We need a goat to start 2015 off right.
3It is almost the new year, and IMNSHO time to start lobbying for the new goat.
Or are people still recovering from the holidays? I'd blame @lisaviolet for that, just to get one last blamestorm in.
- 19 comments, 132 replies
- Comment
As far as I can tell, the unixrab style seems to consist solely of:
1). Be outraged that Meh is (woah!) a business that aims to make a profit of some kind.
2). Point this out in the forums, expecting everyone to be similarly outraged.
3). Be shocked/confused when outrage is not forthcoming.
4). Wait a few days, try again.
Persistence and confusion alone aren't enough to be anointed Goat. Wait a few days, be more funny.
@Starblind After all these years I've known @unixrab, he has been a follower. He doesn't use his own mind to make logical sense out of things. He can be proven wrong and will stick to his guns if it is something his parents taught him. So I'm surprised he thinks all the deals are bad when thousands of items each day are sold. That shows that thousands of people disagree with him and they are paying money to prove the deals are good. It must have roots in his upbringing.
@cengland0 In what universe does the lone hold-out disinvited singled out forum member EQUAL BEING A FOLLOWER? You're drinking the VMP koolaid! ... you crazy mang
@unixrab I've been trying to avoid specifics to avoid you embarrassment but you know very well what you've been proven wrong with and still choose to believe in. I think the same happens here. People like VMP and you can get a full refund if you don't use it. There is no negative side to it but you, and you alone, think there is a trick. You can have your belief system if you want but don't try to tell us what is best for our needs.
@cengland0 wait wait wait wait.... you can get a full refund if you don't use it???? IS THIS TRUE? @jont @thumperchick
@unixrab It's just like you to not believe me. You also couldn't be bothered to do your own research to confirm it yourself. That's why I call you a sheep and believe what your parents taught you instead of using your own mind. Anyway, the quote is, "If you cancel your membership, we will fully refund your last monthly membership fee minus the standard cost of any services rendered within the period." You can read it for yourself here: https://mediocre.com/forum/topics/vmp-membership-agreement?sort=most-votes
@unixrab if you havent used it in the month you cancelled it, they will (as of the last time i checked) refund the last month.
@neuromancer @cengland0 man that sounds like a lot of work. So if they sell something I want (so far not too many of those), I pay $5 to join VMP - now at that point have I used the program? It's not really free shipping on the first order since I paid $5 to join VMP, right? Then 29 days go by and nothing has peaked my interest on meh.com - if I cancel then? Do I get my original $5 back? Or does it have to renew and then I cancel in 29 more days and get the 2nd $5 back. @jonT ?
@unixrab you're making it more complicated than it really is. If you cannot understand it, perhaps you need to go back to kindergarden. It is very basic and it is all explained in the link I previously provided. Again, you seem to be the only person that can not grasp the simple concept.
@unixrab yes let's say you get the first $5 back but then they apply it towards the shipping on the item you bought. If you let it renew and then don't buy anything you will get that $5 back.
@ignorant Thank you. @cengland0 I'm going to lake tomorrow - peking duck season.
so VMP really is a 59 day $5 shipping (first purchase) and a $5 let it ride for the next month - I think it's not worth the hassle of trying to cancel it - then you have to re-join the next time if (hopehope) there is another product that's worth buying... it's too much of a hassle. $5 is a fair price for shipping a good product and the urge to impulse buy is negated by not joining VMP.
@unixrab IMHO - In My HUMBLE Opinion. I think you meant IMOSLO - In My Often Stated Loudly Opinion. :D
@Thumperchick more attacks? I thought we were good?
@unixrab I was just stating my humble opinion. How is that an attack?
@Thumperchick " I think you meant IMOSLO - In My Often Stated Loudly Opinion. :D " subtlety is not lost on me " : D "
@unixrab Are you suggesting customers are all better off with higher prices because they will have to be really sure they want something before they buy it?
@neuromancer not at all... just that $5 is a fair price for flying a package to anywhere in the lower 48 all "willy nilly" PS: are you my sibling???! ;-)
@unixrab Flying? Based on lack of speed I'd say likely kid pulling the mail in a wagon on peddle bike...
@unixrab Well that $5 isn't really for shipping. The actual cost of shipping has to be built into the price of the item. We both lnow that no matter how good a deal Snapster wants to offer, it cant be priced lower than the Meh's cost (including variable costs like shipping). In reality the VMP program is just third-degree price discrimination. The subscription model also brings in views, and thats the real benefit; for the next 30 days the new VMP is incentivised to check back and see what the daily deal is. Based on your post history, i'm guessing you don't need the incentive to come back and see whats on offer, so Meh's just as well off having you pay the extra five bucks if you happen to see something you like.
