@lljk@aetris I don’t typically make a deal out of spelling errors as we all make mistakes from time to time. But I love a good absurdity at the expense of an incorrect word.
I have been known to use a 55 (or larger) gallon garbage bag when caught in the rain. Was once on campus walking past the student newspaper office and they took a photo of me wearing a huge garbage bag I had gotten from a janitor along with a gallon ziplock bag that I used as a hat to keep my head dry.
@sicc574 Hey it works and it is free. And brings entertainment value to others (and I’d imagine some envy to those trying to outrun the raindrops trying to stay dry).
@mike808 You are so welcome troll. That is likely better than supporting the get pneumonia health care industry sitting in A/C while drenched because I forgot my umbrella or didn’t bring it because I didn’t know it was going to rain. They use more plastic in that industry.
@goldnectar MacGyver might not - no duct tape or gum involved. Although does it count that I currently have my fender liners held on by lock ties and my died at 25 and 3 mo old ghetto van had a slash in its sheet metal (done finals week likely done by a disgruntled student - person did this to every car in the faculty parking lot) that I “mended” with bathtub silicone caulk. No rust 7 years later when the van croaked.
@PocketBrain I have a pair of mukluks. They are made of moose and caribou hide, made by a women in Fort Albany. She needed to know my marital status before she made them for me as that affected the beading. They are much warmer than most boots in northern Canadian winters (AKA when the usual temp range is 20-40 below most days/nights).
@gominosensei Nope not kidding. I worked for outward bound in Canada at one point in my life. The Albany River trip ended there. I had them made for me for the upcoming winter. Beading - you cross the flower stems if someone is married, they are uncrossed if you are not.
I have had the same “back-up umbrella” stashed at work for over 20 years. There have been a few times that I have had to use it, but the next day it gets returned to its spot.
Living in South Florida for so long, I kept an umbrella in my desk, in my car, a small one in my backpack, and 3 or 4 at the house. Never knew when it was going to rain, but knew it would.
@olperfesser When I used to take JD’s canoeing across the state of Florida the daily, 2-3PM as regular as clockwork thunder and lightening storms were so much fun. Especially when in a canoe and no good place to get on dry land (like where the Suwannee River is so wide and marshy).
@hchavers that depends if you are talking about the real path of the hurricane or the path that Donald Trump is trying to will the hurricane into just so he’s not wrong
either nothing (because i’d just be running errands and don’t care if i get wet going from car to house or store to car) or bring/wear something with a hood. i live in the city, umbrellas are for tourists. no galoshes as i’m usually wearing boots anyway, or sneakers that aren’t precious.
if i’m going out someplace i’d have dressed up for, i’d plan to take an uber or have my partner drop me at the door while he parks.
@RiotDemon yeah, anything even remotely water resistant is sweat city for me, i hate that damp sticky feeling. would rather wear nothing and just get wet. if it’s cold enough i just wear a regular zip hoodie. of course i don’t have occasion these days to be outside for long (like sporting events, walking to work, working outdoors etc) and boston isn’t exactly florida where it storms every day, heh. i might change my tune if my situation was different
Bring goulashes so we can all stay in and eat instead of going out in the rain at lunch.
@cpietra I came here to ask why you would need more than one goulash, and here you are with the answer.
@cpietra My husband, upon hearing about this typo, described what galoshes full of goulashes would be like and now I feel a little ill.
Get wet.
@Tin_Foil Getting wet hasn’t killed me yet.
As my Mom used to say, “I’m not a sugar cube; I’m not gonna melt.”
Go back inside and work from home
@tinamarie1974 +1
@lljk - Delicious and comforting on rainy days.
@lljk @aetris I don’t typically make a deal out of spelling errors as we all make mistakes from time to time. But I love a good absurdity at the expense of an incorrect word.
mmmmmm, goulashes
@aetris @lljk
@aetris @DrWorm @lljk I need a recipe…
@aetris @lljk It’s better than stewing over the weather.
I have been known to use a 55 (or larger) gallon garbage bag when caught in the rain. Was once on campus walking past the student newspaper office and they took a photo of me wearing a huge garbage bag I had gotten from a janitor along with a gallon ziplock bag that I used as a hat to keep my head dry.
@Kidsandliz Not a time to be proud. Just dry!
@sicc574 Hey it works and it is free. And brings entertainment value to others (and I’d imagine some envy to those trying to outrun the raindrops trying to stay dry).
Thanks for supporting the single use plastics industry!
