Membership Revisited
68After selling Woot to Amazon, I made it a priority to defend what made Woot, Woot. While I expected to find what we had done for 6 years was largely intuitive, I did not expect our decisions to be so counterintuitive to Amazon. My attempts to defend them made us look like annoying rebels (at best) within Amazon. Much of this was our own fault; we lacked metrics that would have helped define and track fan loyalty to the Woot experience. In Amazon’s culture you’re nothing without metrics.
After all that went down, our plan for Meh was to not only rewind back to a “classic woot” model but to also develop metrics to explain our decision making (even if it was to ourselves). Measuring Loyalty was a big area. Our Very Mediocre Person (VMP) Membership was to be both a customer benefit and a health metric for us. By tracking growth of loyal monthly members, we would be more likely to keep the business healthy long term. Pleasing true fans.
What played out over the first few years was on one hand amazing and on the other, sobering. Thousands of core fans had followed us to Mediocre but hundreds of thousands of casual customers had not heard. The Walled Garden internet era had monetized and stalled word spreading of our reboot. We required more firepower! As a percentage of our customer base, VMP membership was essentially driving us towards being a Members-Only style club whether we wanted it or not. Without freight-paying customers to help subsidize the freight cost, it was harder to surprise and please our loyal VMPs than we anticipated. Free freight in a pricing environment where no one paid freight was meaningless.
So we killed it. At least for new members. We grandfathered in those who were already members while we focused on other means to subsidize them. We wanted a system of ever-increasing value for members, not diminishing returns.
It’s been a long year but we’re ready to say we’ve finally cracked it. If we could not bring in the casual customer to Meh, we would double down on other stores. And double down we have. We have aggressively grown our other businesses until we are balanced as a whole. Casual customers can again subsidize freight costs for loyal members!
The combination of Meh, MorningSave, Casemates, and our experimentations with
(like our 6 month test at TMZ) present us with the economy of scale and future balance of customers to resume the VMP style membership we had over a year ago.
In fact, we can offer benefits on all stores at an even cheaper price!
Announcing $4.99/month Membership!
Starting very soon you can join our new membership program. Unlimited (free?) shipping works across our set of three (and slowly expanding) stores. And it’s 1 cent cheaper than before!
One-click cancel, anytime without hassle. If you cancel, we end your benefits and waive your current month partial fees (you are billed in arrears). You can join again for $4.99 when you place your next order.
What about VMP? We’re not ending service to our grandfathered-in VMPs. As new stores were launched, they became eligible and we’ll continue to do that sort of thing. VMPs will have all of the benefits of Membership with a bonus of paying us 1 cent more per month. Maybe there’s a couple extra VMP-only features we’ll continue as well.
Questions? Let us know here.
- 72 comments, 333 replies
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Short and sweet version:
VMP is back. Those who are grandfathered in are paying more. @unixrab will be crying a lot now out of sheer happiness that VMP is open again.
realizing need for more clarity:
Membership will be unlimited shipping from all our stores (at launch soon)
VMP is its own program (for those grandfathered in).
Yes, we realize refusing to name our membership program is weird.
VMP IS DEAD(for new members)
VMP had other benefits like 10% off at morning save and the 4pm f5 until your bank account is empty (and occasional free shit like socks and charging cords)
is free shipping at all mediocre sites and NOTHING ELSE
@PlacidPenguin @snapster
The pushers couldn’t stop selling… #smh So I coined “meh-rathon” and now @snapster can’t just go ahead and name the new program… repeat after unixrab:
“meh-mbership” is for “meh-mbers”
It’s named now whether you want it or not…
signed… a non-mehmber (for now)
It’s only weird if you make it weird.
Meh. It’s not like I’ve ever bought anything from any of the other sites.
@PlacidPenguin @snapster It’s the most meh-thing imaginable
says he who turned down a free lifetime VMP out of pure orneriness…
And Mediocritee! Y’know, that site that
sellspromised catshirts?@narfcake
Be happy they never announced their sock site…
I noticed a while ago that FlipIt’s account was deleted, though I’m not asking questions.
They don’t pay me enough to ask.
@PlacidPenguin Mediocritsocks?
Not quite.
@PlacidPenguin who or what is flipit? Person, place or thing?
yeah, i want coffee shirts, narf wants cat shirts.
so get on with the shirt thing
Wouldn’t a person be a thing?
@Cerridwyn My take on @snapster’s crying kitty is that we will still need to get our fix elsewhere.
@narfcake @PlacidPenguin
Why, duh.
@narfcake @snapster
then they should take the site down
@narfcake @PlacidPenguin Medi-Sockrity. FTFY.
@Cerridwyn It will be up to @snapster if so. Projects get set aside for a number of reasons, though I may still incessantly tag him for no good reason.
In all honesty, I have way more shirts than “necessary” already; I didn’t even purchase the most recent offerings here at meh. Besides, a Rutledge still gets a paycheck when I buy from TeeTurtle. And they have catshirts. And coffee shirts.
@narfcake @snapster
TeeTurtle never opens for me to see a single shirt.
It just sits there and spins forever
@narfcake @PlacidPenguin SockItToMeh…
@Cerridwyn @narfcake
You’re trying on mobile?
@narfcake @PlacidPenguin
no, on a high powered gaming pc actually
@Cerridwyn Yep, the site seems pretty screwed up. It won’t load in any browser on multiple computers, at two different locations. So I doubt it’s something on my end.
@ThomasF Turbo Dave?
@RiotDemon The Ancient Greeks would place coins under the tongues of their dead, as tribute for the ferryman of Styx, Charon. Another piece of the toll collected at the end of every life.
Sometimes there are those that even death might deny.
@ThomasF Ya, we prolly need to see some Turbo Daves and Zoomer Chimps for sale up in here now.
@ruouttaurmind I found it at a Dirt Cheap, out-of-box and beaten up with a potentially broken neck. Despite this, the buyers were quite curious about it.
@ruouttaurmind @ThomasF MORE ROBOTS!
@ruouttaurmind @ThomasF I got a chimp at Toys-R-Us for $30. Yeah, that’s about $20 more than I should have paid but he farts on command.
@ruouttaurmind @sammydog01
Great. Now I want a farting robot.
@PlacidPenguin Everyone should have a farting robot.
@sammydog01 cracking me up yet again.
@sammydog01 wait, this whole thread could’ve been about robotic farting chimps instead of all that other drama and you’re just now bringing this up?
@Ignorant It’s not a party unless someone gets offended.
@ruouttaurmind Saw this on a shelf at Target and thought of you.
I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or insult.
@sammydog01 LMAO!
@ruouttaurmind @sammydog01 wtf is this shit? Lol
@sammydog01 Well, if a farting chimp robot is good, a pooping puppy robot has to be great, ya?
furReal Pax, My Poopin’ Pup. Currently available at the bargain price of $16.55 at Amz. Not down with dogs? There’s a poopin’ kitty too. Just $20 at Amz.
So. Wrong.
@ruouttaurmind @sammydog01 At Target (at least I think it was there and not walmart) there were re-loadable pooping plastic cows that pooped M&M’s.
@ruouttaurmind I like the kitty!
@sammydog01 OMG, it farts too!
@Kidsandliz Moooooo!
@ruouttaurmind @sammydog01 I see the Christmas present for the vet this year…
@lisaviolet @ruouttaurmind Perfect!
