10-25-17 Halloween Festival

RiotDemon had some videos to watch said

The towns around me are having a bunch of Halloween festivals this weekend. I’m actually thinking about dressing up and walking around. During Halloween a lot of people will pose with me for photos, and I figure maybe people will want to do it here as well. I’m naturally very shy, but when I’m in costume, it’s different because no one has a clue who I am.

Would you do it? Are you going to any Halloween festivals this year?

Tonight’s musical selection is a few songs from the Matrix Trilogy. I’d post a lot more, but my phone is not cooperating and I have to sleep.

Propellerheads - Spybreak

Clubbed to Death

Prodigy - Minefields

And here’s a So You Think You Can Dance clip of a Paso Doble done in the style of the Matrix.

The Matrix is one of my favorite movies. I’ll be back later to add more to this topic. Goodnight.