@neuromancer I can vouch that the day zero and the meh shirt offerings were below cost, even factoring in $5 shipping. Wholesale, the AA blanks alone are close to $5 already; add in outsourced screen printing/setup costs/etc. and shipping, it definitely cost meh more than $6. Was @snapster crazy? I'm leaning towards the same answer as "Did he send VMPs a couple of charging dongles and a meh phone stand for $0?" ...
@narfcake I'm having trouble relating what you are saying to what I said. I can only guess that you believe in one of the three following scenarios. 1. You think that the cost of shipping is not built into the price of an item and that Meh is able to ship items to VPM's for free somehow. 2. You believe that Meh does not build the cost of shipping into the price of an item and that Meh sells each item to VMP's at a loss. 3. You think that Meh is not trying to turn a profit at this time (or something equally crazy). Please let me know which it is.
@neuromancer None of those three. You said this: "We both lnow that no matter how good a deal Snapster wants to offer, it cant be priced lower than the Meh's cost (including variable costs like shipping)." -- and I'm saying there are non-fuku instances where the item offered is a loss leader. Supermarket sales tactic? Probably that option, except it's spread out long term.
@narfcake Looking back the Day 0 offerings probably were a loss-leader (a gift paid-for by the kickstarter money), but I doubt the Snap Cables cost more than the $5 VMP fee (their actual price). I stand by my position that the price of the items include their cost to ship and the VMP fee or shipping-charge is just additional profit.
@joelmw Which makes me think of this (and you were actually looking for a gif of the gainsaying bit, weren't you?), which I'm really not sure is generally applicable, but it makes me laugh.
@neuromancer I'm with @narfcake on this one. Loss leaders are a common tactic and it's because they work. Further: hooking people into coming back (via the crack-cocaine-style-VMP) works as well. Surprisingly, no one's mentioned the potential cost savings/profit potential of the currency exchanges between Korea and USA. And no one has delved into the benefit of some corporations simply wanting to dump a warehouse of slow moving product on the cheap... with the corporation bearing the loss - while still improving their bottom line by being able to stock a newer product in the newly freed up space. Corporations have bottom lines and bonuses and there's plenty of room to let a warehouse of product go for a loss so long as the {"goals and achievements" have been met. @snapster has MORE than eight legs in these pies.
I nominate @joelmw. Because he keeps things going (like starting new threads).
@lisaviolet I second @joelmw - he's been patiently talking to himself for several months now, and deserves a shot to have other people join his conversation.
@Thumperchick That was sweet and obnoxiously rude all at the same time. You get me, you really get me. :-)
@Thumperchick Now's when I need to admit that I'll keep talking to myself long after they've told me to stop. It's who I am. It's what I do. It's not so much that I'm opposed to other people joining the conversation; it just seems that they are. On the other hand, I get most of my jokes, and I'm just smart enough to not intimidate me. And I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and, doggone it, I like me. I'm good enough for me to talk to. I'm totally staying away from self-endorsement for goat. That ended disturbingly. It started disturbingly. It was very disturbing in the middle.
@lisaviolet Awww. Thanks. I think.
@joelmw What can I say, you bring out that side in me.
Hey @unixrab maybe I should take the opportunity to update this old glorious document?
P.S. For what it's worth, if I had a vote it would not be for @unixrab as the goat either... Yet. In my dark world there's some idiot CEO trying to best Unixrab's logic. Always making VMP better to spite his nemesis. The day Unixrab becomes VMP he can be the goat.
@snapster lol not tempting (FOR NOW!) ... although with the right products, I can be "better than everyone else" I have hope that I can again rejoin your revenue generating masses - I'm not against VMP per se ... just can't be for it until there's more attractive products. No offense.
@unixrab meh. :-p also that looks fun:
@unixrab @snapster I want to play too!
@Starblind haha... "purple square"
@unixrab No, look closer. It's actually a Ruby Square, awarded just once, for Best Person Ever.
@Starblind Are we comparing our e-penis sizes? Here's mine!
This is fun!
@lisaviolet you just have to rub it in don't you. maybe you should be the first to have two consecutive months as goat. I'll tag you in EVERY post, heck I'll post just to Tag you. oh so much fun to be had.
@lisaviolet @starblind
@Foxborn yes! @lisaviolet for 2 terms!
@lisaviolet oh yes, it'll be my own version of I like purple. "I blame @lisaviolet"
@Foxborn It's not fair to all of the other candidates. I'm a one term goat, for sure.
