메러분의 새해 다짐은? New Years Resolution?..Well it's (almost) 2015!
2As weird as it sounds, it's gonna be 2015 in about 3 days (2 in Korea).
I don't know how I ever got used to 2014. Anyhow. I just wanted to post a little something to prove that new year's resolution sounds about the same in the world. (I don't know. Maybe I'll be proven wrong!) By the way, I'm not a resolution kind of guy.
매년 하는말같은데, 벌써 __년이네요(2015년!) 한국은 이틀밖에 안남았죠? 아마 새해다짐같은거 세우시는 메러분들도 있을텐데(저는 그런거 안합니다.. 어차피 작심삼일 ㅡㅡ). 아마 세계 어딜가도 비슷비슷할거같네요. 그런 의미에서 여러분으 새해 다짐은 무엇인가요?
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My resolution for 2015 should be the same as it was for 2014: 1920 x 1080
@rockblossom Not moving up to 2k or 4k display yet?
@rockblossom Mine iz 1366x768...meh :P
@dashcloud To justify a 4k, I would have to buy a better set of eyes.
@rockblossom 제 새해 다짐(해상도)는 언제나 마찬가지로 1920x1080
same as the last I don't know how many years, I'm going to lose weight for my health. then I undermine myself something awful and can now say that I am at my max weight and it ain't pretty
I resolve to learn to 음메 better in Korean.
아픈곳 없기... ㅜㅜ 나이가 먹을 수록 아픈 곳이 자꾸 생기네요.
@ppujigi 끄덕끄덕
@ppujigi 이왕 이렇게 된거 병원비 많이써서 연말정산에 많이 받아요~~
@ppujigi staying healthy. I get more aches in my body as I get older.
My new year resolution is that Korean conquer meh.
메 포럼에 한국어가 이렇게나 많다니... 뽐뻐의 힘인가요 ㅎㅎ 정복해봅시다.
@YOUNGJUN 정복좀 해주세요
@YOUNGJUN 정복자를 기다린지 어언 반년
i will Conquer the world
@ericklee ... In the shape it's in who would want it?
Let's put it this way:
@unkabob Instead, I gained some weight.
@NAMeh me too
@unkabob ho, hold on. are you me?
@EthanP .. Actually they were my 2014 resolutions and I succeeded hands down.. I vowed not to lose any weight, wasen't difficult in not learning anything more than I already knew (which is limited) and I haven't saved any money. I don't know how that last one got in there (I'm betting it was the ex's curse)...
Learn some things, and finally get a Meh streak over 29.
@dashcloud Finally a resolution I can keep: meh streak over 20. I've given up on resolutions.
올 한해 메
~~를 통해 좋은 딜 많이 건졌네요.... 내년에도 좋은 딜 부탁해요......메~~~~~@Choo 네
@MasterST 뻥 ㅎㅎ
여자친구좀 사겨보자~!!
@ozinger 여기 포럼에서 소개팅 한번 진행하겠습니다. ㅋㅋㅋ다만 남자 100 여자0 일꺼같음
@MasterST 저분 이미 오징어 ㅎㅎ
@ozinger how about having a girlfriend??
@EthanP ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 닉이 오징어ㅋㅋ
Mostly the usual boring stuff that people say...
- Get back on track with exercising and diet
- Save a lot more money and travel a bunch with my SO
- Work hard to make the Meh and other Mediocre communities the best that they can be
@JonT For the exercise, you could try what I've been doing: I've got a mini-stepper under my desk at home, and I can exercise without leaving my chair.
@JonT i thought we are trying to make Meh and Mediocre community as mediocre as possible, no? lol
@EthanP Mediocrity is hard work- @JonT works really hard to keep people right between underwhelmed and overwhelmed from the mediocrity present on the rest of the site.
I resolve to quit bleating.
@lisaviolet Do you ever talk about Meh with your family and friends? If so, what do they think (and are they impressed with your pop culture knowledge?)
@dashcloud Well, I don't have any family beyond my husband and he knows all about it. I don't have any local friends (introvert) but I do have a few wonderful friends I've met online and in real life. I've only shared Meh with one of them, my BFF because she has a pretty warped sense of humor, the others totally wouldn't understand it. Of all the places I've been on the interwebs, I think meeting up with the Meh group would be a lot of fun, because it doesn't look like too many of them have their heads up their asses. Yanno what I mean? I can say things here and they're taken in the spirit I say them. But I think the GIFs go a long way towards that understanding of my sense humor.
I can't think of any other place I've been where I can repeatedly slap someone and tease them where it's not taken personally. Where they just keep coming back for more, playing along...Meh is a very special place.