The Price Is Just OK: Winning Guesses Thread!
12The Price Really Was Just OK
Welcome back, players, guests, and winners! Here’s your official thread for winners and losers (by that I mean us on some of these offers…just 2 sold for two of the offers, sheesh!) which includes a comment for every offer so you can reply individually on them if you’d like.
Before we get into all of that, let me just send out a big congratulations to @ShotgunX who really killed it with 7 winning guesses! A special prize package is in the mail for you, friend!
Other winners of note include @Jamileigh17, @heartny, @provad, and @denton who each managed 4 wins. @dijit27, @gemi27ss, @oknekok, and @caffeineguy each landed 3. We had so many doubles that I won’t list them all here, but all multiple winners will be noted within the thread under the offers they won, as well as the few tied wins.
Every winning guess will get a single use of the $10 prize coupon: BETTERTHANOK
Note: The coupon code will only work if you won, and if you won multiple times it will work as many times as you won, meaning ShotgunX landed 7 uses of the coupon on top of the special prize! All coupons valid on purchases made on offers, until 11:59 PM on July, 7, 2025.
Anyone who landed dead-on with their guess will get an extra coupon use for each of those as well, so look out for the guess counts in bold.
Fun stats and info:
- There were 94 total offers (not including IRKS)
- We had 1887 total guesses (hand counted!
- Of those, 1671 were eligible for prizes
*For the official counts I allowed any guess up to the 6th minute the offer was live, so if the offer started at 2:15 I allowed guesses listed as 2:20 even though that’s technically past 5 minutes by an unknown number of seconds. If you’re checking my work you’ll see that as the marker for the “eligible guesses” count on any offer. Also, for just a few of the earliest offers I allowed all guesses made during the offer countdown because the site was failing to load, and not being able to see the offers wasn’t on you guys. - I counted all guesses under the offer threads, as well as the game thread. That part wasn’t a “rule” and it quickly became clear that having them in the threads was a bad idea, but did take a few hours to herd all of the cats. I stopped checking for guesses inside the offer threads on the second day because I feel like you had it figured out by then. If any guesses were overlooked I do apologize.
- Just 22 of the guesses were dead-on, and some of those were ties. A few people even managed multiple dead-on guesses.
- 42 really was “the answer.” If you had been first to guess and only guessed 42 for every offer, you would have won 14 of the guesses, and 3 would have been dead-on. That would have been 17 coupons!
- Several guesses were over by just 1, and one winner missed being dead-on by just .5 (I’m not rounding your guess, @caffeineguy, but it did count as your second win, and you still got three coupon uses from the game.
- One offer had no eligible winners with all guesses being over the total sold: 6 (except for one late attempt)
- Some offers had legitimate guesses off by hundreds. I appreciate your hopefulness for our offers and sales.
- The item that sold the most was the final t-shirt offer, which always does well, but the second best seller may be a shock: Goat Cheddar Mac & Cheese.
If you want any other stats or details I’ve failed to include, feel free to ask! I’ll do my best to find the info for you. I’m not going to link every offer listed here back to the original links as it would slow everything down, but you can find them easily enough with a quick search of the full name.
Thank you all again for showing up to play. I hope it made the big birthday a bit more fun. Maybe we’ll do this again, in the future, if I figure out how to make it easier on myself.
- 114 comments, 73 replies
- Comment
I fear you weren’t all notified by me editing each of the comments individually, so I’m going to tag everyone here to help send email notifications and be sure you know what you won.
