Today's SideDeal

$167-$192 (for 24) at Amazon
Lavender | Aloe
Cucumber Melon

24-Pack: T.Taio Esponjabon 2 In 1 Soap Sponge

  • It’s a bath/shower sponge. But, like…pre-soaped.
  • Soap on the outside, sponge on the inside
  • Over 17,000 reviews on Amazon
  • You get two dozen!
  • These are sponges for your body, but we have sponges for your car’s body over here
  • Can it make a margarita? It can make a margarita inadvisable to drink (unless you’re trying to stop swearing)
see more product specs

Don’t Eat This

We know you guys are into the food offers around here. (Disagree? That’s what democracy is for, come spout off on the forum.)

But despite quite a good run this week of things that you both can and should put in your mouth, today’s deal is…not that. Given the context of day after day of delightful edible offerings, though, it just seems important that we be really clear on this one.

It ain’t food.

They’re sponges. For washing yourself, by the way, not the kitchen counter. And they’re available at a price where you can stock up in true Elaine Benes sponge-hoarding fashion, if you’re into references that are (checks notes) thirty years old (sobs pop culturally).

Is it individually wrapped like food? It is. But that’s so the soapy infusion stays in the sponge, ready for you to wash yourself at the drop of a hat. There is not, however, a pop tart in there. Though you can wash yourself with each one like 40 times before you have to crack open a replacement. Try that with a pop tart.

Next up—the name. Sure, “esponjabon” sounds a little like some sort of super fancy culinary concoction that would cost more than you’d think and be served at a pretentious restaurant on an “artistic” plate alternative like a smooth rock or a recycled smartphone. But nope. It’s just the name of the company. We checked. Has a great ring to it, though, no?

So then there’s the smell. We’ve got three: Lavender, Cucumber Melon, and Aloe… which while not exactly a food, will get you a little riled up in an olfactory sense. So while you might be tempted to take a giant bite out of one of these in much the same way you sometimes feel compelled to suck on a plug-in air freshener cartridge or gargle the potpourri, we really discourage you from doing that.

Great for washing yourself, though. And two dozen of these cover you for your next 900 showers or so, and to be honest we don’t really enjoy thinking that far ahead about anything.

Wash up!

(Don’t eat it.)

But let us know what food you want next…

So far today...

  • 5994 of you visited.
  • 55% on a phone, 2% on a tablet.
  • 647 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

How’d you get here?

And you bought...

  • 53 of these.
  • There’s still some left.
  • That’s $1409 total.
  • (including shipping)

Who's buying this crap?