@lisaviolet @ruouttaurmind @sammydog01 don’t you mean purrfect?
@ruouttaurmind @sammydog01 Can you use candy corn instead of the included ‘treats’?
@Snapster Thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done over the years. Thank you for the crap I never knew I wanted, and for the shirts & wine I really didn’t need. Thank you for tolerating and understanding the torches & pitchforks, the frequent whining, the sandbox dust ups, and withstanding the crab invasion with grace & good humor. Most of all, thank you for not giving up and walking away from what you believed in while counting those Benjamins from Amazon.
@LaVikinga Aw, you made me get the sniffles.
@Snapster (et al): To be truthful, up until Casemates, I had no real use for VMP. It comes in handy now, and I’m keeping it. I don’t want a heart in it. I’m fine with it as it is. There’s no evidence I have a heart in any case.
@Shrdlu - there is evidence. You just prefer to be awesome in quiet solitude.
awwwwe…you remembered
@mfladd Yeah, when I’m a jerk, it tends to be one of those regrettable memories that sorta haunt me.
@LaVikinga I don’t ever remember you being a jerk. Just the opposite.
@mfladd Well, a royal PITA can still be a jerk. I did get an email or two asking for a bit less rabble rousing. They were nice enough about it, but…well, no one likes being told to “play nice” when they weren’t pushing kids off the monkey bars like some of the other sandbox bullies. I think Shrdlu bore the brunt of those “keep that ragtag gang of yours in line, will ya?” emails. Change was hard on a lot of us, especially when it seemed like the cold fingers of the mighty 'zon were ruining so much for no reason other than it could.
Sooo, I can continue to pay $5 and nothing changes? Done. Easy.
Wait! It’s cheaper now!? Oh man! That $0.12 could be put to great use. I could mail a letter every 4 years… basically for free! But knowing my luck, the price of stamps will increase by 12 cents a year for eternity. Damn, I’m torn!
So, if I sign up for both, do you pay me for shipping?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@therealjrn but for that one cent u get VMP only hour at 4pm EST
and 10% off morning save
and the dread that comes with never being able to sign up for vmp again if u let your payment lapse
Sweet! I’ve been getting too much sleep anyway.
@communistjack @therealjrn
10% off @ Morningsave has, on rare occasions, netted a lower price for some items than the current Meh deal of the day price. Worth a penny?
/giphy you be the judge
@communistjack @ruouttaurmind @therealjrn I don’t always have the money to get what I want on the day has an item I want it is nice to be able to use that membership and get it for nearly the same price later on Meh encore site. So yeah I like the 10 percent off and you still get the free shipping as well.
I want my penny back.
@RiotDemon They can keep my penny. It’s going to a good cause.
This is actually more hilarious with everyone that joins in to try to tell me how not funny it is.
@snapster You made me smile. That being said, can I get an asshole emoji? That would really make me smile. I will pay 1 cent extra a month for it.
@snapster It’s not just you. This thread is gold.
@snapster @Zelucifer
This whole thread is so 24 karat that I am actually posting just to prove to my children someday that I was here.
@snapster @Zelucifer An entire thread, devoted to the fine art of turd polishing. #maga
@mfladd @snapster …
So many choices
@snapster @Zelucifer :
@snapster @unixrab I knew I could count on you to help with the selection. So many great choices there!
@mossygreen So that’s what you do with an MBA?
@sammydog01 I have no reason to disbelieve Nathan Fielder.
@mfladd Would you settle for a cat butt? We like to call it the sour I’didn’t-get-my-own-way face the CBF, short for Cat Butt Face. People with the CBF tend to be assholes. Funny how that works out.
@LaVikinga I’ll take this one:
I couldn’t justify the $5/mo when I just wasn’t buying stuff any more. It’s honestly been a while since I saw a meh product (fukos excluded) that really seemed worth the price being charged. So I dropped VMP a few months back. (Plus, yes, no freebies in quite some time.)
I mean, I still check nearly every night - assuming I’m still awake that late - but to me, the product selection has been where things have dropped off.
If that changes, well, maybe I’ll sign up again.
@bakerzdosen @unixrab
@bakerzdosen You’re doing this backwards. You buy a membership when you do buy something, and then you also get free shipping for a month. Cancel, rinse, repeat.
@stinks that was the old VMP… and the new “Members”… but the new/current VMP dies permanently if you drop it… until @snapster K-starts another site.
@RedOak @snapster I was referring to this…
Of course you’ll sign up for vmp2 one month at a time. It’s a better deal.
@stinks what’s “vmp2”? Not seeing that term or the benefits of VMP included in “Member” mentioned anywhere in @snapster’s comments.
@bakerzdosen @stinks story of my deal searching life …
@bakerzdosen @stinks What’s up with the poo badges? Surely there’s a cool kids inside joke there to which I am not privy (for obvious reasons)
@ruouttaurmind former VMP. Lots of drama about them below
@RedOak @snapster Had to call new membership at meh something… Benefit: A month of shipping.
@ticklescratch Sorry, I’m not sure what you’re trying to buy. Make sure you’re posting in today’s deal topic.
i’m trying to /buy my penny back @mediocrebot is an asshole.
@ticklescratch please run for president
@ticklescratch Maybe try it with a VMPBRIBE coupon?
/buy -coupon VMPBRIBE -item vmp -qty shitloads
We get a special badge for the extra penny? Right?
@sammydog01 and 10% off MorningSave if that’s something you’re into. Also VMP Last Call and the small reserve of product at 4pm ET here on Meh.
@sammydog01 @ThomasF I’m really worried about this chimp.
@RiotDemon @sammydog01 It witnessed the first sunrise. I fear it may yet witness the last.
@ThomasF sunrises do funny things…
/youtube 2001 a space Odyssey opening
/youtube 2001 a space Odyssey opening scene
@RiotDemon @ThomasF The Groove Tube’s version:
So the cool VMP badge is 1 cent a month? sweeeeet.
@snapster I’m just catching up on this thread now, but it may be my favorite thread in meh history. It’s astonishing, after everything that’s happened on these forums, that a poop emoji is causing a minor revolt. We had a “fuck” count for a while, for fuck’s sake! People have been shredded for being offended by lesser things here. This whole thread is weird, and a testament to meh. I almost feel like it should be enshrined in the FAQ somewhere.
Not that I need to say it, or you need to hear it, but just keep on doing you. This is an interesting place. Thanks.
A poop badge isn’t setting this off.
Labeling people with a poop badge. In a manner visible to visitors and newbies. On a commercial site.
Might win, might lose. Risky move.
This topic is great tho.
@DaveInSoCal we still have a fuck count
@carl669 good
/giphy fuck count
Hang on…you mean that little icon is a pile of POOP???
My Grandkids SWORE to me that it was Ice Cream.
@jimeezlady Yeah think of it as chocolate ice cream if that helps.
@jimeezlady Chocolate. Soft-serve, twirled. Ready for dish or cone.
The ex-VMP icon is too cute.
@medz AH! Finally a good use for that Kickstarter badge - to cover up the ex-VMP badge.
@medz Thank you! I wondered what that was for but didn’t want to ask!
@medz I feel it exists to guilt-trip those who don’t pony up the $4.99 - $5 a month now.
@medz @narfcake I’m kinda tempted to drop VMP just so I can get a poop emoji.
@medz @narfcake @sammydog01 Maybe they are trying to bribe us to drop (grin).
