JLab JBuds Frames Wireless Audio for Glasses
- They don’t go in your ears; they sit above your ears and beam sound in
- These ones attach to your glasses (should fit most pairs)
- A stupid product for $50, but worth a shot at $12
- Need a pair of shades? Visit SideDeal
- Can they make a margarita: No, but they cost about as much as a margarita, so that’s something
Sound On Your Sight Stuff
Being a consumer has always been exhausting, but now more than ever, it feels difficult to buy anything without some fatigue. Because there’s so much stupid shit out there.
Here’s how it starts: you need something. For the purpose of today’s write-up, let’s say that something is earbuds. The pair you’ve been using dies, and you think, I need to get some new ones. But then, being a citizen of the world in the year 2024, you think: First, I should probably do a little bit of research.
Only, it’s impossible to do a little bit of research. Because there’s too much information out there. There are the lauded review sites like Wirecutter. Then there’s substratum after substratum of lesser review sites. Then there’s the user reviews on Amazon and the like. Taken together they might present a clear enough picture, but then one voice expresses eloquent enough love or hate of a given product and you’re thrown completely off track.
And it would be fine if it ended here; if all you had to do was wade through some reviews and eventually make a decision that would be great. But again, to return to the problem laid out initially, there’s just so much stupid shit out there. So you go looking for earbuds thinking, How hard could this possibly be? And then you discover ten new sub-categories of earbuds.
Like, this kind.
What we have here is basically a pair of tiny speakers that don’t have to be inserted into your ears. Instead, they aim sound at your earhole and beam it in, making them great for phone calls and podcasts and other listening activities where you’re not looking to shut the entire world out. These ones fit onto your glasses. Which is cool, we guess.
So, anyway, now you’ve discovered a whole new type of earbud to consider. The equation then becomes twofold: not just, do I want this kind?, but rather do I want this kind of this kind? Making it all the more harrowing, they usually cost an amount of money–like $30 on Amazon or a whopping $50 at Target–that warrants a bit more consideration than, Eh, let’s buy them and see.
Except, not today they don’t! Today, you can try some above-the-ear latch-onto-your-glasses headphones for a cool $12. In other words: a price that’ll make you feel like a genius if you love them and won’t make you feel like an idiot if you hate them.
So, what do you say? Worth a shot, right