@lisaviolet true I know who I really want to be goat, but I give votes and nominations fairly, though you are awesome enough for two terms
@lisaviolet but you suck so badly at taking blame...surely you need one more term to get it right
Aw, how sweet of you to say...thank you!
@lisaviolet SEE!!!?!?!?!?!? Def 1 more term
@unixrab What, because Three Stooges?
@Starblind We're doing a thing?
@Thumperchick well... some are photoshopping...but we know what's goin' on
@unixrab GASP Photoshop on the internet I don't believe it!
@Foxborn it's true.
@lisaviolet It is sad to let a good goat go to waste. My friend overseas tells me a happy goat is a happy home. I think we should keep our good goats.
@snapster since there's woot chest-beating going on here, I'll counter with mine... only 3 buys over there over a period of 3 years (admittedly post-glory days). I've already topped that buy count on meh.com in a couple months. And I'm as yankee-thrift cheap as they get. So you must be doing something right.
@Thumperchick - Wow, mine still looks like this and I haven't been over there for close to three years.
@Outofmymind Well, it will be good to not be accused of having a bleating heart, that's for sure.
@Thumperchick - Not even close to your awesomeness
I love purple.
Thanks to this Thread I now know who I want to Nominate for January goat. Congrats to @narfcake you have my vote. For, um Stirring the pot ;)
@Foxborn No shirt, no scapegoat.
@narfcake just think of all the love you'll get from the community for it
@Foxborn If we get AA shirts, sure - pile on the blame! Until then ... meh.
@narfcake Alcoholics Anonymous Tees? sure
@Foxborn i second @narfcake. mainly because his username is an anagram of 'cafe rank'.
@carl669 Bah! @snapster still needs to make good on this first before I accept the blame, though.
@narfcake is a strong contender... He has 1/4 of my vote
@Foxborn I agree just because I like the handle @narfcake.
@carl669 because of #SDF. Again. Or @unixrab, what with being on the naughty list by Santa @snapster.
Speaking of which, where are the shirts?
@narfcake I personally would prefer not to reward @unixrab with goathood. He's a jackass ;)
@Thumperchick He is just misunderstood. It is hard cooking all day for people who hate you.
@Thumperchick I'm not sure what makes me a jackass, but goathood is def not a "reward" so I side with @thumperchick
I agree with @Thumperchick. The goat shouldn't be someone who's only purpose on the meh forums is to dis the entire meh method of operation, someone who is doing his level best to keep people from spending their money here. It's obvious he's incredibly unhappy with meh, and incredibly jelly of @snapster.
Why, unixrab has only bought one thing since meh started up. A fuku. He's not even a VMP. He was explicitly NOT invited to be a VMP. That says a lot.
@lisaviolet @thumperchick: Fair enough. My nomination for @carl669 still stands, though.
14-0001 Majority Opinion in
re: Meh.com, @thumperchick, @lisaviolet et al v @unixrab
Be it known:
1. @unixrab concurs with @lisaviolet, et al. re: @unixrab should not be 01/2014 Scapegoat. CONCUR
2. @unixrab concurs with @lisaviolet et al. re: @unixrab is NOT a VMP member: CONCUR
3. @unixrab concurs that he has only purchased one thing from meh.com: CONCUR
4.) in re: @unixrab was disinvited from participating in 12/25/2014 two months free VMP offer: CONCUR
@unixrab DISSENTS with @lisaviolet et al.,1.) @unixrab is unhappy with meh.com: DISSENT whereas @unixrab is only unhappy with the PRODUCTS that have thus far been offered, but is very happy with the tone, style and ethos of meh.com: DISSENT
2.) @unixrab dissents that he is trying his LEVEL best to keep people from spending money at meh.com: DISSENT WHEREAS: @unixrab is only doing his LEVEL best to point out that the VMP program is not a good deal based upon the scarcity of good deals IN HIS OPINION.
3. @unixrab dissents that he is "jelly" of @snapster: DISSENT: WHEREAS: @unixrab is a fan of @snapster and has been so since 2006, this is well documented in this and other forums as well as by character witness from @snapster heretofore
4. @unixrab dissents that he has only a single purpose on the meh forums: DISSENT WHERAS @unixrab has several purposes on the meh forums.
5. @unixrab dissents that any one of the aforementioned purposes is to "dis the entire meh method of operation": DISSENT WHERAS @unixrab condones several of the methods of operation at meh.com and only "disses" the VMP portion of meh.com et. al.