What @snapster said, that’s a good thing, right? (I need @Ignorant to tell me what to do. After all, I am a MorningSave shopper.)
@Barney Me too! Speaking of which, @Ignorant are they getting any more of those infuser bottles in stock? I love them.
@Barney yes its a good thing for new customer, they can get away with not paying $12 for a case of wine shipping
for normal VMP s , nothing changes .
so overall i say its all good
@Barney I don’t think it was stated if 10% off at MorningSave applies to the new program, so I’d spend the extra Penny and keep VMP.
@sammydog01 hahah I have just as much info as you.
@Ignorant Well if you see a thread on Morningsave titled “Infuser Bottles” don’t be surprised.
if i had a penny for every time i had to pay an extra penny, i’d break even.
so, who wants to send me a penny every month?
Sure. Just pay for postage monthly.
@carl669 Send me a stack of SASEs and I’ll do my best to remember to send a penny every month. AND every time I see a penny roller, I might get you a special penny.
@carl669 Fuck.
at some point in this thread, i was promised a icon by @narfcake.
so, in the immortal words of Captain Picard, “give me my fucking middle finger icon”.
@carl669 I don’t know about “promised”, but it does need your name on it …
Syntax, please!
It’s “middle fucking finger icon.”
It’s the finger that’s fucking, not the icon.
Unless both? Why not? Then you get to use the initial “fucking” too. Bonus! Hell, it’s almost like a double fucking.
@carl669 I luv U, man!
@2many2no @carl669
/giphy man hug
In light of these proposed changes, why not just opt everyone in, every single time, on every single order, if they are not already “a member” and expire the damn “benefit” in 29 days?
I could write a treatise on why this is better but I got shit to do and I’m old and you’re not paying me.
@Pavlov I was told there was a treatise here?
@Pavlov Umm because they might buy 2 things that month and then spend $10 if they weren’t automatically enrolled…
@Pavlov This. If folks want to pay more $$, we should let them, right?
@narfcake @Pavlov
@narfcake @Pavlov
I think @snapster meant
In this instance, given these parameters, as outlined . . . No.
@narfcake @Pavlov I still don’t understand… There’s vmp2 because other sites are subsidizing it? Either they lose money on monthly shipping subscriptions at meh or they don’t. I can’t quite figure out which it is, but I don’t quite buy the altruism.
Are they hoping the “free shipping at all sites” of vmp2 reverses the “nobody finds meh” problem into “mehers find the other sites”?
(I know I bought more cheap stuff when I had a free month of shipping running, which might also be a meh win…)
/image no funny stuff lebowski
I had always figured they knew, roughly, what percent of VMP’s would buy in different categories and what shipping was for the product and so then factored that into the posted price of the product. I guess since they were losing money on shipping someone’s algorithm wasn’t working all that well?
@Kidsandliz Well, at least I get this neato poop badge out of the whole thing. I’ll pay $0.01 a month for that.
Related Update: MorningSave and Checkout store shipping is now $7.99 flat fee for 1 hour after a first order is placed.
(unless you are a VMP or a Member)
/giphy subsidize me
@snapster “Shopping carts? We don’t need no stinking carts!”
I’m so glad I stumbled into this thread.
Love comes in spurts, is an old punk rock song, and pretty much sums up my involvement at meh. I love meh, I’m just not around that much. Baffling, as the people here are the nicest on the internet, (perhaps my past ten year involvement with /b/ clouds that judgement).
There’s no point to this post, it’s just nice to see this meh update. I’m not sure why I’m vmp still, perhaps there’s a loyalty there to a cool board. It’s certainly not 'cause i have money to burn.
I know there’s a world here that could easily eat up hours every day.
It’s a beautiful place.
@wew That’s dirty. I’m sure the song title is intentional…let’s see.
/youtube love comes in spurts
I’m just posting this so I can admire my little Kickstarter thingy and feel all smug and shit. Also been a VMP almost from the beginning. It’s been very, very nice.
You better make the extra 1¢ worth something, you crafty fucks.
I dub thee meh-mbers in the meh-mbership program
Hello! Hi! I have a question: I feel nice and smug with the wee shield and V next to my name. What are these other people who are paying the $4.99, getting next to theirs? I think my extra one cent should go towards having the VMP sign and they should get nothing.
Thank you in advance for your time.
@tartanknickers I’d be ok with a ‘V’ (no shield).
Or demote them to mere Mehmbers, who get a M badge.
@mike808 @tartanknickers It looks like this:
It’s still V-shaped-ish, but yours will always remain much cooler.
@meverett @mike808 @tartanknickers They get a heart, does that mean you love them more?
@mehbee Like any parents of siblings, publicly, we love you all equally. Privately we have our favorites.
@meverett When do I get my Goat Emeritus badge?
@lisaviolet @meverett I too, was promised a Goat Emeritus badge. (still waiting on my trophy as well)
@dave As a third child, I’m well aware…sigh
@lisaviolet @meverett @therealjrn
Next time, get the badge and trophy up front, before you accept the title.
@mike808 I have the engraved goat trophy, it’s sitting on the cable box. Next to the Rubik’s cube.
But no badge. If ex-VMPs can have stinking badges, I think us old goats should have our badges.
@lisaviolet @meverett @therealjrn yes me too.
@lisaviolet @mike808 and trophies. We need our trophies too, but given a choice I’d take a badge over a trophy.
@Kidsandliz I’ll settle for the badge (because it’s least unlikely to happen).
@dave are you ready to admit that I’m your favorite?
@dave @meverett @mike808 @tartanknickers I want my VMP, but I do NOT want a heart next to my name!!!
It gives the wrong impression of me.
I really hope that I keep this shit icon here for time immemorial. PLEASE let me keep the shit icon so I can be constantly reminded that I’m shit because I chose to not keep sending you $5 a month.
(flounce - as in delete my fucking account flounce)
I agree with @Pavlov, the pointing out that a member has canceled their VMP with a shit icon is pretty crude, even for you Meh.
Edit: Compared to this, it makes using profanity in a topic thread look like a pretty minor offense.
@Barney @Pavlov That’s a valid point. And I see how it can be interpreted along the same lines as the @carl669’s icon.
Perhaps something to think about, @dave and @shawn?
Still funny to me.
@Pavlov The icon will be appropriate because you’ll feel like shit once VMPs start getting really cool and highly valuable freebies.
@medz @Pavlov @narfcake
It’s @snapster’s sandbox. If he wants to wallow in shit, it’s his prerogative. But I still think that this “special” icon is not needed.
Probably most people will find it quite humorous. However there will be some who will find it quite hurtful (as in those who can no longer afford the $5 monthly charge).
@Barney it is pretty shitty when you’re broke
@Barney @medz a store is a shitty place to hang out when you’re broke.
Still, having invented a bag of crap everyone wanted, I’m not admitting this is a bad icon. It’s got a great smile. I have no mouth even.
Which is why I now will go out of my way every time I have any opportunity to discourage anyone from every doing business with you or anyone that would choose to associate with you.
Maybe thinning a few “undesirables” here is your intent?
I’d call you a fucking douchebag to your face, but I never want to see it.
My husband doesn’t CARE for himself, he was being deeply empathetic, having formed real, personal, touching relationships with the people here that post most often. YOUR customers.
Germany is accused often of being completely misguided in the fact that the word DIGNITY comes FIRST in their constitution. I personally feel they got it right. YOU FAILED in this regard, @snapster. It exists or it does not. @Barney IS RIGHT.
