60-Piece Magnetic Toy Set

  • Not for children under 3
  • Also, may confuse members of ICP
see more product specs

Talk Like Something Else Day: A Meh-rathon

Talk like a Pirate Day is this Saturday, the 19th. But c’mon! That’s played out. This year, why not try something different? Such as:

Talk Like a Lifeguard From a Movie or Television Show Day

Say, “Wait! Who’s that out there? Swimming way out into the waves? Don’t they know that there’s a dangerous riptide? And a swarm of sharks spotted in the area? And an underwater volcano set to blow? And a band of marauding jet-ski-riding diamond thieves that have been known to cut through this area of beach while out-maneuvering the coast guard en route to their secret lair? Get your floatation device, Estafan! We’re going out there!”

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