Was $40-$50 at Amazon
Hands | Feet | Body

Happy Heat Electric Warmers for Hands, Feet & Body

  • Warmth wherever you need it
  • Not those little pouch things
  • One charge will keep you toasty for up to 5 hours
  • Can they make a margarita: Nope, but they will make you feel warm inside without a hangover the next morning
see more product specs

Keeps Ya Toasty

So, just to clarify: these are not those little pouch-things that you crack open and slip into your mittens or your boots. They’re bulky pieces. Like this, for hands:

Or this, for feet:

Or this, for the body:

In other words, they’re not for skiing or for wearing outside to do some snow removal (except, maybe the body one).

They will, however, keep you warm when your cousin’s theater troupe tries to do a ‘Shakespeare in the Park’ thing, only, the park was booked from mid-May to late October, so now you have to watch an amateur production of ‘The Tempest’ at dusk when there’s a chill in the air. (And that’s even if they’re doing an unabridged production; one charge keeps these things going for about five hours.)

Because that’s the thing about fall weather, isn’t it? Those temperatures in the low 60s or 50s or even, again, the mid-to-high 40s? They’re really not so bad… when you’re moving. But wowza, when you sit still, that cold feeling sets in quickly! And these can help with that.

But look, fall is not just a season to fear due to its proximity to winter. It’s also a season to celebrate. Which is what we’re doing over on SideDeal all weekend long with Fall Fest! (And, yes, by ‘all weekend,’ we mean it ends today. So go check it out while you still have time.)

Oh, and by the way, we might be focusing on how these will keep you warm while sitting outside in November. But there’s nothing stopping you from using them for some super cozy couch time in December and January.

So get one of them. Or two of them. Or all of them. And enjoy some warmth wherever you are.

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