YOU GUYS ARE STUPID. And I don’t suffer stupid. This is actually dumber than the fucking email fiasco. Fuck you, delete my account too.
Same issue a lot of assholes have. They can’t admit when they’re wrong. It is why we don’t have nice things.
@Barney This could be fun! We can call them “shitizens”!
@snapster You do realize that there are fewer and fewer people who associate you with the Woot! bag of crap? You’re getting old(er) and it’s a now a new generation of shoppers.
(And it never hurts to window shop, even if broke.)
@MrsPavlov @snapster You need a proper flounce icon too.
@Barney @snapster I can’t imagine him anything other than being a bag of crap.
@snapster @therealjrn @shawn Can we also get the “call the ACLU icon” if you are black and now have a shit icon next to your name?
The poop emoji has been embraced as a cute and playful thing. I’m not sure it’s ever been associated with any insults or negative connotations unless done so in jest.
By all means, marginalize those that may not have a few dollars at that moment but are otherwise great people to have coming here at Meh . . .
They must be insignificant, you just pissed on them with impunity! They’ll never become anyone you would need to consider yourself with in the future, they aren’t even people! They’re shit! I know, let’s let them know they’re shit - hey - build a fucking shit icon for those cheap bastards!
Matt, you’re SO wrong.
Edit: still trying to figure out if this is all a joke or if someone is actually offended by a poo icon on a site known for such antics…
/image octopus poop
@Pavlov @MrsPavlov: @Shawn suggested we build an option for customer service to assign to those reporting they are offended by the smiling poop emoji (for however long the joke lasts before it goes stale… as I said, not quite yet for me). I agree with the solution. Probably ready by some time tomorrow. You’re of course always free to request account deletion of them if you haven’t already.
@Barney @medz @Pavlov @MrsPavlov @snapster
Wasn’t one of the key points here is that you don’t have to buy anything to enjoy being here?
It’s one thing to want something named a “bag of crap”, but it’s a whole another thing to be labeled as one. That’s the issue at stake here – that the icon can be construed as saying “this user is piece of shit.”
Not very pleasant, is it?
Hello Kitty doesn’t have a mouth either.
/image Hello Kitty.
@narfcake if the idea is for me to feel ashamed, I don’t. At some point the humor will fade though.
@medz @therealjrn I’m confused tooooo
@medz @moonhat Just be glad you’re not a shitizen.
@pavlov @barney @narfcake - So what you’re saying is -
@snapster It’s not but sometimes, things need to be looked upon from a different angle.
Having just zapped a spammer necroposting a minute ago here, giving them a middle finger icon … that I’ll find funny.
Someone pointed out to me this icon it by @cranky1950’s name, and I thought it had potential humor (thinking that it was most likely a one time tease and that @cranky1950 prob would not be too bothered as long as it were a single instance.)
I didn’t see the discussion about it just just now.
This is actually a thing you intend to do to everyone whose VMP status lapses or is discontinued?
Guess even really smart people can be extra-dumb sometimes.
If you really can’t figure out why many great people will find this (as a permanent icon) a total bridge too far in terms of a joke too many people will find highly offensive … Just take it down and take some time and think it over. Please.
Or take our word for it.
Would many folks want to be pretty active in the forums of a commercial retail sales site that was willing to offend so many?
Will other potential partners?
I think you got yourselves as huge self inflicted problem.
I dunno why you guys must do this. Got a foot? Wanna shoot at it? Guess so.
Please don’t.
You got this one so very very wrong.
@narfcake Biased much, vol mod?
You says:
"It’s one thing to want something named a “bag of crap”, but it’s a whole another thing to be labeled as one. That’s the issue at stake here – that the icon can be construed as saying “this user is piece of shit.”’
They’re labled ex-vmp. (See hover text) I’m not labled as a K. VMPs aren’t labeled as Shields. The icon is just a visual representation that nudges them in the ribs a bit for leaving VMP. Think of it as a “stinker” not a “piece of shit”.
Change it to a skunk emoji if that exists. Or a fart. Or a sad trombone…
@medz @narfcake
What Narf said is absolutely correct and kudos for him, a vol mod, for having the guts to say so.
@Barney @medz @narfcake I’m sure Narf would miss the paycheck.
@f00l seems to me like the poo emoji would be a badge of honor and envied by others due to the cuteness
@medz I’m already envious.
@medz @sammydog01
How many years have you been hanging out at Woot! and now here at Meh? Go ahead and count them up. Now think about this, you know all of the inside jokes (and there are a lot of them). The poo sign is cute to you. Yes, you said so yourself, @medz. But what if you were new to this site and saw this by your name? Would you not be offended?
We are trying to get new people to come here, buy here, and as a bonus, hang out with us. Putting a poo by their names will just turn off so many newbies.
Is this what we want?
@Barney @medz @SAMMYDOG01 In what way is an ex-vmp a newbie?
@therealjrn Maybe newbie is not the term to use. But there are so many who do not know what the hell is going on around here, including VMP’s.(How many of them still call it VIP?)
We have been accused of being too closed, with too many “insiders” who do not make others feel welcome. I just think this poo symbol is another step in validating that view.
@therealjrn They’re not. New customers read the forums. If they get the new V badge, the CEO may decide to put a shit icon next to their name someday if they stop paying him monthly ransom.
How in the actual fuck buzzfeed or someone else hasn’t picked up on this is completely beyond me and why in the actual fuck someone at Meh isn’t thinking this through is killing me.
Any publicity is really not good publicity. This one isn’t cool, and it isn’t funny. It stopped being funny when ONE person had an issue. We’re not credit cards, we are people. We are not shit. And if you are a Muslim the use of emojis is not expressly forbidden in Qur’an or Sunnah, but no Muslim I know would appreciate a pile of feces preceding his name. As in what are you people thinking???
I remember reading a line that Mr. Ruttledge wrote here about his grandfather I think and how he would never have dreamt of disrespecting that persons faith. I hope he reads my comment and remembers his heart.
@medz I see that as being less offensive.
@Barney I would like to think that an honest opinion/perspective is better than a sugar-coated one. (Reference mega-Anvil thread at shirt.woot.)
/8ball Can a $0 paycheck buy catshirts?
Very doubtful
That’s all I’ve got.
I’d personally appreciate if the steaming smiling pile of shit icon could stay next to my username until the sun swallows the Earth.
As I had requested:
@snapster Edit: the icon may in fact cause issues for some members with the code of Muslim hygienical jurisprudence known as Qadaa’ al-Haajah. If so, why would this ‘joke’ be applied to all members without knowing? Also, why was this not considered? It took me all of ten minutes!
I swear it was said somewhere that if you found the site too edgy then “maybe the site isn’t for you”, but I can’t find it…was that on the Kickstarter, the FAQ, forum rules?
/giphy reaching!
Some others.
Not other others.
Thing is, people get to decide what to think of that and how to react to it all by themselves.
Quite apart from what you or I might think, and apart from the thoughts of those who like it, and apart from what @snapster & Co might intend.
We don’t get to tell anyone else what it means.
@medz @Pavlov ROTFLMAO - you really thing the benefits of BMP will improve? - Well improve from practically nothing perhaps… But meh didn’t even promise us a rose garden… apparently now just poop if we refuse pay the club membership fee.
