CordaRoy's Convertible Beanbag Chair / Bed

  • A “bean bag” chair filled with comfy foam instead of beans – “foam bag chair” doesn’t have the same ring
  • This might seem pricey if you haven’t purchased a bean bag chair since the 90s, but they’re a lot better (and pricier) now, so this is actually pretty cheap
  • It converts into a full-sized bed like this
  • “As seen on Shark Tank” is only an endorsement if the pitch went well (this one did)
  • Washable, dryable cover for when the layer of snack dust grows too thick
  • Lifetime warranty on the foam and outer shell, which seems like most of the product…
  • You can also get replacement covers here if you’re prefer faux cow fur
  • Model: FC-MS-BK (Easy on the eyes but hard on the search results, as Google treats each string of characters between dashes as separate “words.”)
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Beanless Bags

[Editor’s note: These CordaRoy convertible bean bag chairs appeared on Shark Tank in 2013. We couldn’t find the full episode with the Sharks’ reactions, so we are recreating it here as we imagine it went.]

I’m here today to show you the CordaRoys bean bag it’s a —

Yes, thank you Kevin.

The CordaRoy is one of the world’s most versatile chairs. It’s so comfy!

And check this out. With CordaRoys, there’s a bed inside!

It’s filled with foam, so it will never go flat …

How does it feel when you sit in a normal chair?

Well the CordaRoy is way more comfortable. It’s like dancing on a cloud!

Yes, exactly. And … uhh … yeah, that’s pretty much it. Give me money?

Well, OK. What else … you can machine wash the cover, which is pretty nice.

Hold on a minute, Cubes, you haven’t tried it yet.

Fine, but … this bean bag chair could turn your love life around!

Well, maybe not, but —

Yes, thanks again, Kevin.

Screw it, I’m gonna make this myself, and then I’m gonna sell it on Amazon for hundreds of bucks. Then I’m gonna sell it on Meh for much less. So guess who’ll get the last laugh?

Yeah, I guess you guys are so rich you don’t really care.

You know what? Just watch this video:

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