Meh, are you trying to kill me?

Star2236 went on a bit of a rant said

So a couple of irk’s ago I got this lovely cuisinart personal blender and was overjoyed. See, I make smoothies for breakfast everyday and it’s a pain in the butt to use the big blender. This cuisinart one was the perfect size for my smoothies. When blended it was practically full, so it really is my personal size blender. This thing rocked too, it cut through ice cubes and frozen berries like nobodies business.
So anyways I’m making my smoothie like I do any other day, I put the cup on the base and press the start button and got the the biggest shock of my life literally. I felt this huge jolt of electricity go through my arm and down my leg that hurt so bad and then I felt my hair to frizz and static and stand up. LET ME TELL YOU IT WAS NOT FUN! I had to sit on the couch with a heating pad for the day bc the jolt of electricity seriously hurt. So meh, now you owe me another 4 cup personal size blender (and one that actually works) bc you could have killed me and for my pain and suffering.