@f00l sure, they’re free to misunderstand the intended meaning of the icon and get all worked up over nothing. They’re also free to leave.
/giphy bye Felicia
@medz You’re right I am reaching in my last comment. Not anywhere nearly as far as a reporter with an agenda or an attitude might reach. My INITIAL point is still valid though, no Muslim I know would appreciate a pile of feces preceding his name. Why was this not considered? Aside from my reaching with the hygiene comment later on, how am I reaching by expressing a fact I know from personal experience? It is reaching to say I know people that would be offended?? I am offended. Why should I have to write to customer service to fix their mistake? Nah - they expect I will stay and take it. I won’t- I’ll vote with my dollars! And so will many!
@medz @Pavlov think not thing… I am too tired.
@medz (et al) There’s a huge difference to me coming here and taking a user in the forum calling me a pile of shit or an asshole or the write up being irreverent versus the owner calling everyone that stopped paying him and made his life difficult over his VMP fiasco a pile of shit. Funny or not it is really bad business. And it might piss a few people off. He created the fucking issue but we’re shit?
@justbuyit I think you’re overthinking it and your opinion is contrary to the site’s culture.
They would not be misunderstanding in the slightest.
They would be understanding an openly interpretable icon according to their own values.
Just as you and I are doing.
So the final value of their reactions is decided by and according to you? Or to me?
Again wrong.
/giphy NOT
It don’t work that way
As are you. As am I.
And @snapster and co are free to consider all this and leave it as is or to make adjustments.
If this policy is left in place as is, without any alteration, the company as a whole will likely not thereby gain a whole lotta respect from potential partners to other mediocre sites.
And many people will think mgmt ain’t too smart on this one.
Or it will become a popular joke available only on this site. And generate mad respect for daring. HooBoy!
Who the fuck knows? Not you or I.
But I can’t much imagine a strong positive response from other businesspeople (even ones with good senses of humor) or potential partners, or from many customers.
Who would be, btw, be “misinterpreting” exactly nothing.
I never thought the meh civil war would be started by a . Fitting, I suppose.
@MrsPavlov @Pavlov @shawn @snapster Don’t take away my poo
@cranky1950 It’s such happy poo.
@f00l @medz @snapster I think most people aren’t much gonna give a shit unless they are looking for a reason to feed a persecution complex.
@sammydog01 At this age is there any other kind?
Ok, so… I’ve deployed a change that allows us to remove the smiling poop emoji badge for anyone who would like to opt-out.
If you’d like me to remove it you can reply here (or send me a whisper if you’d rather keep it private). You can also let us know through the support page.
@justbuyit @medz geez and I’m cranky
@cranky1950 This whole discussion has made me cranky.
Ok fair enough.
@f00l I would pay 1 extra cent a month just to get the poop emoji. It makes me smile. I like seeing different emojis - I would take the asshole emoji @2many2no made for me if I could.
@medz It occurs to me, as you mention that I am overthinking it, that this entire issue of the poop emoji/icon may be clouded by the intended topic of the thread. To some, the monthly membership is bloody disingenuous, and I really think that fact also has a lot to do with how some may have reacted today possibly? When you add, to everything else in this discussion, the shit icon and then boom goes the dynamite.
But I’m overthinking it.
in vane of cool inside jokes and forum memes, lets bring back random word filters. BOC is ribs!!
/giphy that escalated quickly
Understand. I kinda like it too. For this morning. Not sure I wanna like it every single day tho.
But here. You have spoken of your preference:
/image “poop icon”
/image asshole icon
/image asshole emoji
Oops. Sorry. The icon world as is yet too innocent to have assholes.
There. Best I could do. All for free.
@2many2no @f00l The asshole emoji also kind of looks like a flower.
One that makes it look like I shoot sunshine out my ass.
The sunflower is one of my favorite charachters to play in GW2.
@f00l @mfladd If your asshole looks like a flower, you should probably get that thing checked.
cranky1950 said a day ago
Is it difficult to live and work in locations that have toilets?
Poor You!
You have my Most Extreme Sympathy.
@2many2no @f00l
Only during pollen season.
@2many2no @f00l @mfladd
I humbly submit this…
@snapster i thought it was funny too. But, as they say, username checks out.
I am a very loyal VMP customer for years now. However, I rarely watch the videos or look at the threads like this. I would like anything dealing with membership sent to me in an email in the future please. I REALLY appreciate the morning save weekly email and the benefits we VMP enjoy on there. I didn’t know until I bought something on that site. The Benefit is so good I am back on Morning save several times a week looking to score deals. Thank you for all you do for you VMP’s!
@dino2269 Good point. I would assume there will be a marketing push with info about the new membership. Probably in the form of an email. This thread was just a more timely way of putting it out there before telling the whole world.
@dino2269 Suck up!
@dino2269 What do we get on Morning Save? Very ignorant here.
@dino2269 @dzieciom 10% off in addition to the free shipping.
@2many2no @dino2269 Oh well that’s good to know
/giphy the more you know
TIL If you’re going to stick around and post here, you better learn to settle.
Postquam ad vendendum Woot Amazon prius feci Woot tueri facta, scit. Ego autem exspectabam, ut quod fit dum sumus in VI annorum erat late intuitive, non expecto, ut ad rem iudicandam esse Amazon counterintuitive. Conatus defendentibus nobis molestus videri ori meo (saltem) intra Amazon. Tantum fuit in culpa; deesset quod esset metrics auxiliatus definire and track fan Woot merita in rem experientiam. In Amazon scriptor culturae metrics sine te nihil est.
{~TC Edit}
To quote @PocketBrain:
@f00l Habla inglés, por favor.
@f00l @narfcake
@f00l Latin because…?
@f00l novissima dies.
Meh, I’m not motivated to change my habits over a penny.
The socks were/continue to be worth it. VMP4LIFE
OK so I must be dense - for sure way over tired (just turned in grades an hour ago) - but on a fundamental level I don’t get why you don’t just reopen the “old VMP” program instead of having two very similar programs. How is it worth having 2 programs? What is the benefit to meh to do it this way?
@Kidsandliz sorry for the delay - this was worth answering in detail for anyone else curious.
TL;DR: This thread (and our prank) may be the last place non-VMP ever see mention of the program again. Very-Mediocre-Person was too Meh-centric, complicated and prohibitively expensive to offer to the larger MorningSave base. Ending it also allowed us to create a group special to us moving forward.
When we started VMP, Meh was our dominant store and encouraging adoption at other stores was a very desired function. We added 10% savings at MorningSave along with free shipping to help prime the pump at that store.
We tested offering VMP at MorningSave for a while but we felt it was confusing in name and in its sprawling list of Meh-centric benefits. We worried about the future cost/reward payoff. Instead we created a $2/month program for free shipping only on that site. The simplicity of that messaging was much preferred and adoption skyrocketed. There are tens of thousands of MorningSave members now actually grandfathered in over there as that program is closed to new members as well.
Today, MorningSave is bigger than Meh, we also have Casemates and plans for more stores like the TMZ test store we did. We don’t want to use the complexity of VMP but we didn’t want single site membership. We needed a more universally applicable simplified Membership.
As a bonus to us, those continuing the grandfathered VMP become a charter-member group for us to appreciate. Early adopters who supported a fledgling store through a lean period of growth (and continue to support us).
@snapster Thanks for satisfying my curiosity…and that makes more sense to me now.
