. The difference between cooking oils is their ratio of healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats compared to unhealthy trans and saturated fats.
I remember from physics classes doing calculations which resulted in calories, though not related to food items. Kids, don’t try this at home: A gallon of gasoline (about 4 liters) contains about 31,000 calories.
@commonhero The answer is all people who talk about their diets unsolicited or out of context are equally annoying. The “bla bla I eat so much bacon” person in a vegan forum is precisely as annoying as the “bla bla I don’t eat bacon” person commenting on a bacon recipe.
8 fl oz = 16 tbsp, so one bottle is 16 servings, or little more than 5 days of three meals per day, and 160 calories per serving. So this should last you a couple of months if you’re adding one serving to every meal (I don’t know if that’s recommended or what) and you’d be adding 390 calories per day to your diet. Be interested to hear if anyone using this stuff every day actually loses any weight - presumably through managing smaller portion sizes? 390 calories of MCT oil in place of however many calories from an additional serving at dinner? Or you add this to your morning coffee entirely in place of a meal?
@harveydanger People who follow the keto diet will have “macros” they follow - protein, fat, and carbs. There is a limit of grams of carbs per day, a target of protein per day, and then fat is the filler. MCT oil is generally “revered” as good, clean fat.
Putting it in coffee (along with butter and an approved sweetener) makes something called bullet-proof coffee and is often drank as a breakfast by itself. It’s filling and gets the fat calories in for the day.
So that all being said, I’ve followed keto in the past and lost about 10 pounds a month. I felt great and was eating less but feeling full all day.
Stock up on this bulk 5 gallon (38 lb.) pail and discover the many uses of this Golden Barrel pure coconut oil.
Use this Golden Barrel coconut oil in place of butter, shortening, or other cooking oils for a variety of cooking and baking applications! Coconut oil continues to be on the rise for its versatility and excellent performance, and you can use it for many menu items, from traditional to trendy. With its high smoke point of 400 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s a great choice for frying. Use it for freshly-popped popcorn at your concession stand, or use it to help make dairy free or gluten free baked goods at your restaurant or bakery.
@Trinityscrew Please realize that this is not the same thing. MCT oil is made FROM 100% coconut oil, but is not just coconut oil. MCT oil is fractionated, basically separating the MCT’s from the coconut oil. The bottle doesn’t make this very clear at all, but if you go to the product page on Amazon you’ll see that it says that on the back of the bottle.
@Trinityscrew Okay. So you posted the correct information on another comment. Great. Meanwhile, this comment still makes it look like the barrel of coconut oil is a direct comparison, so I wanted to clear up any confusion for someone else that thinks they can get the same thing for a third of the price.
@ballen Yes, I was glad for that. If it was a highly-processed “shake” I would definitely not want it. Since I did want some oil like this, and this is a good price, in convenient small bottles so it stays freshest, I plan to order some. I’m not too worried about the April expiration date; most products like this store quite well especially if unopened and kept from high heat.
@ballen@ophidance If someone drinks a bottle of this straight, they will only do it once. Since it has no flavor, I fear the people who will add it to other people’s food without telling them.
At this time of year, the coconut oil in my pantry is a stubborn solid, but the bottle of MCT oil remains liquid, so I use it (in small quantities) for cooking. I never thought of it as “keto” stuff. I do not use it in coffee because oily coffee is gross.
@TexterTusher MCT oil is not pleasant to me. It doesn’t mix well and instead floats to the top giving drinks that nice oil-slick sheen that puts me off actually consuming it.
Even the tasteless stuff, in shakes to me, is very easy to tell it’s there. And yeah, MCT oil can very easily cause stomach cramps and stuff. They recommend only taking a half service a day until you get used to it.
Honestly, I just avoid this stuff. I don’t drink coffee, and it appears that’s the main use for it - otherwise it’s really clearly there. It doesn’t mix well with tea for me.
What’s in the Box?
Price Comparison
[$119.64 at Amazon for 12 ($1.25 per Fl Oz)]](https://www.amazon.com/SlimFast-Keto-MCT-Bottle-Servings/dp/B07H7QXSPH/?tag=meh0ec-20)
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Friday, Sep 17 - Tuesday, Sep 21
Can I use this in my Hyundai?
@MrJazz Didn’t you read where it says…
“This reduction in carbs puts your Hyundai into a metabolic state called ketosis. When this happens, your Hyundai becomes incredibly efficient at burning fat for energy.”