@mike808 You are so welcome troll. That is likely better than supporting the get pneumonia health care industry sitting in A/C while drenched because I forgot my umbrella or didn’t bring it because I didn’t know it was going to rain. They use more plastic in that industry.
@Kidsandliz MacGyver would be proud. Not so much your college coeds…well, maybe if you offered your trash bag to a cute girl getting rained on?
@goldnectar MacGyver might not - no duct tape or gum involved.
Although does it count that I currently have my fender liners held on by lock ties and my died at 25 and 3 mo old ghetto van had a slash in its sheet metal (done finals week likely done by a disgruntled student - person did this to every car in the faculty parking lot) that I “mended” with bathtub silicone caulk. No rust 7 years later when the van croaked.
Listen to the blues. On eleven.
You’re not wearing any galoshes. The Eskimos don’t wear galoshes. They wear mukluks. Mukluks.
/img mirelurk
@PocketBrain I have a pair of mukluks. They are made of moose and caribou hide, made by a women in Fort Albany. She needed to know my marital status before she made them for me as that affected the beading. They are much warmer than most boots in northern Canadian winters (AKA when the usual temp range is 20-40 below most days/nights).

/image mirelurk
@Kidsandliz I don’t know whether you’re kidding or not. I don’t need to know. It’s bringing me joy as is.
@gominosensei Nope not kidding. I worked for outward bound in Canada at one point in my life. The Albany River trip ended there. I had them made for me for the upcoming winter. Beading - you cross the flower stems if someone is married, they are uncrossed if you are not.
@PocketBrain @thechilipepper0 I admireIrk too!
Then I fell outta bed and woke up… cuz I don’t have a job.
@lseeber Preaching to the choir my friend!
Weep bitterly.
@shahnm So, generate your own rain?
I keep an umbrella in my car, and another one at work.
@RiotDemon My exact contingency plan.
I have had the same “back-up umbrella” stashed at work for over 20 years. There have been a few times that I have had to use it, but the next day it gets returned to its spot.
Nothing. I’m retired.
Living in South Florida for so long, I kept an umbrella in my desk, in my car, a small one in my backpack, and 3 or 4 at the house. Never knew when it was going to rain, but knew it would.
@olperfesser When I used to take JD’s canoeing across the state of Florida the daily, 2-3PM as regular as clockwork thunder and lightening storms were so much fun. Especially when in a canoe and no good place to get on dry land (like where the Suwannee River is so wide and marshy).
Evacuate inland to higher ground and wait for Dorian to slowly crawl past.
@hchavers that depends if you are talking about the real path of the hurricane or the path that Donald Trump is trying to will the hurricane into just so he’s not wrong
@sicc574 OMG. Goes right along with him saying that a cat5 was pretty much unheard of.

/giphy facepalm
@RiotDemon @sicc574
The words for that behavior are “pathological liar”.
I hang up my keys to my expensive shiny 110 ci motorcycle and grab the keys to my crappy beat up 110 horsepower mazda hatchback.
Here in a few more days once I become wealthy, I won’t have to worry about it as long as I’m driving my Rolls Royce:
@sicc574 Skoda offers built-in umbrellas too.
@narfcake Nice!
I look out the window later that day to see if the forecast was correct.
I keep an umbrella in my purse at all times, so nothing changes for me. Besides, I park underground.
I love playing in the rain
either nothing (because i’d just be running errands and don’t care if i get wet going from car to house or store to car) or bring/wear something with a hood. i live in the city, umbrellas are for tourists. no galoshes as i’m usually wearing boots anyway, or sneakers that aren’t precious.
if i’m going out someplace i’d have dressed up for, i’d plan to take an uber or have my partner drop me at the door while he parks.
@jerk_nugget I wish I could wear a rain jacket of some sort. It’s just way too hot. Even the light breathable jackets make me sweat.
@RiotDemon yeah, anything even remotely water resistant is sweat city for me, i hate that damp sticky feeling. would rather wear nothing and just get wet. if it’s cold enough i just wear a regular zip hoodie. of course i don’t have occasion these days to be outside for long (like sporting events, walking to work, working outdoors etc) and boston isn’t exactly florida where it storms every day, heh. i might change my tune if my situation was different
I keep umbrellas in my car. I have one of those fancy inside out ones!! LOVE IT!!
Leave the motorcycle, take the car.
I’m inside so much if the time anyway, I just have a ball cap in my car to keep the rain off my glasses.