3-Pack: International Report Mens 100% Cotton T-Shirts
- A certain enviable point of style that we can’t quite put our finger on.
- Makes a statement, even if we aren’t sure what that statement is.
- It’s a three-pack. Various rad prints.
- V-Necks more your thing? Check out SideDeal
- Can it make a margarita? If you wear something like this, margaritas will basically appear in your hand. (This is not a guarantee.)
Damn Flashy
Are you guys out there demanding butterfly knives and ultra-cheap IRKs with a side of porch pasta? Well, sorry…but we couldn’t hear you over the awesome loudness of these dope shirts. (Maybe keep trying on the forum, though, idk.)
But to address the question asked many times yesterday about what type of person needs a 72-pack of condoms that expires next Tuesday, the answer is someone who looks this fly thanks to their unique and statement-making shirt.
Are they actually that unique? Pretty much. Every office and college class will have up to one guy who wears shirts like this. It’s like Highlander, though, because no office has TWO such guys. That means if you can’t throw a name out there from your own experience, that means that there’s a vacancy for YOU to be the guy.
And are they statement-making? Definitely. “I require attention and my Aragorn outfit is at the cleaners” is a statement, after all. But so is “I’m here to party” and “fuck your business casual polo shirt.”
The bottom line is that regardless of what you think this shirt is saying about you, you’re right. Because the only party shirt that matters is the one you wear on the inside. That said, getting an outside party shirt that matches your inside party shirt can go a long way toward helping you live your best life out there.
Finally, believe it or not, we’re not exactly known for being fashionistas around here. Neither are you, by the way. We recently polled all of you on the forum about your most over-the-top obsessive personal grooming standards and the most dramatic thing that surfaced was someone who flosses sometimes.
Still, we are told that these particular bargain shirts are perfectly reminiscent of an iconic pop culture reference. We’re not sure what to say about that, but we’ll concede that they’re Da(m)n Flash(y). Maybe you can clue us in with a comment?