메러분의 새해 다짐은? New Years Resolution?..Well it's (almost) 2015!


As weird as it sounds, it's gonna be 2015 in about 3 days (2 in Korea).
I don't know how I ever got used to 2014. Anyhow. I just wanted to post a little something to prove that new year's resolution sounds about the same in the world. (I don't know. Maybe I'll be proven wrong!) By the way, I'm not a resolution kind of guy.

매년 하는말같은데, 벌써 __년이네요(2015년!) 한국은 이틀밖에 안남았죠? 아마 새해다짐같은거 세우시는 메러분들도 있을텐데(저는 그런거 안합니다.. 어차피 작심삼일 ㅡㅡ). 아마 세계 어딜가도 비슷비슷할거같네요. 그런 의미에서 여러분으 새해 다짐은 무엇인가요?