@sammydog01 I was thinking about Halloween 2020. I am looking for something that works for adults, would be fun, safe for giving out candy to tons of kids , not slutty, ect.
@CaptAmehrican@Dakini Probably not but no one says an adult can’t wander around in a dinosaur costume. The kids stuck at home would love it. I would love it. And if you’re outside away from people you don’t need a mask. I SHOULD GO BUY A DINOSAUR COSTUME!
@Dakini@sammydog01 I had been thinking of reverse trick or treating and going house to house where I know kids live and handing out candy to friends kids and maybe beers or those mini wine bottles to their folks(my friends)
Also tell me it wouldn’t be amazing for family zoom.
@CaptAmehrican@Dakini@sammydog01 how are you transporting yourself from house to house? If you’re not just waddling down the street blowing air and are inflating it at specific houses where you know the people and check with parents ahead of time… Mehbe?
We really don’t know what the world is going to look like by Halloween once those germ swappers are forced into school.
If it’s blowing out it’s ass just chuck candy and run
This is the best question I have heard in a long time. And this place is the perfect venue for a good and proper discussion of the various merits and pitfalls of inflatable dinosaur respiratory barrier implementation theory…
@f00l I highly doubt that’s an intentional thing. Most people keep their accent if they’ve lived with it most of their life unless they are an actor/intentionally trying to lose it. He regularly makes fun of it. Regardless hopefully the Trump bits at the start/end don’t draw in the… Whatever. Just look at the dinos. Especially like the one getting the hood dropped on him cause cars.
In my experience (in my life and w people I know) , most people go hybrid or “neutral” w accents; unless social high social status is attached to one or other accent.
(And some people keep a lower status or regional accent deliberately, as a marker of social character.)
Or, if most don’t wind up going hybrid, they go “reasonably high status commonplace”, as a nation’s social customs define that.
IE Cal- or Midwestern-newscaster in the US, “London chattering classes accent” over there.
Tho I’m no UK accent expert, his sounds pretty Oxbridge to me. It’s an attractive accent, and it gets pounded into the classes for whom it’s normal.
Anyway; if I had, as my normal, his type of accent in my early adulthood, I’d keep it.
: )
Most on-air media types are pretty accent-conscious, btw)
@f00l eh. Maybe. I don’t think I have an accent but I know it would take a hell of a lot to break one of my southern cousins of theirs. Never mind “y’all” and “coke”.
I think there is a “neutral” American accent that is expected to be adapted to for newscast etc. I don’t know that there is one for other countries so much… Then again. Idk. I think he’s funny regardless. Also he looks like a bird lol
@f00l@unksol I am thinking that also there are regional differences with what is considered a desirable accent and that which is not. I have lived in around 2/3 of the states in the USA and there are distinct durable differences I have noticed. Certainly most of the people I know who have lived in places their entire life talk similarly to others with the same background and for the most part that sounds very different than generic “TV” accent.
I have read (don’t know if it is true) that the midwest has what is considered the “neutral” accent. Certainly most/many on TV, besides looking like clone people, certainly mostly talk like clone people too with respect to accent.
@sammydog01 apparently. I don’t know where that $129.99 price is coming from cause I’m pretty sure I checked all sizes/styles and they are all around $60-$65 dollars…
I just googled for the costume… and it has 10K ratings on Amazon. I in no way shape or form am recommending it. I would recommend further research/reading reviews on your blow up dino of choice.
@f00l@Kidsandliz I mean if you’re broadcasting to a nation wide audience you by default want the most neutral/understandable accent. I don’t know that it’s specifically Midwestern although we happen to be in the middle of it. Idk that most of California sounds all that much different from what I’ve heard.
Boston and Georgia and Minnesota. Some regional areas are very distinct. I’m sure there are many others.
You could wear a face mask on your own face while wearing one. I don’t know what you mean by “put a mask as a filter.” Masks are for your face and you can’t expect them to be effective elsewhere.
That said, since you have to ask it’s probably a bad idea this year. If you have the question others will too, and won’t have had a while to think about it beforehand.
@Limewater There is a product called a biovyzr that is basically the answer to this question. It is a sealed back pack type frame that has a bubble around your upper torso, and runs two fans through filters off a 10,000mah battery/phone charger. One of the fans is an intake air and one is an output, and the filters are N99s, which are better than the N95s the hospitals use(but difficult to breathe through if you don’t have a fan doing the hard work for you). Besides looking kind of goofy, it looks like a really good functional design, and even has an unzippable port with built in gloves so you can scratch your nose or adjust your glasses without touching your face directly. I linked to it in another comment, but googling the term also pops it up as the main hits.
