ChadP's Holiday Gift Guide


Based on a random conversation with the CS team today, I present to you my Holiday Gift Guide. These are my personal picks of things I love. No affiliate links or anything. Just some random love.

The Studio Neat Mark One

Mark One Pen

This is my first choice for a great pen. It’s heavy, still can spin across your thumb, and has great options for ink replacement. These are high quality and really fantastic. I personally own 4 and use them every single day.

Studio Neat Gift Set

Studio Neat Starter Kit

If you want to go a bit beyond just the pen, this set is a no brainer. The notebooks are incredible, and the pen tray looks lovely.

Alternate Pen Choice, for a lower cost and good value, but may be too small for some hands, is the Baron Fig Squire.

Baron Fig Squire

Finally, a great add-on for your desk is a Concrete Tray. These are weighty and lovely. A great unique gift.

Concrete Tray

Outside of stationery and desk stuff, here are my 5 recommendations:

Made In Cookware

Made In Dutch Oven

This stuff is fantastic. Take care of it and it will take care of you.

Wagyu Beef Tallow

Wagyu Tallow

This shit owns. It is a fantastic cooking fat, and if you are into BBQ it’s a must have.

Dipper’s Hat

Dipper's Hat

If you have a kid anywhere from 6-12, you should be watching Gravity Falls everyday.

Kodak Ektar H35

Ektar H35

This is a super fun film camera that shoots half frame photos, so you can really stretch your film budget. If you have a photographer in your life, they will adore this.

Stix Golf Clubs

Stix Golf

Thinking about starting golf? Thinking about re-starting golf? Still playing with 25 year old hand-me-downs? Can’t break 90? These are the most affordable, best quality clubs available. The putter and driver alone are worth the cost here.