The following list each has one use of the coupon:
@a5meiser, @akumax, @amygh0884, @BevS9515, @capguncowboy, @corishnakov, @cprimrose, @dodohead, @funsyd, @GenWithaG123, @itzd4n, @james, @jaybird, @jbraunn, @JoJoe86, @jonkliao, @Kidsandliz, @ladyhawke001, @mbersiam, @mike87, @mkelough, @nerdykev, @pjirkans, @rhcurry02, @RogerWilco, @SillyScootScoot, @SippinSantiagos, @Sneakertree, @speediedelivery, @techpawpad , @uncrph90, @zhicks1987
The following list each has two uses of the coupon:
@Star2236, @studerc, @carl669, @D_a_v_e, @DexterBoy, @hockeyham, @jennafer74, @k4evryng, @Kessilari, @Kyeh, @mdbaum, @mecarmom, @milstarr, @pcolachiller, @sammydog01
The following list each has three uses of the coupon:
@Turken, @caffeineguy, @caitlin5280, @Dakini, @dijit27, @gemi27ss, @jimmydagun, @jipjip
The following list each has four uses of the coupon:
@Denton, @Granite_Grizz, @oknekok
The following list each has five uses of the coupon:
The following list each has six uses of the coupon:
@heartny, @provad
The following list each has seven uses of the coupon:
Also, a good time to point out that I updated the stats and fun facts list up top at one point today so be sure you read that stuff again. I found the bit about 42 pretty wild. As before, ask questions if you have questions.
@ExtraMedium Should I be in the 4 category with 2 spot on guesses?
@Granite_Grizz Yes, moved. I have you in the right group for your coupons, but put you in the wrong spot here. Good catch!
@ExtraMedium Thanks again - it really was a clever way of getting us to check out all the new offerings. Your games are always good - look how well the Driving Game has done!
@ExtraMedium I’m not a total loser? Thanks!

/giphy celebrate
@ExtraMedium Thanks so much. I wasn’t expecting to get anything considering I only played for a few hours
The Goat Mac & Cheese being the highest seller doesn’t surprise me though as I had gone back and looked at previous sales stats on that and it’s a consumable product.
@ExtraMedium Thanks! I had no expectation of anything with my wild guesses. Since for the most part relatively few meh branded products sold (hmm sort of sad for meh and what kind of message does that send?) will they become the new trackrs in the irk boxes (the best way to get them I think)?
Actually will all the irks going out this time get at least one meh branded product besides the irk bag?
@ExtraMedium Just double checking since I didn’t get a notification but it looks like I won the “meh sunglasses”. Am I on the coupon list? My guesses went pretty randomly so I am suprised to get one.
@a5meiser You did get on the coupon (first, in fact, since I added names in alphabetical order). I’m sorry I missed tagging you. Congrats on the win though!
@ExtraMedium @Kidsandliz I’ve actually had real nightmares about Meh sending me more Trackrs. I already have an entire box of them, and I’m afraid that adding any more would lead to a runaway exothermic reaction.
@ExtraMedium @ShotgunX I have 4 or 5 boxes of them and a bunch of singles. I finally found a sucker locally who took about a dozen (for free) but still have a zillion left. I’d have no problem sending you some so you can have bragging rights that you have more than most of us.

@ExtraMedium When will we get the coupon code? (no rush).
@ExtraMedium thanks! This was fun! It’s there a limited time to use the coupon?
@Kidsandliz it was in the original post at the top all along: BETTERTHANOK
@jennafer74 the coupons are valid on the order of your choice, until July 8th 2025 (good or while 10th year).
@ExtraMedium @jennafer74 Thanks. Guess I can’t read
Sorry about that.
@ExtraMedium @Kidsandliz @ShotgunX It’s not a runaway reaction you need to worry about, it’s the formation of a local gravtic singularity if too much mass accumulates in too small of a space.
@ExtraMedium @ShotgunX @werehatrack
In other words watch as things can go boom? Or is it that we get a black hole? Hmm can we pour the remaining trackers down a black hole? Oh wait. A meh video of them all the remaining ones being blown up would be good too.
@ExtraMedium @Kyeh
How on earth do you do it? And WITHOUT duplicates! I thought I was a huge music fan, YOU GUYS blow me out of the water!
It’s obvious that you all have a much more diverse music listening experience than I do so I’m sure that helps! So even if I’m not able to think of music and artists to post I still really enjoy going to check out the thread every couple weeks and see what’s going on. Great game, I’m betting it’s going to keep going strong for a long LONG time! 

