10-20-17 Baphomet
5What kind of goat never mentions Baphomet?
I can’t link most pictures because Baphomet usually has uncovered boobs.
Such goat. Much wow.
Here’s a really in-depth history of where Baphomet came from:
Many tarot card decks now use Baphomet as the devil card. Once again, most of the cards contained nudity, so I can’t post one here. Instead I’ll post a photo from the Lisa Frank inspired cards.
Tonight’s musical selection:
Dax Riggs
Right on the heels of Acid Bath, here’s a few selections from Dax’s solo career. Way more mellow.
I just really wanted to loosely tie in the one song where he mentions Baphomet.
Let Me Be Your Cigarette
Grave Dirt On My Blue Suede Shoes
No One Will Be A Stranger
You Were Born To Be My Gallows
The entire album if you have 36 minutes to spare:
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Damn those Devil Goats!

Never laugh at Baphomet!
@daveinwarsh it’s been a while since I’ve seen this. Totally forgot about it. Thanks, I laughed.
That was very different from the Acid Bath.
Almost heard a little rockabilly in there.
San Antonio has another band out touring that’s really fun to see.
Nothing More - Here’s to the Heartache
@2many2no I liked it!
@RiotDemon They’re fun live. They build the Bassinator from drums and bass on stage, then climb up on it and play the contraption. It’s a weird but compelling gimmick.
Sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell.

@mfladd I’m gonna blame the goat that you used the same photo from the opening post… Oh, wait.
@mtb002 Around here, they are lamb and cabrito, and they both go to smiles and full stomachs.
@RiotDemon Crap. was in such a hurry just to check your thread and throw some stars I never noticed (busy Hallo-stuff day with kids). Fucked up minds think alike.

So I’ve had this stuck in my head all day… Might as well put it up here so I can listen to it.
/youtube sheep go to heaven goats go to hell