@MrJazz Yes, you can consume this inside a vehicle.
@MrJazz depends if its carburated or fuel injected. If its carburated then it would reduce your carbs so no. If fuel injected then it wouldn’t matter.
Buying this just to show interest in Meh carrying more Keto food products.
What’s the price of a barrel going for nowadays? I thought we were going green…
This helps you loose weight by both upsetting your intake and streamlining your outgo.
@hchavers but does it help you tight weight too?
@Mac454 love it!
If this is pure coconut oil, wouldn’t it be cheaper and easier to just buy coconut oil? My grocer’s all out of snake oil and I hear it’s the next best thing.
@boygenius1991 Coconut oil works great for stovetop popcorn.
@boygenius1991 No, it isn’t the same thing. MCT oil is made FROM 100% coconut oil, but is not just coconut oil. MCT oil is fractionated, basically meaning that the MCT’s are separated from the coconut oil. The bottle doesn’t make this very clear at all, but if you go to the product page on Amazon you’ll see that it says that on the back of the bottle.
How many of these bad boys should I chug after eating a whole extra-large pepperoni pizza?
@awk one should clean you out, maybe not so nicely.
MCT oil is great for infusing marijuana.
@aSquirrel is coconut a pseudonym for it?
@hchavers No, THC binds better to MCT and absorbs into the body more efficiently. And for tinctures, MCT has the benefit of staying liquid at room temperature, so it’s easier to take sublingually.
@aSquirrel @hchavers link to the recipe please?
@patbarrett1 I use the Ardent FX for decarbing and infusing, so my recipe is just to press a couple of buttons! Lots of websites and subreddits will have good info on infusing with a slow cooker, oven, or double boiler. I’ll use the infused oil for baking into edibles, making topicals, or just taking straight.
Everyone’s railing on this because of the silly keto marketing, but it really is a good deal on decent MCT oil.
Oil? Coconut oil? Ewwww!
2080 calories a bottle… ouffff … might be something to buy to store for the apocalypse
It’s an oil, therefore it has stored energy which is represented by calories, which is a scientific term – though generally used in relation to food products. From the internetz:
all oils contain 9 calories for each gram of fat. The difference between cooking oils is their ratio of healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats compared to unhealthy trans and saturated fats.
I remember from physics classes doing calculations which resulted in calories, though not related to food items. Kids, don’t try this at home:
A gallon of gasoline (about 4 liters) contains about 31,000 calories.
Use snap…
Or ebt.
We used to call them food stamps…
Max allotted per family available for free…
@liammc In Maryland we call them “Independence” cards. That is really funny and totally fucked up at the same time!
These are probably the coconuts picked with monkey slave labor. That’s quite a dig at woot’s mascot.
This isn’t that pea thing again? Because I don’t have enough fingers to count how many souls we lost from the last offering…
@guybrush01 If you don’t have enough fingers you are doing something wrong. Every lost soul provides 10 additional fingers to count with.
Who is more annoying talking about their diets. Vegans or Ketonuts? Finally hear is a deal they both can agree on.
@commonhero The answer is all people who talk about their diets unsolicited or out of context are equally annoying. The “bla bla I eat so much bacon” person in a vegan forum is precisely as annoying as the “bla bla I don’t eat bacon” person commenting on a bacon recipe.
@commonhero How can you tell if someone is a vegan?
Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.
8 fl oz = 16 tbsp, so one bottle is 16 servings, or little more than 5 days of three meals per day, and 160 calories per serving. So this should last you a couple of months if you’re adding one serving to every meal (I don’t know if that’s recommended or what) and you’d be adding 390 calories per day to your diet. Be interested to hear if anyone using this stuff every day actually loses any weight - presumably through managing smaller portion sizes? 390 calories of MCT oil in place of however many calories from an additional serving at dinner? Or you add this to your morning coffee entirely in place of a meal?
@harveydanger People who follow the keto diet will have “macros” they follow - protein, fat, and carbs. There is a limit of grams of carbs per day, a target of protein per day, and then fat is the filler. MCT oil is generally “revered” as good, clean fat.
Putting it in coffee (along with butter and an approved sweetener) makes something called bullet-proof coffee and is often drank as a breakfast by itself. It’s filling and gets the fat calories in for the day.
So that all being said, I’ve followed keto in the past and lost about 10 pounds a month. I felt great and was eating less but feeling full all day.