@f00l@PooltoyWolf need a destination lol. I’m pretty sure you just need a standard pump but a 6 Gallon pancake compressor would def do it. If you can make a 30 foot wolf. If it had vents we need more horse power
@f00l@unksol He inflates with a centrifugal AC powered air pump in about 10 minutes. I avoid compressors due to the chance of introducing contaminants like oil into the inflatables. Also if you’re serious we could set something up hahaha
More of if you every create a 30 foot wolf that would be awesome to see. If I could tolerate the level of people that would be at that expo.
With a hi cfm fan and vents you could probably give kids “rides” like a lot of those big inflatables. I would let my imaginary kids slide down the giant wolf lol
@f00l@unksol That sounds amazing, but I’m afraid a wolf toy of that size would break the bank! I actually only have Zephyr there because a good friend knew I love wolves and inflatables, so he sold him to me at a fire sale price.
@PooltoyWolf well good boy Zephyr. And Feneris. There’s probably a limited audience for sliding down a giant wolf you heard about on meh lol. Although you are up to two…
@PooltoyWolf lol I would bet. Good luck… Hopefully we get out of this or… Or beach worthy while it’s still warm. Although if you’re far enough south it may never stop
I guess I’ll be the first to ask- where are you wearing a dinosaur costume and will you send photos? Or a video?
@sammydog01 I was thinking about Halloween 2020. I am looking for something that works for adults, would be fun, safe for giving out candy to tons of kids , not slutty, ect.
@CaptAmehrican @sammydog01 I wonder if parents will even let their kids go trick or treating? Might be much less ring a ding dinging.
@CaptAmehrican @Dakini Probably not but no one says an adult can’t wander around in a dinosaur costume. The kids stuck at home would love it. I would love it. And if you’re outside away from people you don’t need a mask. I SHOULD GO BUY A DINOSAUR COSTUME!
@CaptAmehrican @sammydog01 Maybe you should!!!
@Dakini @sammydog01 I had been thinking of reverse trick or treating and going house to house where I know kids live and handing out candy to friends kids and maybe beers or those mini wine bottles to their folks(my friends)
Also tell me it wouldn’t be amazing for family zoom.
@CaptAmehrican @Dakini I like that idea!
@Dakini @sammydog01 oh and truth I kinda just want to dress up like a dino for fun.
@CaptAmehrican Maybe a tool rental place can sell you a respirator to use that night?
@CaptAmehrican meant to say rent you not sell you. Oops.
@CaptAmehrican @Dakini @sammydog01 how are you transporting yourself from house to house? If you’re not just waddling down the street blowing air and are inflating it at specific houses where you know the people and check with parents ahead of time… Mehbe?
We really don’t know what the world is going to look like by Halloween once those germ swappers are forced into school.
If it’s blowing out it’s ass just chuck candy and run
This is the best question I have heard in a long time. And this place is the perfect venue for a good and proper discussion of the various merits and pitfalls of inflatable dinosaur respiratory barrier implementation theory…
I need the Harvard introductory course recordings.
@f00l I’m pretty sure there’s a TED talk about this…
Skip to 0.55 for the dinos
@unksol also
He’s a Brit who has “fallen in love w this country” but keeps his posh accent, prob because he’s perceived as classier and more intellectual.
USA 101, I suppose.
: )
I’m quite fond of him. : )
@f00l I highly doubt that’s an intentional thing. Most people keep their accent if they’ve lived with it most of their life unless they are an actor/intentionally trying to lose it. He regularly makes fun of it. Regardless hopefully the Trump bits at the start/end don’t draw in the… Whatever. Just look at the dinos. Especially like the one getting the hood dropped on him cause cars.
In my experience (in my life and w people I know) , most people go hybrid or “neutral” w accents; unless social high social status is attached to one or other accent.
(And some people keep a lower status or regional accent deliberately, as a marker of social character.)
Or, if most don’t wind up going hybrid, they go “reasonably high status commonplace”, as a nation’s social customs define that.
IE Cal- or Midwestern-newscaster in the US, “London chattering classes accent” over there.
Tho I’m no UK accent expert, his sounds pretty Oxbridge to me. It’s an attractive accent, and it gets pounded into the classes for whom it’s normal.
Anyway; if I had, as my normal, his type of accent in my early adulthood, I’d keep it.
: )
Most on-air media types are pretty accent-conscious, btw)
@f00l eh. Maybe. I don’t think I have an accent but I know it would take a hell of a lot to break one of my southern cousins of theirs. Never mind “y’all” and “coke”.
I think there is a “neutral” American accent that is expected to be adapted to for newscast etc. I don’t know that there is one for other countries so much… Then again. Idk. I think he’s funny regardless. Also he looks like a bird lol
@f00l @unksol I am thinking that also there are regional differences with what is considered a desirable accent and that which is not. I have lived in around 2/3 of the states in the USA and there are distinct durable differences I have noticed. Certainly most of the people I know who have lived in places their entire life talk similarly to others with the same background and for the most part that sounds very different than generic “TV” accent.
