2-Pack: Duncan Groove Kendama (Random Color)

- One of these things sells for more than $8. We’re selling 2 for $4.
- You don’t get to choose the color. It’s random. But then again, many say the color really chooses you, you know?
- Combines best of both Kendama and yo-yo in a way that will absolutely anger some weird subset of traditionalist nerds.
- Model: 071617044572, which also happens to be the score the judges gave me at the Kendama-off.
Word of Mouth
Traditional marketing sucks. It seems like no matter how many billboards we rent along I-35 South, we never see a spike in our sales. So we’re going to try something different. For the next few Saturdays, we’re asking you to spread the word for us. We want you to tell your friends to shop on Meh! In return, we promise to sell something interesting for SO STUPID CHEAP, that you’re friends will be impressed, whether or not they’re interested in buying it.
Does that sound good? Great. Then please, spread the word, and we’ll make them feel right at home, with special welcome messages! Newly arrived friends of Meh customers, please direct yourself to the greeting that best fits your personality:
Fratty Guy Friends
Bros: What’s worse than your boys are going out to the 'Bees to keep it good in the neighborhood but you have to say, “Nah,” cuz you just dropped a mucho wad of cash on a new stick vac to clean your pad before your parental units swing by? Nothing, that’s what! So next shop here on Meh for your hella-cheap deal needs!
Friends Who Maybe Play Too Much D&D
Good morrow m’ladies and m’lords. What thine eyes alight upon at present is a realm of the World Wide Web known as Meh. 'Pon this digital hillock of daily-changing pixels, enchantments abound in the form of savings. So let thine coin satchel fall open, for here thine rubles shall go further than in any other kingdom!
Friends Who Are Deeply Invested In The NBA Playoffs
“I don’t even know who the f**k that is.” These are the words of Eric Bledsoe following the Milwaukee Bucks’ game two loss against the Boston Celtics this past Tuesday. It’s unclear exactly who he was talking about, but most agree that it was either Celtics guard Terry Rozier, or Meh.com. Really, it doesn’t matter. Either way, Bledsoe’s ignorance is going to cost him money. Don’t be like Eric. Shop at Meh.
Friends Who Are Rattlesnakes
SSSSssssSSSSsssSSsss SSSSssssSSSSSSSssss. Rattle rattle rattle rattle! SssSSSsss SsSSsssS. SSSSS. HISS! HISS! HISS! Rattle rattle rattle! SSSssss Meh.com SsssSSSSssss.
We’ll have more greetings next Saturday for any potential friends/new customers we didn’t cover here. In the meantime, spread the word!