@RiotDemon One of my favorite schedules in a past life was having Sundays and Mondays off. I know that doesn’t help you any, but I wanted to share this.
I could squander the first day off, Sunday, without feeling guilty, then use my second day off, Monday, to get shit done.
I feel different throughout the day. Early morning is church and I usually feel tired but motivated, the afternoon arrives and I feel like do nothing…a mellow, sleepy feeling and then in the evening is when the I start thinking about having to go to work and that brings some anxiety.
It’s the one day of the week that I DO need to get up with an alarm for church. I don’t do much of anything else on Sundays ('cept Mother’s Day and Father’s Day).
Every day is different. Sunday is the same.
Semi-retired - just like every other day.
What happened to Saturday?
Sunday is really my Monday, so I dread it.
Sunday is my Saturday these days; Wednesday is my Monday but 1-11 is my 9-5, so Wednesday morning is my Monday evening.
If YOU’re confused, think how my stomach feels!
I work most Sundays so they usually don’t feel much different.
@RiotDemon One of my favorite schedules in a past life was having Sundays and Mondays off. I know that doesn’t help you any, but I wanted to share this.
I could squander the first day off, Sunday, without feeling guilty, then use my second day off, Monday, to get shit done.
Enjoy your just another day-Sun.
I feel different throughout the day. Early morning is church and I usually feel tired but motivated, the afternoon arrives and I feel like do nothing…a mellow, sleepy feeling and then in the evening is when the I start thinking about having to go to work and that brings some anxiety.
@wonidejack the Sunday nap conundrun; i want a nap but i want to experience the day.
Eight months of dread, four months of yay - football!
It’s the one day of the week that I DO need to get up with an alarm for church. I don’t do much of anything else on Sundays ('cept Mother’s Day and Father’s Day).
Sunday = family day. You never know what you are going to get!
/giphy Sunday Funday

My topic: https://meh.com/forum/topics/ryanair-and-how-craptastic-it-is
Pressured. I’m in grad school and sI always have an assignment due on Sunday. I miss lazy Sundays. This is how I want to feel:
@Gypsigirl213 They have assignments due on a Sunday?
@lseeber Sure do. It’s online for working adults so I guess that’s why.
@Gypsigirl213 Wow… never heard of that before.
By the end of the day I always want to rewind to the beginning so I can just lay around and be lazy some more.
I’m now retired, so it doesn’t matter what day it is…