RBX Pulse Massaging Wireless Neck Reliever with Heat

  • “The massaging neck reliever is all you need for a moment of deep effective pain relief”
  • I’m sorry, “neck reliever?”
  • I don’t know if I want to be relieved of my neck
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We've Created A Monster

Anyone else getting tired of the same old monsters. Dracula? More like Drab-ula! Zombies? A bunch of real zom-bozos! Werewolves? Get-the-hell-outta-here, wolves! Enough with the masked killers using gardening implements, with the typical ghosts and ghouls, and enough with the clowns! No, it’s about time we forge a bold new direction in horror. I’ve even roped in our own resident monster-sculptor @KoolHandJoe for his expert opinions on the matter. Let’s see what we’ve got.


Drones, man. Not talking about military drones or anything like that. Just, general public-use drones. The quad-copters and palm-sized toy ones. A disgruntled drone designer replaces the blades on a popular new model with ones that can actually cut. You know they’re gonna have severed hands and heads getting chopped off.

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