2-Pack: Gloves In A Bottle Hand Shielding Lotion
- It’ll moisturize your hands
- Furthermore, it’ll form a shield to keep your hands from getting brittle all over again
- Not greasy, and lasts through a wash
- Is it available in Georgia Red: No, and, in fact, if you want hands that look a bit more Georgia Red, don’t use this or any other lotion
Gotta Hand it to Them
The stuff we’re selling here is cool and all, but don’t forget about the SideDeal-o-Rama, going on all weekend! Great gifts abound!
There’s Black Friday. And then there’s Cyber Monday. And then there’s Small Business Saturday in between. But what about the Sunday after Thanksgiving? What commerce-related assignment do we, as a society, have for that day?
According to National Day Calendar:
On Sunday after Thanksgiving we celebrate national Secondhand Sunday to embrace secondhand gifting, while supporting second hand sellers and circular fashion during the peak holiday shopping season.
Now, we aren’t fully embracing the theme. These tubes of hand lotion are definitely NOT used. They will, however… wait for it… give your hands a second life.
But seriously. It’s a gross time of year for your hands. The dry air, the cold–they age your digits about a decade beyond the rest of your body. Unless you use some lotion. And this lotion? It has the additional benefit of creating a sort of shield, so that it doesn’t just moisturize your hands; it also protects them from the things that will suck that moisture back out.
It makes sense, then, that this stuff earns a 4.2 out of 5 on Amazon, based on more than 10,000 reviews. Here are two we thought effectively conveyed the product’s virtues.
My hands go through phases where they get extremely dry and look super crepey. This lotion helps and it lasts through hand washing. It kind of feels like Elmer’s glue when you first put it on but dries down nicely. At the end of my work shift my hands look and feel moisturized and the crepey-ness is almost nonexistent.
This item is exactly what it advertises, I wear gloves on a daily bases and my hands always get irritated from the long wear hours. This product gives my hands a layer of protection from the gloves and the relief I’ve been looking for. I’ve tried many other products and this one is the WINNER!! Definitely a great investment.
Which makes you think that maybe ‘Gloves in a Bottle’ isn’t entirely accurate. Maybe it’s more like, ‘A Bottle of Under-Gloves.’ (As a marketing professional, though, I see why they made the choice they made.)
Anyway, buy some good protective hand lotion. And then, if you want, go thrifting! It’s fun!