Do Droids Dream of Electric Sheep?
The Catcher in the Rey
Death Star Be Not Proud
The Maltese Millennium Falcon
The Ewokening
The Palpatine Rabbit
I, Lobot
A Tale of R2 Cities
Stranger in a Strange Lando Calrissian
The 3PO Body Problem
Mace Windu in the Willows
@shahnm [you must be exhausted]
All the Lightsaber we Cannot See
Don’t Tribble me Luke!
Qui-Gon Jinn the Wind
The Chewbacca of Notre-Dame
BeYoda Good and Evil
The Wrath of Kahn.
Anakin’s Men
Meta-Mon Mothma-Sis
Darth Evan Hansen
@ircon96, are you awake? I’m too ignorant about the Star Wars universe to compete in this.
@Kyeh Hey, i found another Meh-ssage that miraculously appeared in my email! I completely missed this one somehow, but i wouldn’t have been of much use, either. I’m not what you’d call well-versed in the Star Wars milieu myself.
The Alabama Condition: I kissed my crush, but she was my sister! – By Luke Skywalker
@MarkDaSpark Hey now…
you’re an all-star
Do Droids Dream of Electric Sheep?
The Catcher in the Rey
Death Star Be Not Proud
The Maltese Millennium Falcon
The Ewokening
The Palpatine Rabbit
I, Lobot
A Tale of R2 Cities
Stranger in a Strange Lando Calrissian
The 3PO Body Problem
Mace Windu in the Willows
@shahnm [you must be exhausted]
All the Lightsaber we Cannot See
Don’t Tribble me Luke!
Qui-Gon Jinn the Wind
The Chewbacca of Notre-Dame
BeYoda Good and Evil
The Wrath of Kahn.
Anakin’s Men
Meta-Mon Mothma-Sis
Darth Evan Hansen
@ircon96, are you awake?
I’m too ignorant about the Star Wars universe to compete in this.
@Kyeh Hey, i found another Meh-ssage that miraculously appeared in my email! I completely missed this one somehow, but i wouldn’t have been of much use, either. I’m not what you’d call well-versed in the Star Wars milieu myself.
The Alabama Condition: I kissed my crush, but she was my sister! – By Luke Skywalker
Hey now…
you’re an all-star