Yeah, I’ve been wanting to say something about the driving game for a while now. First of all I jumped out a long time ago! You guys are just TOO GOOD for me!
@ExtraMedium @Lynnerizer I don’t know about the other players, but I rely heavily on Google to find songs. I don’t know all the songs I post but thanks to this game I find myself listening to new things just because they fit the thread!
On one hand this was a fun game once the initial kinks got worked out…but on the other hand I feel sooo bad for the extra work involved in figuring out the winners!
I’m thrilled with my one, exactly correct guess! I kept forgetting to guess, and when I did remember, I didn’t put much deep thought into it.
Thank you for a fun little game!

@k4evryng It can probably be automated. If it’s possible to extract all the posts in a thread into a spreadsheet with columns for names, timestamps, and guess values, a few formulas can filter the results and determine the winners.
@k4evryng @ShotgunX I’d volunteer to set up a system to streamline that, but I probably better wait for the job offer I asked for in my dream IRK.
Oh, wait… I didn’t get an IRK this mehrathon, so I guess I probably won’t get a job offer with it.
Unless they really want me to regret it and send me an IRK out of nowhere? 
Guys please don’t hate me—I kind of majored in math. A few hours into the event, I basically came up with a quick napkin algo that correlated the number of sales in the first 5 minutes to the sales after a few hours (statistically that’s when most of the sales happen during events), and then used that to plug values that covered the biggest possible range closest to the expected value. So for example if there’s a 31 guess and a 47 guess, and I expect a value of 40, I would guess 46. Bidding at the last possible moment is essential.
Statistically, I believe most of the guesses I made were the highest guess value +1 (excluding some unreasonable outliers). Mid-way guesses were rare predominantly due to other players’ guesses (for example, if I estimate 35, and there is a 31, a 39, and a 55 guess, I would do 40 instead of 35 because covering the bigger range over 40 is statistically “worth more” than the smaller range around the expected value.
I also noticed that most items actually outsold my estimates, especially during the first half of the day, when products had a lot of time to accrue residual sales.
That said I also missed a lot of guesses because I was too busy, asleep, plain-old forgot, etc.
By the way I have to add that while I was doing this, I completely forgot the “no going over” part of the rules, which probably cost me a moderate chunk of additional wins. Thankfully ceiling guesses and mid-way guesses were relatively uncommon overall.
I was…kinda drunk for like half of the event.
@ShotgunX We still hate you.
@Kyeh I’m fine with that, as long as you don’t blame me for anything.
@Kyeh @ShotgunX I think that’s how one gets nominated for goat, being hated and being loved
So you were sniping us?
Using stats is how I won the how many pieces is this speaker dock smashed into. Math and stats works. I didn’t use anything here to guess as I didn’t have the time to dedicate to that as I had something else really important I had to work on. Had I done so I likely would have used a method similar to yours although I would have researched past meh branded item sales first.
@Kidsandliz Oh yeah. I even synced my clock to so that I could reliably post to within a second’s accuracy (with a few seconds in reserve). Y’all never had a chance!
@caffeineguy When I was a kid, a goat shat on me once. Never really liked them that much after that.
@ShotgunX I love that you used your math skills to formulate your guesses! That’s awesome!!
As I said in the ‘toast’ thread, so many Meh folks are incredibly smart, and this proves my point. The (former) teacher in me loves to see people using their brain to problem solve, lol! Congrats!
@caffeineguy @Kidsandliz @ShotgunX
I guess you do use that math they teach you in school for something lol
Bringing back the “old meh” with games during this event was great! Thank you everyone involved with this.
Wow… that’s a lot of hard work and a lot of dedication to the game.
@OnionSoup If you’re going to half-ass something, make it the good half!