@snapster totally aside from this VMP vs. “Member” thing, thanks for that detailed response.
I find the details like Morningsave being bigger than Meh and that there are tens of thousands of grandfathered 2-buck faux-VMPrs over there interesting. Even if it doesn’t bring back the JBL Minis for a final repose.
Well since this thread is partly on the topic of icons… you seem to be able to make for people poop icons, middle finger icons, assorted current and future potent free shipping icons, a goat icon, octopus icon, but you can’t make an ex-goat icon for those of us who want our ex-goat icon (especially since we likely won’t be getting our goat trophy)? Hello? This is an icon that a bunch of your ex-goats actually want. Somewhere (actually several somewheres) there is a discussion about that. I remember an upside down goat was suggested and went over well as a suggestion (as well as a few ideas hat won’t shrink down very well to be that tiny).
Maybe someone can be diverted from shit or not shit
and get off the potlong enough to flip the goat and make us our ex-goat badge of honor? Thumperchick has even made your job easy to find us in her locked thread of who has been goat and why history thread… Just sayin’…@Kidsandliz Don’t forget the Christmas tree icons and the little med bag icon.
@therealjrn Oh yeah thanks for rounding out my list. My brain is in stall mode. I was asleep, the train has now come through twice blasting their horn repeatedly, and now I am wide awake and at the same time am still exhausted… Came to click the meh button and made the mistake of deciding to read some threads until I could fall back asleep again. I forgot about my christmas tree icon. I want my christmas tree icon in my icon list after my name. VMP is the least important of them…
@Kidsandliz i still want a boat icon
@CaptAmehrican Yes that would be nice. We could have a boat with a goat on deck LOL
Hey did you see the video I posted of the guy climbing the rigging of a Class A all the way to the top? Looked more scary than I remember it being when I used to do that (especially since he wasn’t clipped in anywhere he reached the top of the mast) - of course I was younger and stupider back then too. I’d slide down stays. All my shoes had groves worn into the soles from doing that.
typo until he reached the top of the mast…
@Kidsandliz Yeah! What you said!
Seriously, the whole world needs more old goats.
@Kidsandliz @therealjrn
I would be needing a permanent and personalized icon for Eternal Cluelessness
/giphy eternal cluelessness
Anyone want to mock-up an ex-goat icon, using the same size/specs that these other icons use?
But I want a penguin icon.
@dave What are the size/specs that these other icons use?
@dave Why not just flip upside down the one you use? Or put a crown on the one you use for the actual goat and remove the crown when they are goat history?
@CaptAmehrican @Kidsandliz me too!
@dave I will. Thank you for asking, I know people have been asking for an emeritus badge for a while.
I can’t promise that this is any good. Turns out there’s an art to designing tiny monochrome icons. Also, just flipping it upside down seemed lazy, so he needed some work.
@dave And we need to be able to choose the icon we have. I’d rather have a goat than a K. Even though they’re both pretty cool.
@dave @djslack That looks like a caterpillar.
@dave @djslack @therealjrn
@f00l Unfortunately, I don’t have any skillz to make into a tiny emoji thing
Getting ready for some of these on this angry poop thread:
Just when I thought I was out - they pull me back in!
Poor poop!
I’m in with the Cool Kids at last!
/giphy cool
Huh. What happened to /giphy?
/giphy cool
@f00l I had that happen too - it was either yesterday or today and had to edit a few times for it to work.
@f00l I think it has to go on the end of your post in order to work.
So OG VMP stays the same. Once you’re out, you’re out.
VMP2 is 4.99 so they can tell who is who by their monthly price. And you don’t get the 4pm reserve that OG VMPs get or 10% off Morningsave.
I hope us OG VMPers keep our badge and the VMP2 chumps get a different (v2 ?) badge. Or maybe just a ‘V’ instead of the V-shield us OGs have.
Sound about right? Did I miss something?
There are much much easier ways to tell who is who. I don’t know why the price difference, but pretty sure that’s not it.
@katylava @mike808 They have tons of data on vmp conversion rates from before, so I would have guessed that this might be a test of the perceived price psychology of 99 cents. But then, poopgate happens. And that .99 psychology is well documented. And then shipping prices changed on Morningsave/checkout sites, which changes this but is also its own experiment on incentivized add-on purchases.
I guess you still have a sort of controlled experiment among Meh-only customers who were never vmp, and a parallel experiment on shaming in place as well. Or this is a sandbox and we’re having fun.
Wow, so cool.
I ended up dropping by VMP when i left the country, saddened when i knew i could not get it back. I’m back and i still don’t have a job yet and can’t justify buying anything, but i know that when i do get some cash, i will be looking here, and some of the deals here will easily be takers if i had VMP. Spending $10 is a lot different than spending $15. I’m kind of crazy like that.
Thank you for bringing it back. Seriously, thank you. You guys are just plain awesome.
/giphy you da man
Why wait when you can pay now? ahah… wait…
@CooLSpoT congrats on thr badge
@CooLSpoT @jml326 First incident of the new badge in the forum?
For my 1¢ I’d like VMP only access to a sale of ziploc bags. I am still sad that I missed that one.
@metageist I broke down and bought a set at Costco because they’re on sale right now, but it was still about four dollars more than I paid here. And I know this because I went into my meh order history to see exactly how much I paid and when.
@mossygreen I never thought about buying my ziplocs at Costco. I am such a fool.
@LaVikinga I think that’s where they get them from? Maybe? Anyway, it’s not foolish at all, as they are all the way in the back of the store and we only found them because we were trying to find the mineral water. Also, I’m slightly sad I brought it up because the sale ended today. They’re still a great deal, though, if you need 347 assorted size ziplocs.
Can someone do a dramatized tldr version of this thread on YouTube and keep it under 3:30. Maybe with hand puppets. That would be ok. It’s just too long to read and it’s confusing with all the different characters.
@miko1 I have a sock that would be perfect for that!
@sammydog01 soooo, where’s the video?
Wait, you didn’t clarify the edge case for those of us who wish to be a members and VMP? I want to figure out how to give you money without buying anything.
Can I get a pair of VMP socks to make up for the extra 1 cent a month. Haven’t gotten a pair of meh socks yet and I’m sad.
@snapster Thanks for the update. And the entertainment.
Ho Lee chit… Whatever, you let me update my card, so I kept my VMP, and my Kickstarter, and my whatever. I spend more on less every time I get breakfast at McDonald’s.
If the poop emoji is good enough for Sir Patrick Stewart, it’s good enough for me. Not that I’m planning to cancel my VMP or anything.
@lordbowen Cancel? Never! Lest ye be shit upon!!!
I belong!
/giphy I belong
@tnhillbillygal Giphy must be hormonal today.
@sammydog01 well it is mother’s day…
/giphy Happy Mother’s Day to me
For a long while Carla did not speak.
Kaito was correct, Joshua had come. He took the window seat, a painfully thin man in an off-white seersucker suit.
“You’re a monster,” she said finally.
“I am a god.”
“You used me.”
“Gods have used mortals for worse.”
“You killed my friends, you killed those cops, those dock workers…”
“My dear girl, what on earth makes you think they’re dead?” He grinned broadly. His bright blue eyes flashed.
Carla was stunned.
“I watched my friend Jessie melt. She was my chemist. She was studying the organic acids you laced those treats with and they went off. I watched her melt, I heard her cry. She’s dead.”
