Instant Regret Kit

  • A bunch of trash we had around, but we’re charging $50 for it
  • We have good stuff for sale over at our rad SideDeal-o-Rama event!
  • If you spend $49.99 on SideDeal (not counting tax or shipping), we’ll discount $49.99 of this IRK cost
  • In other words, it’s an IRK for a penny (plus shipping, if you’re not a member) BUT ONLY IF YOU SPEND AT LEAST $49.99 ON SIDEDEAL
  • You can buy more than 1 IRK, but the $49.99 refund only applies to your first one
  • Is it available in Georgia Red: No clue
see more product specs

OMG, an IRK?! LOL!

Hey, hey! It’s that time of year again! By which we mean: the completely random time of year that we arbitrarily decide to do one of these weird IRK sales. And though it’s listed for 50 bucks, you can have it for a penny (plus shipping if you’re not a member), but only if you buy this IRK and then spend at least $49.99 over on SideDeal. If you do that, we’ll refund you $49.99!

Rad, right?

And just like last time, we’ve helpfully put together a little SideDeal-o-Rama: an exciting assortment of special sales to help guide your purchase(s)!

Here’s what we got…

For The Youngens - A collection of toys and gear for children. (Although, be aware: we don’t confirm that you have kids in your life to purchase, so if you’re in your 40s and just want some dope toys, go to town, friend!)

For The Not-So-Youngens - This is for all the grown-ups out there making ends meet. Or, you know, trying to. Or, thinking about eventually trying to.

For The… Uhh… Oldens? - Stuff for pain and discomfort, mostly.

Cool Gadgets! (Additionally: Uncool Gadgets) - A collection of our absolute coolest gadgets, and also some other gadgets that we had around. Probably some cables in there too.

Make Your House Nice - Some kitchen stuff. Some bathroom stuff. Some bedroom stuff.

Make Your Yard Nice - Stuff to spruce up your outdoor space! (Note: no actual spruce trees included in this sale.)

The Best-By Date Is A Lie! - Did you know that the best-by date is not the expiration date? Because here we have a bunch of food products for sale that are very likely close if not a little past the best-by date, but are still totally delicious and edible. (Also, really really cheap.)

A Smorgasbord Of The Stupidly Cheap - For all of y’all who see an opportunity to get the collection of cheap garbage known as the IRK for a penny, and think: You know what I need? Even more cheap garbage!

Buy One Of These For Your IRK - The opposite of the sale directly above this one. Basically, a bunch of items that’ll get you to that $49.99 threshold in one go.

So, there they are: a whole bunch of cool sales for cool people who want to spend a cool penny on an IRK. Go nuts!


We want to be very transparent here: that price you see is REAL. It’s not a joke. If you purchase this, you will be charged $50. And we can assure you, the contents will NOT be especially exciting. By which we mean: despite the fact that it’s $50, it’s still just an IRK. A normal IRK. (Whatever the hell that is.)

But here’s the deal: IF YOU SPEND at least $49.99 over SideDeal and buy this IRK for $50, we’ll refund you $49.99. In other words, if you spend $49.99 on SideDeal, you get the IRK for a penny (plus shipping if you’re not a member).

And just so we’re clear: that’s $49.99 spent on SideDeal. Tax and shipping don’t count toward that $49.99, and that’s $49.99 after any discounts you get from coupons or whatever. So again: Not $45. Not $48. Not $49.96. $49.99. Anything less will result in you NOT getting the refund for the IRK.

Also: you DO need to buy the IRK to get the IRK. If you spend $49.99 on SideDeal but don’t buy the IRK here, we won’t send you an IRK. (Because, duh! Could you imagine how bad that would be for our business if we sent everyone who bought 50 bucks worth of stuff on SideDeal a big ol’ box of trash? You people seem to like this for some reason, but not everyone wants stuff for stuff’s sake.)

You can buy more than one IRK for $50 each, but you will only get one $49.99 refund (assuming you qualify for it) no matter what you spend or whatever else you do. Buy 2 IRKS, spend $100 on SideDeal, and you’ll still only get that one $49.99 refund.

Another thing: we do these refunds manually, so they won’t be immediate. Depending on your bank it might even be more than a week before you see it.

So far today...

  • 91501 of you visited.
  • 45% on a phone, 1% on a tablet.
  • 2987 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 1500 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $80867 total.
  • (including shipping)

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