We’re not selling this deal anymore, but you can buy it at Amazon

45-Pack: Evolve Classic Crafted Cat & Dog Food

  • Good food for good boys and good girls
  • Also, some food for cats, who are actively bad most of the time, and we love them for it
  • Use them as meals or add them to dry kibble
  • Best by 6/20/24-7/21/24
  • Can they make a margarita: this is a disgusting question
see more product specs

Good Food For Good Boys & Good Girls (And Cats)

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

To celebrate, we’re offering some pet food. Why? Because it’s a big eating holiday. We’re not about to offer food for you. That’d be ridiculous. If you track your calories today (which we do NOT suggest), the number you’re gonna end up with will look more like a downpayment for a luxury car than a healthy dietary intake.

We also didn’t want to offer anything practical. After all, it’s a good day to allow the tryptophan and wine to insulate you from all your earthly concerns.

So, we thought maybe you’d want to do something nice for your cat and/or dog.

Maybe you had to kennel them while you travelled. Or enlist a pet sitter who will drop by for roughly six whole minutes while you’re away. Or maybe you’re hosting and have to sequester them in the basement or a guest room because they’re either too excited by guests or your guests are too nervous or allergic.

At any rate, if you wanted to give your dogs and/or cats a treat, this is a good (because it actually gets high marks on Amazon) and cheap (because we’re offering it for 20 to 50 bucks less than anyone else) way to do so.

But enough about today’s product. Let’s return to the holiday. All of us at Meh have people and experiences and whatnot from the past year for which to be thankful. But we wanted to use this space to share some of our more general thankful-fors. So here goes:

We’re thankful for whatever automotive engineer it was who said, “Hey, what if we did a setting that’s defrost and also the foot vent?”

We’re thankful that someone came up with the phrase ‘ping pong,’ because a) it’s so fun to say, and b) we’d otherwise all be stuck referring to the sport solely as ‘table tennis,’ which, let’s be honest, sounds simultaneously fancy and aristocratic and also sorta like a dirty euphemism.

We’re thankful for woodpeckers, the beautiful weirdos of the avian kingdom.

We’re thankful for all of the innovations in air mattresses over the years. Remember when they were basically just pool floats? Fucking yikes, right?

And, of course, we’re thankful for you people coming here every day and allowing us to keep doing this whole stupid thing.

So enjoy the day and maybe buy your dogs and/or cats some food. Also, feel free to drop into the comments and post what you’re thankful for, whether it be something personal or more general like ours.

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  • 44% on a phone, 2% on a tablet.
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  • That’s $14916 total.
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