The case is submitted. (Whereupon, at 6:45 p.m., the case in the above entitled matter was submitted.) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Alderson Reporting
@unixrat The prosecution moves for an Order compelling the Defendant, unixrat, to promptly produce all outstanding discovery regarding point 4 of the previously submitted Opinion, specifically including, but not limited to, exactly what "several purposes" he has on the meh forums.
But you're cool with 01/2015 right?
@Ignorant DOH! Good catch. Actually No.. I am not cool with 01/2015. I have a special pardon from @snapster that says I don't have to be the goat for as long as I want (so long as I avoid VMP - which isn't hard in the least!!) sooooo I'm exempt for as long as i want to be!!
PS: I think you're the only one that read that far ;-) Thanks!
@hallmike OVERRULED as there is no reference to "unixrat" and that the prosecution has shown no evidence to support said user; the motion for the Order of Compulsion is denied. Further, The Prosecution is instructed to refer to the the justices as '@Judge' , '@YourHonor' or '@unixRAB'; failure to properly identify any of the justices will result in an order of contempt. You have been warned. You may proceed.
@Ignorant yeah he just said he doesn't want to be the goat for this past January so that leaves @unixrab to be willing to be the goat for this upcoming January and regardless of what people put inside parentheses I still vote for him.
@unixrab I read the whole thing.
@Teripie AYE! Thanks @Terpie!
@unixrab Mad respect for the opinion. I read the whole thing and enjoyed it. And, damnit, I so didn't want to. That being said, you sure as hell could have done better.
@joelmw I agree... but writing that all on this one single reply line was HARD!!! ;-)
I'm nominating the same person I nominated last month: Barney. Like groot, she/he can say a shitload with just four words.
@SIMBM eh... 4 syllables but uh...just 3 words.
@unixrab: @barney has added "Awwww." to the responses on a couple occasions. Otherwise, it's either "I like purple." or "I love purple.", which would make 4.
"I" = 1
"love" = 2
"purple" = 3 ... what am I missing?
@unixrab like.
@narfcake ohhhh I see. You are counting the whole vocabulary of Barney not each 3 word message. Thank you for the clarification
I love purple.
Rename this thread… @unixrab pinball
Open new thread… goat nominations
@Kidsandliz PLEASE!!
@Kidsandliz I started a new one... please post there
I guess according to Chinese zodiac, it's the year of Ram/Goat/Sheep. So I definitely second this thread.
I think the January Goat should be someone that follows in the same vein as the last few goats... The new goat should:
The scapegoat's main job here has morphed from taking the blame for all the crappy products and and occasional server crashes to mainly responding to my logical posts with some various levels of incredulity and light vitriol.
Search back through the forums for those type individuals who really like to sock it to ol' @unixrab and who are prepared to scour the Internet for appropriate gifs and witticisms.... perhaps some responses below may help reveal the next lucky goat!
Some prospective candidates:
1.) @hallmike for this gem: "@unixrat If I have to mention him, I purposely misspell his name so he has one less reason to come to a place he hates so much but can't stay away from. hallmike said Last Thursday at 11:20 AM "
2.) @daveinsocal on general principle ;-)
3.) and @redoak for this vignette: "RedOak said Last Thursday at 12:14 PM: Thanks Meh. I love free stuff and singling out @unixrabbi (thanks @hallmike for the misspell tip) for flogging & non-inclusion is icing on the cake! Did you really, truly block his ID?"
4.) and finally @narfcake for this whole thread.
has to be one of those four!
@unixrab I find it interesting that you think your opinion is somehow more valid than that of others here when, in fact, you have the minority opinion. Using terms like "group think" and "attack any criticism" mean you don't have to defend your stance on its merit, but can easily shift the argument to the "fanboy/girl" with an attack on their character. It was thin 2 months ago and then it hit funny, and now it's just sad. No one is forcing you to buy anything. No one even says you have to think something is a good deal. With all of that said, I don't understand why you feel the need to be so aggressive about your opinion. Or why you choose to post your gif de jour in the top comment section that is supposed to be for price comparison, except that it does mean someone sees your cry for attention every day. I guess it's working, you have the attention of masses, even if it's only to tell you that your nonstop barrage of complaints are annoying.
@unixrab No shirts on meh on any sort of regular basis = NOT MY FAULT!
Signed Narf, future shirtgoat-of-the-month.
@unixrab I love lamp.
