Today's rant is a two-fer...

chienfou thought this was worth mentioning said

OK, so some asswipe threw their empty Mountain Dew Game Fuel can out the window in front of my house.
Rant #1 What part of littering escapes these idiots. I also picked up a McD cup, gas station pizza slice box and a Miller Lite can. I do something similar daily…
Rant #2 Back to the MD Game fuel. Normally I pick up the trash and put it in the bin, then take the aluminum cans and keep them to recycle (the KoC at the Catholic church still takes Aluminum in to recycle). Locally the recycle centers have all quit taking paper, cardboard, plastics etc. (but that’s a whole other rant…).
Went to put the GF can in my aluminum recycling bin, and noticed it has a plastic tab on the top (to re-seal it evidently). WTF. I can’t recycle it with the damn plastic on the lid??? Nowhere on the can do I see the 3 arrow recycling logo…
So now I am really pissed.