Galileo 7
7In case there are any Star Trek / model fans, the Galileo with interior is $36 at Amazon. Half price.
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In case there are any Star Trek / model fans, the Galileo with interior is $36 at Amazon. Half price.
When I realized this was the cool old-style uncolored plastic model, I immediately thought of that festive holiday aroma of model glue and model paints back from the early 1970s before the “sniffing glue” component was reduced.
Then on another forum someone posted that it was 40 year anniversary of the Airplane! movie, which of course brought up
/image airplane! wrong week to stop sniffing glue
Where do all the model collectors keep all their models?
@f00l in the dungeon, of course
/showme a dungeon filled with a collection of captive models
@f00l @ybmuG Reminds me of a HORRID joke I heard once. I like my whiskey like I like my women…18 years old and locked in the basement!
@f00l @PooltoyWolf @ybmuG or you could keep them in the Attic.
@f00l @PooltoyWolf @ybmuG I can go one worse than your HORRID joke. Hope I don’t get banned for it. It’s just a joke!
“My doctor says I have the body of a 22 year old.”
“I keep her in a freezer in the basement.”
At least yours’ was still alive. Ugh, I’m sorry.
@f00l @pmarin @ybmuG Same level of black comedy!