2-Pack: Anova Precision Port Handheld Vacuum Sealer Kit

  • It’s a vacuum sealer that you hold in your hand
  • Can seal any old plastic bag
  • Don’t forget the IRK!
see more product specs

Twinning: a 2-pack Meh-rathon

“Whatever,” said Gil, also known intergalactically as Cork Muldoon. “Fine. Nobody wants to talk about me? That’s cool. But here’s what I’m confused about: if you all did this–you snuck onto a space mission as your twins–what was your plan? Because it seems like a wild prank, but right now you’re just sorta doing the mission.”

“Exactly!” Laney said, standing up. “My sister always thinks I’m the evil one. And you know what, maybe in some ways I am. But it’s because being evil was the only way I could get her to notice me. All the nasty thing I said, all the opportunities I ruined, all the shenanigans, it was all just to get some respect, really.”

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