@OnionSoup you’d think an intern would write a script to at least fill in the product names (with links) and the total sold as a template…
@caffeineguy @OnionSoup I’m 100% certain there was an easier way to get a large portion of the data rather than clicking through every offer in order to get the counts and product names and then going to the forum to count guesses. Still, it’s done and you’re welcome!
Whoo, thank you!
I was obviously not methodical, but good old 42 came in clutch anyway!
Thank you so much @extramedium for doing all this work for us. This was the most fun I had in a long time. I really hope we can do it again. I’d even help with results if you needed help. Congrats to everyone who won, even that 7x winner guy @shotgunx and his fancy calculations lol.
I think I would had some dead on guesses had it only been for one day (like I originally thought). I know when I looked at the end of day one a couple of mine were dead on and people commented to me about it.
I’m happy with 4!
OK so this is sad. Add to the number of events the number of irks and I clicked the meh button less than half of the time… of course I was busy trying to get the stupid hud rent recertification crap put together for today so that is my excuse. Oh wait. I need to blame the goat for that on the goat thread!
@Kidsandliz Yeah-- I don’t think I even noticed the game till the second thread was started. Oh well, was a cute distraction!
Hey, @ExtraMedium, when determining winners, did you take into account that I was guessing in Canadian, so at the current exchange rate, when I would guess 10, it was a US 7?

@curtise Wouldn’t it have to be the opposite of that? If a Canadian money buys less stuff than a US money, it would be more like a US 10 being equivalent to a Canadian 7 in terms of goods purchased.
@ShotgunX Nope. Canadian money is (currently) worth less for the same face value than US, so something that’s $10 in Canadian is likely to be just $7 in US because our greenbacks get more for a buck.
This may not extend to things bought with Canadian Tire money, which has its own idiosyncratic value.
Rokne Pacific Paddle Labs Patrol Pickleball Paddle
Winner: @carl669
This was the first dead-on guess!
2-Pack: Etekcity Smart Connected Digital Body Fat & BMI Scale
Winner: @dijit27
dijit27 was the first to win a second offer!
BK Black Carbon Steel BBQ Grill Multi-Grid Tray
Winner: @Granite_Grizz
Just the first of two dead-on guesses for Granite_Grizz
Home 365 Collapsible Multi-Purpose Rolling Crate Cart
Winner: @oknekok
Just the first for oknekok and dead-on!
Meh Luggage Tag
Winner: @Kyeh
This was the second win for Kyeh
@extramedium re: the 1/2 guesses… I figured, being meh and all, someone would certainly order something only to actually receive half of said product…
@caffeineguy Well the guess was 42.5 and we sold 43 regardless of how many will ship or arrive complete.
It was a good guess, really. Though, I think if someone had guess 42 we would have ended up in a debate about whether the .5 mattered or not.
@ExtraMedium oh, yeah, the shark vacuum, you’ll def sell a partial one of those, LOL
I really had fun too, until I gave in to sleep due to someone on my flight having covid. Anyway, it was grand and I hope to see this game again!
Super fun game! Sorry for all the extra work. It really kept a lot of us checking out the deals though! Good job!
Well, I’m certainly wishing I’d actually put some effort into bothering with some guesses. Especially since I probably would’ve defaulted to
on anything I wasn’t sure about.If I expected this to be such a repeat activity (and if I had more energy/time for it) I’d wish I had recorded all the prices of the items and how long they were displayed live. Then I could be doing some statistical analyses of this stuff and come up with the best guesses for next time around. (well, statistically best, without knowing anything about the product except price, time of day, and duration on-screen…)
I assume that one or more employees are already in charge of all sorts of stuff like that, to help choose the best prices going forward.
But if not, they really ought to consider sending me a free IRK with a job offer included…
@xobzoo So if you did all that math on your own to figure this out for the next time I think that would mostly be like working on commission as I’d imagine data entry would mean you were working for less than $10/hr just to set yourself for future wins.
@Kidsandliz Good point. Although the wages are locked into coupons, requiring me to keep shopping here — which I probably will — but it feels a bit like working for the mine and shopping at the company store.
