@DrunkCat They are still around, but basically run off of RF now, and are in the form of letting you know your table is ready at your local eating hole… Mostly have a motor on them that makes the portable fans blush…
@un4gvn1 I don’t think I would trust a troll to be truthful about a sock puppet. It’s almost like the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand … something something adage.
@sohmageek I liked glenn because it never went on too long for it to get annoying (looking at you cowboy hat). Possum head was too boring for me to watch to decide if I liked it or not.
@DrunkCat@sohmageek You guys are nuts. It’s blasphemy! Blasphemy I say! Infidels. The cowboy is awesome, Glenn is awesome, the worm party is awesome, the chicken is extremely punny, the possum head is special in its own way. It’s Mad Ape Den that they should get rid of, as it’s off more often than not.
Surveys indicate basically no one likes It’s Singin’ Cowboy Time besides me, but unfortunately for everybody else, that constituency is sufficient to ensure its continued production.
@matthew - I earnestly disagree. Singin’ Cowboy is your preeminent achievement, followed by Drinking Terrible and the others (except I can’t watch hand chin guy or PHC). Gratified to hear Hyram will live on!
@jbartus Yes, but when was the video made? No newspaper headline in the video to verify “proof of life” for poor Glen. Until I see Irk and Glen together, I’m going to think Irk ate him.
Mid-March - Glen appears in “In The Air Tonight: Mad Ape Den Karaoke”, then goes missing, though no one notices.
April 26 - Dr. Unkcat posts in the “Ask Irk” thread, wondering where Glen is. We’re all like: hey, yeah, where is Glen? A low-intensity search ensues for several days. Losing Glen is not like losing your keys, which stops your whole day until you find them. It’s more like losing your high school yearbook, for which you’re going to keep an eye out, so you can put it back where it goes whenever it eventually turns up. But if it doesn’t turn up — meh.
May 17 - Glen is discovered in a storage bin and appears in “Hey Everybody, It’s Glen - Lethal Weapon TV Series”, in which his absence is briefly remarked upon.
May 25 - Irk answers Dr. Unkcat’s question in “Ask Irk: Where’s Glen?”
Glen needs one of those nifty locators like Tile. Maybe it can be gifted in the guise of a necklace. While we’re at it, might want to microchip him in case he runs away.
I need to make a correction, the Burger King manager would most definitely miss me and my incessant question on when the Enormous Omelette Sandwich will come back.
Hey Irk and @matthew… I’m okay!

You didn’t ask, but I didn’t want you to worry…
@curtise Are we having a check in ? In that case, I’m okay too.
A bit of Glen hating going on here. Just to note, I
Glen. Not as much as Irk, but I totally appreciate his sarcasm.
Sarcasm is part of a psychologically balanced day.

Check this out:
@FroodyFrog Amazon Merch product, printed via shirt.woot. Cheapasses went with the shitty Anvil blanks, though, so HELL NO!
I still prefer this catshirt. Because catshirt.

Sadly, cranberry makes me look fat (no, I’m not kidding).
Glen needs a MedicAlert device. Second choice: http://www.emergencyyodel.com/
Irk, I saw Doctor Unk Cat at the pool earlier…
Paging Doctor Unk Cat, please report to the nurses station… Doctor Unk Cat.
@thismyusername And they said pagers were dead.
@DrunkCat They are still around, but basically run off of RF now, and are in the form of letting you know your table is ready at your local eating hole… Mostly have a motor on them that makes the portable fans blush…
I noticed Irk didn’t give any information as to Glen’s current whereabouts or condition. This could become fodder for conspiracy theory folks.
So, to clear this up before it gets out of hand…
Did Glen survive his misadventure in the box? Inquiring minds want to know.
@un4gvn1 Nor did we actually see Glen…who is to say they even FOUND him…
@un4gvn1 I don’t think I would trust a troll to be truthful about a sock puppet. It’s almost like the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand … something something adage.
@rockblossom @un4gvn1 @hollboll @Matthew @Thumperchick
@FroodyFrog Well if that is the case, any time he is missing you can find him over at woot.deals.
RIP Glenn
@DrunkCat don’t get my hopes up
@sohmageek I feel I like Meh for the exact opposite reasons everyone else does. I liked drinking terribly too but dislike cowboy person.
@DrunkCat I loved the drinking Terribly, but I disliked the cowboy, glenn, and possum head…
@sohmageek I liked glenn because it never went on too long for it to get annoying (looking at you cowboy hat). Possum head was too boring for me to watch to decide if I liked it or not.
@DrunkCat @sohmageek You guys are nuts. It’s blasphemy! Blasphemy I say! Infidels. The cowboy is awesome, Glenn is awesome, the worm party is awesome, the chicken is extremely punny, the possum head is special in its own way. It’s Mad Ape Den that they should get rid of, as it’s off more often than not.
@serpent I meant Glen of course. not the Asian guy from the Walking Dead. They should just kill him off already.
Surveys indicate basically no one likes It’s Singin’ Cowboy Time besides me, but unfortunately for everybody else, that constituency is sufficient to ensure its continued production.
@matthew - I earnestly disagree. Singin’ Cowboy is your preeminent achievement, followed by Drinking Terrible and the others (except I can’t watch hand chin guy or PHC). Gratified to hear Hyram will live on!
@matthew I love the Singin’ Cowboy. I don’t catch every video anymore, but I make it a point to watch Hyram.
@DrunkCat I like Glen too - two videos (neckstretch anvil and 'twas the night before mehmas) versus one Irk (amazon’s shitty search).
And he doesn’t fuck up my name.
@matthew I have all of Hiram’s songs on my iPod. I’m pretty sure I broke some laws to get them.
Paging Dr. Unkcat, Dr. Unkcat?
Glen was just here last week, WTF? Glen will probably show up tomorrow just to piss off @matthew a little bit more.
@somf69 I was about to say…
Literally the first few times this popped to the top I didn’t give it much notice but he was only what… 3 or so videos ago?
@jbartus Yes, but when was the video made? No newspaper headline in the video to verify “proof of life” for poor Glen. Until I see Irk and Glen together, I’m going to think Irk ate him.
Mid-March - Glen appears in “In The Air Tonight: Mad Ape Den Karaoke”, then goes missing, though no one notices.
April 26 - Dr. Unkcat posts in the “Ask Irk” thread, wondering where Glen is. We’re all like: hey, yeah, where is Glen? A low-intensity search ensues for several days. Losing Glen is not like losing your keys, which stops your whole day until you find them. It’s more like losing your high school yearbook, for which you’re going to keep an eye out, so you can put it back where it goes whenever it eventually turns up. But if it doesn’t turn up — meh.
May 17 - Glen is discovered in a storage bin and appears in “Hey Everybody, It’s Glen - Lethal Weapon TV Series”, in which his absence is briefly remarked upon.
May 25 - Irk answers Dr. Unkcat’s question in “Ask Irk: Where’s Glen?”
I never had a high school yearbook.
Irk is so freaking adorable. Every video should have Irk in it.
Glen needs one of those nifty locators like Tile. Maybe it can be gifted in the guise of a necklace. While we’re at it, might want to microchip him in case he runs away.
Someone was missing?
Can we put glen back in the box. And ya know. Burry him? Right next to the possum head?
@sohmageek use glenn as the filter to separate the fluid from the rest of the bits.
I need to make a correction, the Burger King manager would most definitely miss me and my incessant question on when the Enormous Omelette Sandwich will come back.