2-Pack: Champion Sunglasses

  • Travel back to the 90s with your eyes
  • Not as effective as just closing your eyes, but safer for driving
  • Don’t forget the IRK!
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Twinning: a 2-pack Meh-rathon

Perhaps everyone had taken their seats to shame her, so her arrival would be met with this exact circumstance: silence. As silent, in fact, as her phone had been this morning; not a single one of them had called or messaged her to see where she was.

It all seemed so passive-aggressive, something one might expect in a high school or a low-level office job, not at the headquarters of a privately funded space exploration company, one that was supposed to launch a mission this very morning to track the strange signal they’d received from somewhere out beyond the moon–the very mission on which Jane was to be the commanding officer.

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