But worst of all, now I’m going to start spending countless hours collecting data that will probably never actually benefit me in any way…
@xobzoo I see that I’m not the only one who would have defaulted to 42.
2-Pack: Maverick Wireless Remote Thermometer with 2-High Heat Probes
Winner: @JoJoe86
Our first winner of 62 winners in all!
30-Pack: Everydaze Essential C’s Konjac Jelly
Winner: @capguncowboy
Bon Voyage Aero Collection 3-Piece Luggage Set
Winner: @jennafer74
Another dead-on guess!
2-Pack: Champion Sunglasses
Winner: @dodohead
2-Pack: Eggtronic Sirius GaN 65-Watt Adapter with 6FT USB-C Cable
Winner: @james
2-Pack: Popular Mechanics Travel Gear Bags with Powerstrip
Winner: @Jamileigh17
Second win for Jamileigh17 and a dead-on guess!
Philips Norelco OneBlade Face + Body Hybrid Electric Trimmer and Shaver
Winner: @Kyeh
Just the first for Kyeh
Whoa! Yay! Thanks!
Ecovacs DEEBOT X1 PLUS Robotic Vacuum Cleaner (Refurbished)
Winner: @D_a_v_e
Another dead-on guess!
@ExtraMedium That doesn’t look bolded, though…
(I know it’s just a typo, because the winners circle lists D_a_v_e having two coupons.)
@xobzoo Good call! Fixed.
Shark Ultralight Pet Pro Corded Stick Vacuum With Powerfins (Certified Renewed)
Winner: @caffeineguy
This strange guess was the second win for caffeineguy
@ExtraMedium I’m gonna troll that product page and when the first person to complain about only receiving half a vacuum, I’m gonna ask for my exact guess to be honored… And then when another 4 chime in with the same problem, I suppose my guess well then be over.
Meh 3-Ply Toilet Paper
Winner: @Kidsandliz
@ExtraMedium Cool! I never expected to win as I was so busy and didn’t use any “system” to try to figure it out. My guesses were more of the “wild” guess variety. Thanks!
4-Pack: Meh Ping Pong Balls
Winner: @sammydog01
The last dead-on guess of the game!
Meh BBQ Apron and Accessories
Winner: @cprimrose
Imagine guessing 1 and just missing by 1
Meh Can Cooler
Winner: @Star2236
This was the second win for Star2236
2-Pack: Meh 2.4" Hi-Bounce Balls
Winner: @speediedelivery
Thank you for my prize! How exciting!
I got my special prize package in yesterday and just opened it right now. Wow. You guys really made my day!
I’m gonna make a list with links instead of taking a photo (I just don’t have the time and space to arrange everything nicely at the moment):
3x Meh & Irk Temporary Tattoos (3 pairs, 6 total)
1x 10-Pack: Meh 11" Balloons
1x Meh Tennis Ball
1x Meh Frisbee
1x 2-Pack: Meh Shot Glasses
1x Meh Original Koozie
1x 2-Pack: Meh Pen
1x Meh Fidget Spinner Bottle Opener
1x Meh 16" Beach Ball
1x Meh Beanie
1x Meh Fanny Pack
And the pièce de résistance that took up half of the box:
1x 4-Pack: Meh 16oz Pint Glasses
Yes, not all of the items came in their full multi-pack complements, so those aren’t typos.
I already had a beanie, so it’s nice to have a spare. Otherwise, it’s a bunch of items I kind of wanted to purchase, but felt like I should save some cash, so it’s really nice to have been able to win them instead. Maybe I’ll pick up a mug and a beach towel next time to complete the set. I also still have a bunch of old-school meh items from way back, like the stress toys, stickers, and purple sunglasses. You definitely need to bring the stickers back because they were great.
One piece of feedback on the items: I like all of them, but I prefer those that actually say “meh” and/or have a picture of Irk on them instead of just the nonplussed face, because not everyone “gets” the face, but “meh” is kind of uniquitous. It’s why I didn’t purchase the flask or ping pong balls, even though I considered them.