Delightfully flavorless? Hey, I’ve got flavorless all over the place. Don’t need another 12 bottles.
/image quilled-conscious-kangaroo

Hope this tastes good.
Hmmm…can I fry french fries with this???
@Jaicienil or Donuts!
@Jaicienil Good for popcorn too.
I love SlimFast!
93! Just Saying! R.I.P.
@Bumplepimp I was wondering if anyone was connecting today’s item as a tribute to Tommy!
Stock up on this bulk 5 gallon (38 lb.) pail and discover the many uses of this Golden Barrel pure coconut oil.
Use this Golden Barrel coconut oil in place of butter, shortening, or other cooking oils for a variety of cooking and baking applications! Coconut oil continues to be on the rise for its versatility and excellent performance, and you can use it for many menu items, from traditional to trendy. With its high smoke point of 400 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s a great choice for frying. Use it for freshly-popped popcorn at your concession stand, or use it to help make dairy free or gluten free baked goods at your restaurant or bakery.
@Trinityscrew Or 10.6 cents per ounce.
@Trinityscrew Cheaper than butter. How long does it keep?
@Trinityscrew Please realize that this is not the same thing. MCT oil is made FROM 100% coconut oil, but is not just coconut oil. MCT oil is fractionated, basically separating the MCT’s from the coconut oil. The bottle doesn’t make this very clear at all, but if you go to the product page on Amazon you’ll see that it says that on the back of the bottle.
@MaximusRW Hmm… Where did I read about fractionating? Oh, that’s right. I typed it about an hour before you posted this.
@Trinityscrew Okay. So you posted the correct information on another comment. Great. Meanwhile, this comment still makes it look like the barrel of coconut oil is a direct comparison, so I wanted to clear up any confusion for someone else that thinks they can get the same thing for a third of the price.
Wow, that’s really cheap for MCT oil. Highly rated on Amazon too.
@tru335 All coconut oil IS a medium-chain triglyceride oil.
@tru335 Sorry. All coconut oil contains MCTs. Abou 54% of the fat comes from MCTs.
I guess that this Slimfast stuff is “fractionated” so it’s 100% MCT oil.
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but these are NOT SHAKES. Do not drink these straight! They’re a supplement to add to various things.
@ballen Yes, I was glad for that. If it was a highly-processed “shake” I would definitely not want it. Since I did want some oil like this, and this is a good price, in convenient small bottles so it stays freshest, I plan to order some. I’m not too worried about the April expiration date; most products like this store quite well especially if unopened and kept from high heat.
@ballen they probably should not have done that packaging! someone’s gonna drink this straight
@ballen @ophidance Pain is learning. ^_^
@ballen @ophidance If someone drinks a bottle of this straight, they will only do it once. Since it has no flavor, I fear the people who will add it to other people’s food without telling them.
At this time of year, the coconut oil in my pantry is a stubborn solid, but the bottle of MCT oil remains liquid, so I use it (in small quantities) for cooking. I never thought of it as “keto” stuff. I do not use it in coffee because oily coffee is gross.
How about some diet gunk for those of us trying to GAIN weight?! I know, I know: pizza, ice cream, and beer…
@MrNews This should work… 9 calories per gram…
@ApplePI All of them from pure sat fat

I think carbs might be a better weight gain choice:
does it give you a belly ache and make you fart uncontrollably, like the original slim fast? Wouldn’t want to miss out on that.
@TexterTusher MCT oil is not pleasant to me. It doesn’t mix well and instead floats to the top giving drinks that nice oil-slick sheen that puts me off actually consuming it.
Even the tasteless stuff, in shakes to me, is very easy to tell it’s there. And yeah, MCT oil can very easily cause stomach cramps and stuff. They recommend only taking a half service a day until you get used to it.
Honestly, I just avoid this stuff. I don’t drink coffee, and it appears that’s the main use for it - otherwise it’s really clearly there. It doesn’t mix well with tea for me.
is the expiration date on the bottle? What is it? And ingredients besides coconut oil!?
@patbarrett1 no other ingredients. It’s MCT oil from coconuts
@patbarrett1 Best by April 30th, 2021
@marylynne7 It worked! Your order number is: acoustic-benevolent-hunter
/image acoustic benevolent hunter

Thanks quick delivery looking forward to enjoy Slimfast MCT oil in a meh way