The name is…
12The Yeasty Boys. I looked through all the comments several times and that just stuck with me. The 90s kid and (modern) Star Trek fan in me giggles at every time I remember the name. Thanks @kyeh!
Thanks for all the fun and games as scapegoat, it’s been a slightly more entertaining month!
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Yay! I hope you post some pictures of the finished loaves sometime.
It turns out I haven’t kept up with Star Trek for past 10 years, so I had to look up the reference.
Found a clip.
Will now be tracking down a source for Star Trek Beyond, to see it in proper context.
Thank you. This will be fun.
@xobzoo Is that classical music?
@xobzoo oohhh looks like Ive got a movie to watch!
@xobzoo That scene was one of the most disappointing things ever filmed. How is it not a crime against humanity to not use Intergalactic? The song is space themed and even references Mr. Spock.
@tinamarie1974 @xobzoo the Chris Pine/JJ Abrams stuff is… Fine for an action movie. We’ve got a split timeline now
@yakkoTDI I agree that Intergalactic would seem to be much more fitting, even though Star Trek is all within our galaxy (I think).
Based only on the clip, I had assumed the choice was for the irony of sabotaging the enemy with Sabotage. Probably it just amounts to somebody’s favorite song, and no one could convince the director to change his mind. (After all, how did Beastie Boys get picked, out of thousands of possibilities?)
In-universe I’m going to pretend it’s because they needed a particular sound profile for it to work? Or maybe it’s the split timeline
mentioned, and the Beastie Boys never produced Intergalactic in that branch of the Star Trek universe?I tell myself that it’ll all make more sense when I actually watch the movie. (I know this is overly optimistic.)
@xobzoo One episode of TOS went outside the galaxy, and the Traveler arc in TNG involved distances well beyond merely intergalactic. In theory, Discovery could go anywhere more or less instantaneously via their spore drive, but I do not recall their leaving our galaxy.
@tinamarie1974 @unksol @xobzoo As a long time Star Trek fan I 100% agree that The Kelvin Universe movies are fun action movie material. I also feel it is in the spirit of the one-off original series missions and the best of the TOS/TNG movies, which is why it’s the last modern Star Trek series I will ever watch.
IMO, all of the TV series since Voyager (I’d even argue anything post-Dominion Totally Not Babylon 5 DS9) have been “insert generic sci-fi or drama here” with Star Trek uniforms on it to make more money. I’m sure Picard and Below Decks were good, but they’re not really unique to Star Trek the way the old series were.
@xobzoo @yakkoTDI Yes, it’s the obvious irony of sabotage with Sabotage, but it’s also a reference to the opening scene of the first Kelvin movie where young Kirk does precocious little boy things to that tune.
@DLPanther @tinamarie1974 @unksol @xobzoo Below Decks is very far removed from truly original (unlike, say, Discovery)… But it is a love-letter to the franchise as a whole.
It’s also comedy heavy and not very long (unless you binge the series). Also recommended: Short Treks (“The Trouble With Edward” is my favorite). Both are bite sized series that fill in the gaps of lore and capitalize on franchise knowledge while creating memorable characters despite reusing (and often lampshading they’re doing so) plots from previous episodes.
So when are you going to share pics of what the yeastie boiiiis can do?

Here’s what their cousins did at my house yesterday. Rosemary garlic.

BTW… Does your sourdough starter wear glasses? Just noticed the four "I"s .
@chienfou It will probably take a bit for me to do bread again, I’m not actually very good at it despite keeping the starter up. I did make sourdough discard pancakes this morning though, The Yeastie Boys! were looking a little thin, so I’m doing a few days of countertop fermenting before I put it back in the fridge.
Also, I was trying to introduce them in proper overly excited concert hype fashion, didn’t notice I was calling them four-i’d nerds, totally not true!
@chienfou that’s a very even crust (mine tend to get lopsided) I can almost hear it crackle!
Thanks. Using a banneton helps. This one stayed in the fridge a couple of days.
It’s a starter and recipe I got from my son a few years back (I’m using 25% whole wheat). I’ve had super good luck with it. I use a silicone sling and bake it in a cast iron pot in the oven. I can give you the recipe I use if you’d like. I add fresh rosemary from the garden and chopped garlic to the bread at SWMBO’s behest.
@chienfou I won’t say no to that. I’m assuming you use whole wheat bread flour? (I’ve only had two kinds of bread flour: regular and rye; typically I’m lazy and just use half rye and half all purpose flour)
I typically use a high protein flour like King Arthur, or Costco’s home brand which has 11.5% protein.
The whole wheat component is just Pillsbury whole wheat flour.
I’ll try to put together a new topic dealing with sourdough bread in the next couple of days. At that point I’ll post a copy of my recipe and the instructions I use.
Meanwhile I’ll continue to make sandwiches out of the bread in the picture!
In keeping with the Beastie Boys thread….
Waaaaay back in the day, the Beastie Boys had track on one of their albums by a female rap group called… the Yeastie Girls. It was pretty R-rated.
/showme the beastie boys with their heads in jars Futurama style, but as loaves of bread
This is by far the best visual AI result I have gotten, ever.
@DLPanther Like they’re in the room…
I have never been a big fan of sourdough yeast, but the things people achieve with it are sometimes quite amazing.
Meanwhile, I make do with boring old ordinary baker’s yeast.
Tomorrow, I’m going to make crumpets.
@werehatrack i made a starter at one point. But I just don’t make bread/bake enough to deal with it. Ive always had one of those bricks of yeast stored in the freezer in a jar and they last forever and always work. Plus I’ve had a breadmaker for like 20 years since Dad got one at goodwill and I’m lazy.
I play with the no knead and other stuff now and then. Done some sourdough and normal in the Dutch oven. But yeah also impressed in general. Just not the me at this moment I’m time.
I keep meaning to make some crumpets… And never do. Yorkshire puddings are fun and easy
@unksol Notes about crumpets: Use Steel Rings. The silicone rings don’t let the sides get done properly. A non-contact surface temp thermometer helps with getting the pan to the right heat. If you live in a place that’s warmer than the Midlands (i.e., most of the US at the moment), the hold period between mixing the batter and using it can be shortened a bit. Using smaller but deeper rings makes the entire process easier than using wider and shallower ones, but don’t overfill; anything more than half an inch as the starting depth is going to be dicey to get evenly done all the way through.
@werehatrack in the wise words of Tiny Tina… crumpets are CRUNK!
I had some cookie cutters I was going to use. Like many things I don’t get to it. Lol. IR thermometer is around for checking various things. An old rosewill the cats have knocked over a few times but it seems to still work.
It got hot for a couple days so it’s a nice 70 and dropping. Windows open for 2-3 days