Einova Wireless Dual Charging Stone
Winner: @SippinSantiagos
Scrub-It Pet Hair Remover
Winner: @jaybird
2-Pack: Home Zone Living Concrete Portable Table-Top Fire Bowl
Winner: @Dakini
Just the first for Dakini
@ExtraMedium Yay!!!
5-Pack: Paincakes Stickable Reusable Cold Packs (3x Large, 2x Mini)
Winner: @denton
Just the first for denton
6-Pack: Scrub-It Premium Plush Microfiber Drying Towels
Winner: @ladyhawke001
Rocketbook Smart Reusable Panda Planners
Winner: @akumax
Elk Haus Handheld Stainless Bidet Sprayer
Winner: @dijit27
Just the first for dijit27
48-Pack: Scrub-It Eraser Sheets Magic Cleaning Sponges
Winner: @GenWithaG123
iHome Dual Alarm Bluetooth Clock Radio with USB Charging
Winner: @SillyScootScoot
Comfort Zone 3-Stage HEPA WiFi Air Purifier with 4 Replacement Filters
Winner: @rhcurry02
Bosma Aegis Smart Door Lock with WiFi Gateway
Winner: @pjirkans
Big Mouth Novelty Pool Float
Winner: @amygh0884
Inflatable Unicorn Arch Sprinkler
Winner: @Jamileigh17
Just the first for Jamileigh17
60-Pack: The Gluten Free Brothers Protein Energy Balls
Winner: @corishnakov
2-Pack: Lastar LED Desk Lamps w/ USB Charging Port
Winner: @mdbaum
Just the first for mdbaum
Obuby 60" Sprinkle & Splash Play Mat (Animals & ABC)
Winners: @gemi27ss and @studerc
Just the first for gemi27ss and studerc and the first tie!
@ExtraMedium Awesome
@ExtraMedium heck yea!
Phase2 Energy PowerBlock 500W/478Wh Portable Power Station (Refurbished or New)
Winners: @caitlin5280 and @jimmydagun
A dead-on tie, plus back-to-back wins for caitlin5280 and just the first win for jimmydagun
2-Pack: Inflatable 65 x 50" Avocado Pool Floats with Ball
Winner: @milstarr
Another dead-on guess!
@ExtraMedium Woo Hoo!!
Raycon Portable HEPA 2-in-1 Air Purifier & Fragrance Diffuser
Winner: @dijit27
The first player to win two and now the first to win 3!
Laegendary Buckster 1:14 Scale Fully Functional Metal R/C Front Loader Bulldozer
Winner: @heartny
Just the first for heartny
Shark Wandvac Power Cordless Handheld Vacuum (Certified Renewed)
Winner: @provad
Just the first for provad
5-Piece: Letsfit Resistance Bands with Storage Bag
Winner: @ShotgunX
Just the first for ShotgunX
CRKT Thero EDC Carbon Fiber Folding Pocket Knife
Winner: @caffeineguy
Just the first for caffeineguy
Shark 3-In-1 Hydrovac Xl Multi-Surface Cleaning System (Certified Renewed)
Winner: @heartny
The second win for heartny and the first of 2 dead-on!
2-Pack: Bell + Howell Water Resistant Multi Function Flashlight
Winner: @heartny
This is the third win for heartny
Anker PowerCore III Elite 25,600mAh 87-Watt High Speed USB-C PD Power Bank
Winner: @ShotgunX
This is the second win for ShotgunX
2-Pack: Ecoegg Laundry Egg (420 Loads)
Winner: @ShotgunX
This was the third win for ShotgunX
Dash 3.5-Quart Compact Stand Mixer
Winner: @Granite_Grizz
This was the second win and second dead-on guess for Granite_Grizz. This was also the final offer of Day 1.
@ExtraMedium Thanks for the game and also the email listing the winners. I might have missed this without it.
