The Price Is Just OK: Winning Guesses Thread!


The Price Really Was Just OK


Welcome back, players, guests, and winners! Here’s your official thread for winners and losers (by that I mean us on some of these offers…just 2 sold for two of the offers, sheesh!) which includes a comment for every offer so you can reply individually on them if you’d like.

Before we get into all of that, let me just send out a big congratulations to @ShotgunX who really killed it with 7 winning guesses! A special prize package is in the mail for you, friend!

Other winners of note include @Jamileigh17, @heartny, @provad, and @denton who each managed 4 wins. @dijit27, @gemi27ss, @oknekok, and @caffeineguy each landed 3. We had so many doubles that I won’t list them all here, but all multiple winners will be noted within the thread under the offers they won, as well as the few tied wins.

Every winning guess will get a single use of the $10 prize coupon: BETTERTHANOK

Note: The coupon code will only work if you won, and if you won multiple times it will work as many times as you won, meaning ShotgunX landed 7 uses of the coupon on top of the special prize! All coupons valid on purchases made on offers, until 11:59 PM on July, 7, 2025.

Anyone who landed dead-on with their guess will get an extra coupon use for each of those as well, so look out for the guess counts in bold.

Fun stats and info:

  • There were 94 total offers (not including IRKS)
  • We had 1887 total guesses (hand counted! ).
  • Of those, 1671 were eligible for prizes
    *For the official counts I allowed any guess up to the 6th minute the offer was live, so if the offer started at 2:15 I allowed guesses listed as 2:20 even though that’s technically past 5 minutes by an unknown number of seconds. If you’re checking my work you’ll see that as the marker for the “eligible guesses” count on any offer. Also, for just a few of the earliest offers I allowed all guesses made during the offer countdown because the site was failing to load, and not being able to see the offers wasn’t on you guys.
  • I counted all guesses under the offer threads, as well as the game thread. That part wasn’t a “rule” and it quickly became clear that having them in the threads was a bad idea, but did take a few hours to herd all of the cats. I stopped checking for guesses inside the offer threads on the second day because I feel like you had it figured out by then. If any guesses were overlooked I do apologize.
  • Just 22 of the guesses were dead-on, and some of those were ties. A few people even managed multiple dead-on guesses.
  • 42 really was “the answer.” If you had been first to guess and only guessed 42 for every offer, you would have won 14 of the guesses, and 3 would have been dead-on. That would have been 17 coupons!
  • Several guesses were over by just 1, and one winner missed being dead-on by just .5 (I’m not rounding your guess, @caffeineguy, but it did count as your second win, and you still got three coupon uses from the game. )
  • One offer had no eligible winners with all guesses being over the total sold: 6 (except for one late attempt)
  • Some offers had legitimate guesses off by hundreds. I appreciate your hopefulness for our offers and sales.
  • The item that sold the most was the final t-shirt offer, which always does well, but the second best seller may be a shock: Goat Cheddar Mac & Cheese.

If you want any other stats or details I’ve failed to include, feel free to ask! I’ll do my best to find the info for you. I’m not going to link every offer listed here back to the original links as it would slow everything down, but you can find them easily enough with a quick search of the full name.

Thank you all again for showing up to play. I hope it made the big birthday a bit more fun. Maybe we’ll do this again, in the future, if I figure out how to make it easier on myself.