“She probably thought she was. They all probably thought they were. But she’s not, I assure you. She’s a Member now. A Member of the greatest life form ever created.”
@dtertman Join us. Wait, you’re already one of us. In spirit if not in badge.
As long as there’s still a goat to blame…its cool (and worth the extra penny)
I was an original VMP, cancelled it during a period of cost-reduction, then reinstated with the Casemates launch. This was after a period of DEEP regret when I realized it was cancelled and not accepting renewed signups. That regret was emdeepened by the fact that my sister had not discontinued her VMP, so there was a brief period where she was more mediocre than I. Ugh.
I’m happy to see this ability to reinstate the program and this $5/month is one of my more satisfying indulgences. I certainly get more out of it than what I spend on coffee.
@slipperyp oh my
I think the poop badge is funny, but I can also see how especially in a time of financial hardship when you have to cut back on unnecessary things being labeled with a poop badge can set someone off.
ummmmm YES!
I’m but a poor metric in this Amehzon world
@ELUNO Ah, but how doth one measure thine poverty, when thou clearly is so rich with good taste in crapmongers?
I have been a faithful and loyal VMP since the begining…and will remain the same.
But I haven’t won a you know what in a long time, how about coming up with a new plan regarding that fukufest when it happens…
@somf69 no more fuku, only fuko
@somf69 @thismyusername theoretically and technically true, but for some of us this last one wasn’t, for the first time in a very long time, total shit…
I guess there is such a thing as spending too much time on the internet.
who knew ?!?
I just hope everyone can make it back to their happy place before having a total meltdown.
it’s just another painful example of the internet being serious business.
Hey, wait a sec. Vmps get free stuff? Since when? Where’s my free loot?
@someguynamedmat You need a time machine to get it… nothing in a long time - socks were it I think.
@Kidsandliz @someguynamedmat
/image meh snap cable
@narfcake Oh yeah I forgot about them. There were dinosaurs back then weren’t there?
@Kidsandliz That was only 1987:
@narfcake Picky picky picky
This? Right?
See there were dinosaurs back then cuz “image” says so.
/image dinosaurs 1987
So… what about the discount on Morningsave? We still get that? Or is that only VMP? Or does VMP lose that too? @snapster. ?
@capguncowboy as I understand it, every vmp benefit that is not free shipping is reserved for the og vmp crew and, for now, remains in place.
@capguncowboy @djslack what does OG mean?
@capguncowboy @djslack @moonhat Ooten glieben glauten globen
@moonhat Original Gangsta
@djslack for realz? Very cute, I like it
@capguncowboy @djslack @moonhat @stinks
@djslack @moonhat
Yeah. Fo realz. When rap had actual lyrics instead of just noiz and skeet skeet skeet brrrrtttrrrrt.
@djslack @mike808 love ittttt! That makes me proud of my vmp badge…
@capguncowboy @djslack @mike808 @stinks it definitely IS better to burn out, than fade away.
Can’t we just limit the shitizen’s posts?
Why don’t we set up a separate, but equal (more or less) area of the forum?
That way, those of us who dislike piles of dookie won’t have to be bothered by them.
@therealjrn are there any anti-poop emoji browser add-ons that would automatically convert the image to something less graphic so the user isn’t exposed to it?
@medz See? This place is the birthplace of great ideas!
@medz @therealjrn like maybe a piece of (soiled) toilet paper?
Oh cool beans! I was hoping for a new VMP I’m on a normal pay schedule again so the your dweeby autopay should work all the time now.
@cranky1950 you’ll lose your shit then.
@cranky1950 but will the new membership icon replace your poo?
@RiotDemon We should oughta get a choice of icons kinda like scouts or six sigma. I’ve earned that poo
@RiotDemon You’ll have to pry it from my cold dead , , ,
@cranky1950 @RiotDemon
Well. Right now you can’t see my shit.
All hidden away behind VMP or whatever.
But it sure don’t stink.
Meanwhile, back on the original topic, another thought regarding VMP financial viability:
Anecdotally, since I haven’t found anything on Meh justifying a spot in our hoard-closet since those cheap stocking-stuffer LED Spinners last fall, it feels like VMP might have reached self-subsidizing+ status.
(… and that is even with 3 x $10 Casemates Kickstarter VMPBRIBE codes sitting, still unused, lonely on the shelf.)
To put it more plainly, VMPrs, paying every month - buy something or not (in this post launch-priced deals phase) - would seem to be the ones subsidizing the new “Members” program - a program that has the original VMP benefit of being able to turn it on and off.
Very clever @snapster. And explains the true inside story of why the shit-emoji for ex-VMPrs… but oddly, not for those mehtizens who never signed up for VMP.
@RedOak it felt like we were leaning on VMP for the past 2 years. Quite the opposite of what we wanted so we shut the program down a year ago. I don’t see the connection you’re making moving forward.
@snapster so you seem to be implying VMPrs are still buying at the same rate as they did for the first 18 months when deals clearly were more aggressively priced to draw traffic.
I must be unusual - during those first 18+ months I was buying anywhere from every month to every other month. And I killed VMP at the end of a month if I hadn’t bought anything… turning it back on only when I bought. With that pattern, VMP would appear to have been a profit-killer for Meh during those days. With the less aggressive deals these days, my last purchase was about 6 months ago. So my every month VMP fee without triggering shipping becomes more profitable for Meh vs not being VMP.
So now with many months going by between purchases, the predictable VMP fee stream should be a profit-improver for Meh. Especially since VMP can no longer be turned on and off. Thereby, the claim of subsidy by VMPrs of the new “Members” program that inherits the original turn it on and off, less profitable for Meh, model.
@RedOak you can’t discount the fact that an individual’s purchase rates should naturally decline because a lot of things are repeat items or repeat categories. A rational human will decrease purchase rates of flashlights, Bluetooth speakers, and sheet sets as time moves along as they are offered generally more frequently than they need to be replaced.
Granted, we’re not all rational humans here.
@djslack except I don’t think I’ve missed evaluating a single day’s deal here (even if I’ve missed clicking the Meh button) since my first purchase over 1,300 days ago.
The deals do not appear to be as aggressively priced as during the first 18 months. That’s not surprising since one would expect more drama (like all the give away contests) during launch.
There have definitely been items I would have bought had they been priced like the first 18 months.
But that’s beside the above point that legacy VMP is now likely more profitable for Meh vs the past. Regardless of the reason for VMPrs buying less, doing so means Meh collects more monthly VMP fee revenue per VMP sale.
@RedOak @snapster
Yeah, I didn’t get that part either. I thought the arg was that there are so many other successful sites now that they could subsidize vmp2 now. But if vmp-style shipping memberships cost the company money, why start a new one?
/giphy mind boggle
Oh well. I’ll take it.
@RedOak @stinks I’ll have to read more carefully than I can right now to parse the disconnect I’ve created. One thing - my perspective here was primarily the tactical: “what to set tomorrow’s price at.” Knowing we needed to offset actual shipping costs while the majority of customers were not paying shipping was stopping us from selling items as cheap as we wanted. It wasn’t as shocking as we intended to be with VMP originally.
That said, you’re right; membership has the same potential to cause that imbalance if isolating the view on Meh. I’m then oversimplifying and saying as a whole that we can now afford to not care.
Obviously we (the community) don’t have any of the metrics, so we can only speculate. But @RedOak’s comment makes me wonder if “the majority of customers were not paying shipping” or if they simply had the potential to not pay shipping?