2-Pack: Meh Shot Glasses
Winner: @RogerWilco
Meh Herb Grinder
Winner: @k4evryng
Another dead-on winning guess
@ExtraMedium yay!! Thanks!
Meh Nail Stickers (2 sets)
Winner: @ShotgunX
This was the fifth win for ShotgunX, and the moment he took the lead, never to look back.
10-Pack: Meh 11" Balloons
Winner: @oknekok
This was the third win for oknekok
2-Pack: Meh 16" Beach Balls
Winner: @denton
This was the third win for denton
Meh Sunglasses
Winner: @a5meiser
2-Pack: Meh Original Koozies
Winners: @Star2236 and @Sneakertree
Another tie and just the first win for Star2236
Meh Fanny Pack
Winner: @heartny
Another dead-on guess and the fourth win for heartny
Meh Baoding Balls
Winner: @jimmydagun
This was the second win for jimmydagun
2-Pack: Meh Fidget Spinner Bottle Opener
Winner: @provad
This was the fourth win and second dead-on guess for provad
Meh 5oz Flask
Winner: @caffeineguy
This was the third win for caffeineguy
Meh 4-in-1 Knife & Bottle Opener
Winner: @ShotgunX
This was the seventh and final win for ShotgunX
@ExtraMedium @ExtraMedium Holy crap @shotgunX - you are now rich with coupons!!!
Meh T-Shirts (Assorted Colors)
Winner: @denton
denton closed out the event with a fourth win
@extramedium Woohoo!!! Thanks so much for the fun game and the coupons! Bring on more Meh schwag!
3-Pack: T.Taio Esponjabon 2-in-1 Soap Sponge
Winner: @oknekok
A second win and the first back-to-back win!
4-Pack: Whiskey FREEZE 9 Oz Cooling Cup In Smoke Single By Host
Winner: @Turken
Just the first for Turken
48-Pack: Trail’s Best Salami Twin Packs
Winner: @itzd4n
90-Pack: Cerebelly Organic Smart Bars
Winner: @caitlin5280
Just the first for caitlin5280
2-Pack: Contigo 16oz West Loop Stainless Steel Vacuum Insulated Travel Mugs
Winner: @jbraunn
16-Pack: Funny Farm Goat Cheddar Mac & Cheese
Winner: @mdbaum
The second win for mdbaum
Rubbermaid Brilliance Food Storage Containers (Set of 8 )
Winner: @hockeyham
Just the first for hockeyham
2-Pack: Einova 10,000mAh Power Bank
Winner: @mbersiam
@ExtraMedium Of course it was power banks I won on
Shark CleanSense IQ HEPA Air Purifier (Certified Renewed)
Winner: @DexterBoy
Just the first for DexterBoy
SCRUBIT Microfiber Cleaning 2-Piece Glove Set
Winner: @mkelough
9 or 18-Pack: Hangfold Travel Hangers
Winners: @Kessilari and @jipjip
Another dead-on guess, and just the first win for jipjip
24-Pack: Samyang Crispy Ramen Snack
Winners: @Jamileigh17 and @studerc
Another tie, a third victory for Jamileigh17 and a second for studerc
Sleep Restoration Down-Alternative Reversible Comforter with Cover (King)
Winners: @techpawpad and @hockeyham
Third tie in a row! Also, the second win for hockyham
Stasher Reusable Food Storage Bag Bundles
Winner: @jonkliao
Copper Chef 3D Matrix Nonstick Tri-Ply Stainless Steel Cookware Set
Winner: @provad
This dead-on guess was the second win for provad
2-Pack: Rechargeable Bug Zapper Swatters
Winner: @denton
This is a second win for denton
6-Pack: Birch Benders Baking Mixes & Frostings
Winner: @Dakini
This dead-on guess was the second win for Dakini
@ExtraMedium so excited! Thanks for this fun game!
