2-Pack: Atomi Premium Aluminum Smart WiFi LED Sconce Lights

  • OOPS you can’t buy this (we’re sorry!)
  • They’re actually pretty nice
  • Can do any color you want
  • This way to the IRK
see more product specs

Tricky "Treats": a Meh-rathon

“They’re not just lights,” Mrs. Tenner said, handing out the sconces to each of the trick-or-treaters. “They’re magic lights!”

“Whoa!” said a girl dressed as a zombie. “So, they can cast spells?”

“Or shoot lasers?” Said a boy dressed as a baseball player.

“Or send you back in time with their glow alone?” said a girl dressed as a ballerina.

“Um, no,” said Mrs. Tenner. “But you know how there are, like, a lot of colors? Well–”

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