I have read (don’t know if it is true) that the midwest has what is considered the “neutral” accent. Certainly most/many on TV, besides looking like clone people, certainly mostly talk like clone people too with respect to accent.
@sammydog01 apparently. I don’t know where that $129.99 price is coming from cause I’m pretty sure I checked all sizes/styles and they are all around $60-$65 dollars…
I just googled for the costume… and it has 10K ratings on Amazon. I in no way shape or form am recommending it. I would recommend further research/reading reviews on your blow up dino of choice.
@unksol I used to have one of these:
It didn’t last very long but I loved it.
@f00l @Kidsandliz I mean if you’re broadcasting to a nation wide audience you by default want the most neutral/understandable accent. I don’t know that it’s specifically Midwestern although we happen to be in the middle of it. Idk that most of California sounds all that much different from what I’ve heard.
Boston and Georgia and Minnesota. Some regional areas are very distinct. I’m sure there are many others.
@f00l speaking of his accent.
And I was not looking for that just bored letting YouTube roll
@sammydog01 who was in the flamingo you were riding?
You’d have to cover the fan intake with a filter… But I’m not sure if the fan could handle that.
@RiotDemon Yeah that is what i mean by putting a mask on it.
@CaptAmehrican @RiotDemon I don’t think that would help- you should filter the air leaving which is coming out all over the place.
@CaptAmehrican @sammydog01 ah yeah, that too.
I think basically what you are thinking is something like this: Biovyzr
It is likely to be here on Meh in 2021, lol.
You could wear a face mask on your own face while wearing one. I don’t know what you mean by “put a mask as a filter.” Masks are for your face and you can’t expect them to be effective elsewhere.
That said, since you have to ask it’s probably a bad idea this year. If you have the question others will too, and won’t have had a while to think about it beforehand.
@Limewater There is a product called a biovyzr that is basically the answer to this question. It is a sealed back pack type frame that has a bubble around your upper torso, and runs two fans through filters off a 10,000mah battery/phone charger. One of the fans is an intake air and one is an output, and the filters are N99s, which are better than the N95s the hospitals use(but difficult to breathe through if you don’t have a fan doing the hard work for you). Besides looking kind of goofy, it looks like a really good functional design, and even has an unzippable port with built in gloves so you can scratch your nose or adjust your glasses without touching your face directly. I linked to it in another comment, but googling the term also pops it up as the main hits.
Good point. Different idea needed
/youtube who was that masked man?
Fenris met one earlier this year!
@PooltoyWolf I… Are we looking at a mamal live birth or… An egg
@PooltoyWolf or just two weird dudes going at it
@unksol Guy wearing the costume jumped on Fen for a pic. Lol
@PooltoyWolf I hope it was consentual
@PooltoyWolf Sounds like how you get a 30 foot wolf
@unksol I have a 16 foot wolf!
@PooltoyWolf @unksol
@f00l @PooltoyWolf
You want about 0:57. I can only assume a Godzilla being… Intimate with a wolf is how that happens
@f00l @unksol Only downside is his size means I can only get him out maybe a few times a year!
@f00l @PooltoyWolf lol I might come see that
@f00l @unksol Visitors welcome~
@f00l @PooltoyWolf need a destination lol. I’m pretty sure you just need a standard pump but a 6 Gallon pancake compressor would def do it. If you can make a 30 foot wolf. If it had vents we need more horse power
@f00l @unksol He inflates with a centrifugal AC powered air pump in about 10 minutes. I avoid compressors due to the chance of introducing contaminants like oil into the inflatables. Also if you’re serious we could set something up hahaha
@f00l @PooltoyWolf
More of if you every create a 30 foot wolf that would be awesome to see. If I could tolerate the level of people that would be at that expo.
With a hi cfm fan and vents you could probably give kids “rides” like a lot of those big inflatables. I would let my imaginary kids slide down the giant wolf lol
@f00l @unksol That sounds amazing, but I’m afraid a wolf toy of that size would break the bank! I actually only have Zephyr there because a good friend knew I love wolves and inflatables, so he sold him to me at a fire sale price.
@PooltoyWolf well good boy Zephyr. And Feneris. There’s probably a limited audience for sliding down a giant wolf you heard about on meh lol. Although you are up to two…
@unksol Fen draws quite a crowd when I take him to the beach! We miss doing that…
@PooltoyWolf lol I would bet. Good luck… Hopefully we get out of this or… Or beach worthy while it’s still warm. Although if you’re far enough south it may never stop
@unksol Beach weather lasts almost all year here LOL