@Thumperchick - The forums are for opinions - and why would you have an opinion if you didn't really think it was a good one? Do you have opinions that you secretly know aren't valid? Makes no sense. I haven't called anyone names (like "jackass" or whatever) .. it's all light and fun! It bothers me (ok not really) that you think you should police the forums or say where things should or should not be posted. Forums are a game where opinions are bandied about willy nilly - I don't cry for attention but it's fun to know that you think I do. No one is forcing you to read my comments or give me attention. I actually suggest that if it's bothering you even a little to NOT read my comments or respond to them. It's annoying when someone takes something seriously that is, in all actuality, just light-hearted fun.
@unixrab Forums are indeed great for opinions, but at some point, when your opinion is stated over and over again in unrelated threads, you move into troll territory. I think you've been in said territory for quite a while now. Trolling is only considered 'light-hearted fun' by the trolls. No one else really views it as such.
@unixrat "fun" is an opinion too.
@hallmike @purplepawprints The Internet is no place to hang your heart on your sleeve. If you think I'm a troll (or just above your paygrade) ...
I can't respond to anything...except responses. So .. don't. ;-) (EVEN with a modified user name)
@unixrab the "jackass" comment was tongue in cheek. A jackass is a donkey, so it can't be a goat. It wasn't meant as anything more.
@Thumperchick everything I say is tongue-in-cheek - so let's hug and move on. :-) <3
@unixrab the label "fanboy/girl" certainly qualifies as pejorative name-calling since it is rarely used in a positive or even neutural manner.
@RedOak while there's room to disagree with you, I've not hurled that particular pejorative at an individual user, only opined that the goats should collectively be really big fans of meh.com ...
@unixrab See, so this sort of self-aggrandizing, self-pitying, categorical dismissal is where you lose me. @snapster and @JonT, for good and bad reasons, I think @unixrab deserves something. Can we just give him a perpetual jackass symbol? And, seriously, being a jackass is hard work.
@joelmw See? so this type of self-appointed, self-serving, categorical judgment is where you lose me. snapster and jonT can we just give him a perpetual gavel symbol? And seriously, being a judge is hard work.
PS: I'm just kidding... I wanted to write a symmetrical response to illustrate the point - I appreciate the suggestion of a jackass icon, but I would prefer a dead horse being whipped... it's more accurate, as, none of my responses are really "jackassy" - they're more repartee than anything. which is where the problem lies, because if you serve up a softball of a comment and someone repartee's it out of the park... you think the batter is the jackass... but really...the pitch never should have been thrown.
Will there be a plume of white smoke when the January goat is finally chosen?
@Teripie Probably the one in the background of the Something Went Terribly Wrong video.
@Teripie Or the smoke and fire will stop once a selection has been made.
@Teripie I love purple.
@Teripie Smoke for the new goat:
Both January and February are going to be particularly hard on the next goat when people begin realizing the folly of the "free" VMP offer and wise up to the irrational impulse purchases they've made. God help whomever it is...
I need to surf the forum more to get more familiar with some of you guys. Not "you guys" here in this thread, the other guys whose names fail me.
Hi, I am Outofmymind. Nice to meet you.
@Outofmymind Next time use the actual image so we aren't sent to a remote site :) :
@curtise No it worked as I intended with exception it wasn't in the reply.
My vote is for @Unixrab.
@neuromancer HAHA!! DENIED. I have been exempted by @snapster HIMSELF! No one can make me goat except me or @snapster!
@unixrab he didn't say you can't be the goat, he's said you don't have his vote.
Sacrificial goat!
@SIMBM - now that you have started 2 "name the next goat" threads (so we are even LOL) perhaps you should be nominated due to your conscientiousness making sure the community does not go without? Heck this one with 4 days to mull it over counts as extreme conscientiousness.
@Kidsandliz I can't believe how this thread turned so ugly so quickly. First flamewar of the forum, and it occurred in my thread! Fortunately, I don't have to take the blame; that's what @lisaviolet is for.
@SIMBM and just think perhaps next month it will be your fault LOL
@SIMBM this is not the first flame war here, but it is the one with the least amount of butthurt.
can we nominate Meh staffers? I can think of a few but particular reasons
@foxborn Happy to back nominations for staffers- have anyone in mind?
@dashcloud just couldn't think of ANYONE one desperation bid would have been for snapster or Jont but I'm happy to say that I now know who I want as next goat @narfcake . for reasoning please see the beehive they kicked below.
New goat but no notion who. It's only fair and is that not what we are about? (?)
blah so many gifs to load I can't continue coming back here for fear it will take another 10 minutes to load
@sp3ar Were your employer as diligent as mine, you wouldn't be bothered by two thirds of the gifs that get posted.