Web cartoons
11I assume others like web cartoons. They are great to check on the morning just to get your day started and suck slightly less. I’m not plugging for anyone. but waffles and pancakes currently has a supper cute cat arch going that started way back here. Back story tater the grey cat has a thing about stealing/chewing bras. You’d have to run through a few from here to get to the kittens. They get married though lol
I also like questionable content, broodhollow although it seems dead, loonerbaboon, dumbingofage and a couple others I can’t remember the name of cause some are cancelled.
If anyone else has a favorite please share. If I find one I like I tend to go back to the start and read the whole thing. Just bookmark it an make my way through .
Cat wedding is at like 250. Adorable kittens proceded from I think about there
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Oh also xkcd is excellent and sticking with the cat issue.
I’ve got friends who read the existential comics.
I find them a little too highbrow and I don’t get the jokes sometimes but maybe somebody here will like them.
Oh of course the oatmeal. I assume @narfcake must have seen his work but if not.
Lots more at his site but he doesn’t put much new out now. The old stuff is still funny
Schlock Mercenary
Home of the Seventy Maxims for Maximally Effective Mercenaries, and in daily release since mid 2000.
Example Maxims:
- Pillage, then burn
- A sergeant in motion outranks a lieutenant who doesn’t know what’s going on.
- An ordnance technician at a dead run outranks everybody.
And many more.
The first comic is Here
@duodec Wow, that’s still running?!?!
oglaf.com … WARNING: NSFW
@tinsami1 Already in my list. I think I found it through a link from XKCD.
Devil’s Candy is a cute if macabre story about a neglected wiz-kid, his biology project, and his snarky shirtless friend, as well as other strange monsters.
Gunnerkrigg Court is a long-running one following a young girl who has found herself stuck in the center of where mythology and progress bump heads.
Cucumber Quest is a cute twist on the hero’s journey and JRPGs, though the author is turning the rest of it into more of a light novel instead of full comic.
Kill Six Billion Demons is the wild and incredibly metal journey of a sorority girl having a fragment of God jammed in her head and taken to the center of creation after her boyfriend got snatched by radical angels.
Sleepless Domain is a serious take on the “magical girl” genre that starts pretty light and shallow but gets heavy rather fast.
I like Medium Large, although it’s more of a blog than a Web comic these days.
The author did not originate but now writes Sally Forth and Judge Parker, but he’s finally started making real money by writing cat books, the hard-copy, best-selling kind. So you’ll see ads for his books.
He includes entertaining strips and alternative versions of Sally Forth and Judge Parker, which is nice if you don’t want to actually read those every day.
I haven’t read any in awhile, but I liked Perry Bible Fellowship pbfcomics.com and Dinosaur Comics qwantz.com.
/image dinosaur Comics
@eonfifty I know I’ve seen that dinosour
@eonfifty @unksol Looks like Calvin and Hobbes to me.
I haven’t caught up in a while but I like Order of the Stick -http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0001.html
My new fav is strange planet… too new to have a proper website for them yet I think? Here is the insta and webpage but no archives that I know of:
@thismyusername mmmmmm old
Power Nap.
Good mind-fuck comic. I think I know where they’re going with this…
@PocketBrain - Nice! Jean Giraud influences.
Recently discovered threddycomics.com. Mostly publishes on twitter. Somewhat regional. Sometimes amusing.
Because there is nothing better than a robot dating a pornstar.
paranatural https://www.paranatural.net/
kiwi blitz http://www.kiwiblitz.com/comic/archive
Girl Genius. A magnificent adventure from Phil and Kaja Foglio. I found it when looking for Phil’s graphic novel interpretation of Myth, Inc. He was also a cartooner for the old Dragon Magazine.