It all depends upon the application. Aerodynamic is nice, but it doesn’t have much surface area and thus won’t stick to the wall. Sauce-retention capability is good, but if you are going very thin on sauce, it would be a minority concern. And if you like pasta al dente, the physical makeup of the pasta itself grately determines its suitability for cooking thus.
In these challenging times we should all work together to support our hero’s. And what better way than to send an undisclosed amount of dehydrated semolina flour
Noodles are something when you order chicken alfredo supremo; at a shitty Italian restaurant. They use noodles to fill you up thinking you got a good amount of food for you money. Chinese use rice the same.
German spätzle is a good substitute/same thing and easy to find. Even Lidl sells spätzle.
Nokedli/spätzle is easy to make at home though and better fresh… Just extremely time consuming if you don’t have the right gadget.
Best thing about nokedli if you make too much… Fry the leftovers in butter the next day maybe with a little finely chopped onions. My kids don’t appreciate nokedli the first day, but all love the leftovers that have been fried the next day.
I want tiny and tender.
In this house, we only eat pasta that’s FDA Approved
I look for fun shapes, like bowtie, shells and alphabet pasta. I remember wagon wheels from my childhood. Don’t know if that’s still available.
/image route pasta
@mike808 Those are the ones. Love the shape. They stay on the fork pretty well.
It all depends upon the application. Aerodynamic is nice, but it doesn’t have much surface area and thus won’t stick to the wall. Sauce-retention capability is good, but if you are going very thin on sauce, it would be a minority concern. And if you like pasta al dente, the physical makeup of the pasta itself grately determines its suitability for cooking thus.
Gluten free
The motion in the ocean
I look for noodles in my pasta.
I hope somebody that can really enjoy the pasta will be able to get Happy from it.
Lack of gluten. Ideally without being pure mush when you boil it.
Pasta Fazul!
A bug/hair - if there is one present, I send it back
In these challenging times we should all work together to support our hero’s. And what better way than to send an undisclosed amount of dehydrated semolina flour
Another vote for gluten free!
Pasta Fazul!
It is all about what grain or vegetable the pasta is made from.
Will this ever be?
I love pasta that doesn’t slap me in the face.
Noodles are something when you order chicken alfredo supremo; at a shitty Italian restaurant. They use noodles to fill you up thinking you got a good amount of food for you money. Chinese use rice the same.
some asian restaurants also use noodles, but rarely wheat. rice noods are nummers
Give us Cavatappi or give us death!
(If you can’t do Cavatappi, Gemelli would probably be preferable to death)
Have any Hungarian style egg noods @snapster? Need those for paprikash or stroganoff
@Kevin are you talking about Nokedli?
German spätzle is a good substitute/same thing and easy to find. Even Lidl sells spätzle.
Nokedli/spätzle is easy to make at home though and better fresh… Just extremely time consuming if you don’t have the right gadget.
Best thing about nokedli if you make too much… Fry the leftovers in butter the next day maybe with a little finely chopped onions. My kids don’t appreciate nokedli the first day, but all love the leftovers that have been fried the next day.