4-Pack: FanTasty Vegan Protein
Winner: @Turken
This dead-on guess was the second win for Turken
@ExtraMedium woo! time for the real gameshow! seriously though, thanks for putting the game together. that short entry window was a nice reason to actually keep up with the meh-rathon and actually consider every item as it came up
Avaya Huddle HC010 Webcam
Winner: @Jamileigh17
Jamileigh17 was the first to get four wins!
Meh & Irk Temporary Tattoos
Winner: @zhicks1987
@ExtraMedium I’ll take it!
2-Pack: Meh 16oz Mug
Winner: @ShotgunX
This was the fourth win for ShotgunX
Meh Dad Hat
Winner: @gemi27ss
This was the second win for gemi27ss
@ExtraMedium Yay!! Thank you
4-Pack: Meh Wristbands
Winner: @BevS9515
Irk Stuffie
Winner: None
The only person who guesses under the total sold was too, late making this the only offer with no winner.
@ExtraMedium Appropriate that it is the Irk stuffie (Instant Regret Kit). We can all regret not guessing fast enough.
2-Pack: Meh Tennis Balls
Winner: @mike87
4-Pack: Meh 16oz Pint Glasses
Winner: @gemi27ss
This was the third win for gemi27ss
@ExtraMedium This is awesome! Thank you
Meh Beach Towel (30" x 60")
Winner: @nerdykev
Meh Frisbee
Winner: @provad
This was the third win for provad
2-Pack: Meh Pen
Winner: @uncrph90
Meh Stainless Steel Chopsticks
Winner: @ShotgunX
This was the sixth win for ShotgunX
2-Pack: Meh Stress Balls
Winner: @funsyd
Meh Bamboo Cutting Board
Winner: @jipjip
This was the second win for jipjip
Meh Beanie
Winner: @DexterBoy
This was the second win for DexterBoy
Meh 20oz Double Wall Stainless Steel Thermal Tumbler
Winners: @mecarmom and @pcolachiller
A dead-on guess for the last tie of the game!
@ExtraMedium Did the coupons get implemented yet? I tried to test one and it said invalid.
@ShotgunX They should be working, but I’ll double check everything to make sure there are no problems.
@ExtraMedium I went ahead and tried to buy the cold brewers because I was kind of concerned they might disappear as has happened with other items in the past, and the coupon didn’t work. I bought them anyway just in case, but FYI. Maybe you can retroactively apply it to my order somehow?
@ShotgunX I’ll knock $10 off of that order and remove one use from the coupon. Do me a favor and try adding one of today’s offer to your cart and put in the coupon code and let me know if it shows the $10 off. No need to submit the order, just give the code a test. Thank you!
@ExtraMedium Just checked, the coupon now applies properly, thanks.
I’m wondering, could you kill this order entirely and restore my coupon? These things just popped up on Morningsave and I can get one with my VMP discount and save the coupon for later meh shenanigans.
Or if you can do an additional $2 refund for this order equivalent to the VMP discount as MS, I’ll keep this one. I drive a hard bargain, I know.
@ShotgunX lol. Glad to hear the coupon works. I’ve canceled the order and you’ll have your coupon use when you want it. Let me know if I break anything else.
@ExtraMedium TY, will do.
Just please don’t break my heart.
@extraMedium Having the same problem when I try to use it. Tried it on two different items in this mehrathon.
@Jamileigh17 Blargh. Sorry. Not sure how I messed the coupon up so much this time. Let me look into it.
@ExtraMedium No worries, tech gremlins are obnoxious. Have you tried turning the coupon off and on again? (If it’s useful, the cookbook one worked)
@Jamileigh17 Give it another shot and let me know if I’m a total failure.
@ExtraMedium Fixed, thank you very much!
@ExtraMedium I just found out that the coupons are not good on Sidedeal, huh? I guess you did say the coupons are valid on the order of your choice but I thought maybe they’d work on the sister sites.
@Kyeh yeah, Meh birthday, Meh prizes, Meh only. On-brand when you think about it.
@ExtraMedium Fair enough!
Oof! I got an IRK from the Mehrathon but forgot to use one of my coupons.