Surely, as @RedOak and @djslack suggest, in the early version of VMP it’s likely most customers weren’t paying shipping on every purchase. Like others, I would only pay for VMP as needed. At a minimum, I’d order one item, then nothing else for the remainder of my VMP month. Sometimes I’d place two or three orders. Sometimes it would be months between orders.
However, once the “convenience VMP” feature was discontinued, I’ve continued paying for VMP despite the much slower pace of my orders. I suspect this is the case with many (most?) who choose to continue the original VMP plan.
So, yes, we have the potential to not pay shipping, but what percentage of active VMP members pay for a benefit each month they do not use?
Even if Mediocre ships 90% of orders to VMP, how many more VMP paid, but didn’t order anything that month?
@djslack @RedOak @ruouttaurmind
Out of time tonight but it doesn’t matter how much you’re collecting on a not-growing base of people who are becoming increasingly unsettled AND 90% of your order base when you try to price things to change the pattern.
@djslack @RedOak @ruouttaurmind @snapster But wouldn’t you have to factor the cost of shipping into the price based on your best guess of how many “wouldn’t be paying shipping” aka have only paid $5 (and some only $2.50 since you’d likely have some who buy more than once in a month) sales you’d have?
Since the money to pay for this has to come from somewhere, then subtracting $5 from the most likely cost of shipping and adding the difference between $5 and true shipping costs to the product price is my assumption of what you’d need to do/actually did… And thus my read on the “past” is that you miscalculated that metric on at least one variable and had no easy way to undo that other than raise prices more than you’d like. Or didn’t figure it that way (since you are using the word subsidize - but then unused monthly membership fees of $5 is then subsidizing those who are using it).
Of course what do I know… I am just looking at this from what appears, to me anyway, to be a common sense viewpoint. You know -
we will take it out of your hide one way or another cuz someone has to pay, we are after all a for profit company- there is no such thing as a free lunch…?@djslack @Kidsandliz @RedOak @ruouttaurmind You guys can argue all you want but I’m pretty sure Snapster knows more about selling junk than the rest of us combined. He’s also really bad at explaining it. (OK maybe I’m bad at understanding it.)
@djslack @Kidsandliz @RedOak @ruouttaurmind @sammydog01
Incontrovertible. But anyone can screw up.
The guy who runs the largest hedge fund in the world took his previous hedge fund, after some insanely profitable years, straight into bankruptcy, caused by (founder’s explanation) his own supreme arrogance.
(Not comparing that to this. Just offering a truly out-there example)
This is move that might be innocuous and fun (for many) or might pay off.
Or not.
Fascinating to watch.
It’s not just you. @snapster’s personal MBA-speak is fascinating and unique.
Seeing it roll forth can be a treat.
I explained my admittedly anecdotal thinking based upon my experience.
Perhaps was ruined by my MBA. Ran a small medical supply company and then got an MBA. Then 25 years at a European auto company, the majority of that time in product and pricing. We used to joke in school the best way to ruin an entrepreneur was to “earn” an MBA.
I learned as much useful stuff from fellow MBA students as from professors - and these were real world experience professors like the Israeli Mckinsey marketing guy who at the same time consulted for Guinness. Our school required at least two years of real world experience for admittance.
An MBA can lead to analysis paralysis. At my stage in life it has become a game in an attempt to keep the brain cells spinning.
All wore out on the financial aspects of VMP topic.
@snapster, perhaps I’ve missed the update on those cool light panels for the new warehouse are how are they working out?
Have you heard of these panels?
They promise to simulate natural light. I think about $3K each.
I don’t think any of us are even pretending to have the kind of experience/knowledge @snapster has… Not to mention we all know we don’t LOL But since he is discussing decisions we are entertaining ourselves with explanations that make sense to us whether or not they are the actual ones he took into account. And of course we all know that is exactly what we are doing - entertaining ourselves since we aren’t king of this kingdom - not to mention we know we don’t have the training nor experience to be king in this instance. I am sure he knows if he posts people will respond and, of course, he has the choice, and power, to delete our comments, ban us, tell us we are idiots, ignore us…etc. if he doesn’t agree, doesn’t want to hear what some folks are saying, or whatever
@Kidsandliz @sammydog01
Just to be clear, I’m absolutely not questioning @snapster’s expertise in this field. I have no doubt he’s infinitely more knowledgeable than I regarding these matters.
My post is actually about trying to learn something. If it seems I’m questioning his methodology… I AM! I’m attempting to gain insight as to what worked, what didn’t work as well as planned, and what may have been a catastrophic failure. Also to learn from his strategy to correct.
Although not in the in the same sector, my own business presents similar pricing challenges. If @snapster has already learned from an experiment, perhaps I can avoid having to repeat the experiment to glean similar knowledge.
So in summary: My questions come from an attempt to see the strategy, not to be critical.
@RedOak Those lighting panels look great! At least in the marketing materials on the manufacturer’s website.
My landlord refitted the office with some kind of high tech LED panels last year. Nearly $20k for a 4100 sq ft space. Glad it was on his tab.
@RedOak @ruouttaurmind we have those lighting panels and 6 of the big brother full sun ones (largest installation in world so far). I met with them at their HQ in Milan a few years ago. It was a very cool startup. Had to pass on investment due to Italian investor-law complexities.
@Kidsandliz yes you have untangled my stream of consciousness explanation.
… or end VMP signups and wait for a different company balance to emerge before launching a membership plan again.
Ya think?
No Fucking Kidding.
Thanks so very much for the consequence:
All Being and All Nothingness, Gone Wrong.
Well, at least you 'fessed up.
/giphy MBA
@RedOak, @f00l
Giphy, sometimes I love you so much!
/giphy “perfect giphy”
What’s my icon. What if I’m VMP and want the poop icon?
@hammi99 That’s easy, cancel your VMP
I miss my VMP lost it while i was… um locked up for a while
I love my VMP badge, I’m OG around these parts.
i still don’t get what exactly changed to bring membership back after just one year.
@username Mediocre Labs other sites are doing well and can now"subsidize" mehmberships.
@therealjrn @username meh saved enough money to pay for those fancy fake skylights for the new HQ. The removal of the membership was sort of like paying a “special tax” in a newly built subdivision. In this case, the special went to pay for the new HQ.
@therealjrn those other sites existed before vmps were canceled as well. still doesn’t compute. in a bid to be transparent snapster still muddied the waters
it seems they crunched the numbers and noted that members do buy more crap, shipping will be absorbed into pricing again.
@username Then you DO get it? Why did you ask?
@snapster was crystal clear…if it was an occluded crystal he was going for.
@therealjrn i think explanation was not what really happened. they probably saw less people buying crap without vmps.
even if meh don’t want to be just a rando member only club, the age of hip quirky deal of the day sites might have sailed, now it’s podcast advertised Instagram drop shippers.
@username There is continuity in my decision making. The inflection point you’re missing is understandable. I don’t want to be more literal than I’ve already been at this point for strategic reasons. I accept and enjoy that you and others should be highly skeptical.
@snapster @username
So you’ve got that going for you.
@snapster I bet you found a decent breakfast octopus recipe that you enjoy as well.
just offer more nerdy toys please. feel free to analyze my 229 orders.
@therealjrn @username didn’t exist then - in fact, a ‘new’ VMP membership was a Kickstarter benefit.