6- or 12-Pack: 2021 Pebble Lane Rosé

  • A delicious rosé for National Rosé Day
  • Buy it here and pour it into this beautiful crystal decanter
  • No, decanting rosé doesn’t do much, but it looks pretty
  • Can it make a margarita: this stuff is basically the margarita of wines! (Don’t ask what this means, just know that it totally makes sense)
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You Decant Lose

Happy National Rosé Day to all! Here’s how we suggest you celebrate:

  1. Buy some rosé.
  2. Pour it into a rad-looking crystal decanter.
  3. Have friends over.
  4. Drink the rosé.
  5. Be interesting and fun to talk to.

Now, we can’t help you with the 5th step, except to say that if you can manage it, it’ll make the 3rd step easier. But we can help with the 1st step, right here, right now. And SideDeal has you covered for that 2nd step.

(Well, to be clear, we can’t help you complete any step today, with shipping and whatnot, but you get it.)

In terms of why there’s a big hoopla about rosé in early June, it’s pretty simple: summer is upon us, and rosé is the perfect summer wine. It’s refreshing. It’s easy to drink. But also, it’s not too sweet. No way, there’s some complexity there for sure. Yet, it’s not some big heavy red that feels like a meal.

Also, it’s pink. And that’s fun, right?

Why the crystal decanter, meanwhile, might seem as though it requires a bit more explaining. After all, you don’t really get much when you decant a rosé. But, can we let you in on a little secret?

Here, lean in. Closer. A little closer. Not that close. Okay, great.

[Whispering] You don’t really get much out of decanting any wine these days.

So really, the decanter’s main purpose is to sit there and look pretty. Which this one will, especially filled with a beautiful pink rosé (like the one we’re selling here), at the center of the table, surrounded by friends, on a perfect summer night.

So go ahead, get a whole bunch of excellent rosé at a great price, and then head over to SideDeal for a super nice serving vessel. You won’t be able to use them to celebrate this National Rosé Day, but we say, why not live every summer day like it’s National Rosé Day?

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