Recover GoPro Video
2From a link in a page @p3dal linked in another thread, this page contains a link to a video repair program reported to work to save gopro video with no EOF marker created when the camera suffers a crash/power failure:
The best route looks to be using the old version 1.8 linked on the page and using the -save 100 parameter.
Posting in its own thread because search only seems to search thread titles for me, so creating a link for posterity.
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@djslack, a wise man once said "Posting in its own thread because search only seems to search thread titles for me, so creating a link for posterity."
And thanks to you I was able to snatch this thread from the depths of oblivion, using the information to recover another corrupted video file.
Yet again, I am in your debt. Thank you for your foresight!
@ruouttaurmind Glad to be of assistance! Hope everything's going well for you!
@sportykev I just followed the same steps to recover a video I thought was lost to the ages. Easy peasy and only took about 20 minutes to recover a 18 minute video on my 10 year old Dell.