@KDemo not sure of the connection between crows and nachos. ( "murder of crows" is the official name for a flock of crows going back centuries. Or maybe you knew that. whatever.)
@ceagee@Lotsofgoats - If you were to eat enough cheap cheesy nachos over an extended period, they could kill you, no? (At least contribute to your death).
Plate in general, occasionally a basket or bowl, but I am increasingly fond of "a cheesepocalypse of nachos". (Mountain, mountainous cheesepocalypse...I can't stop here).
Plethora also works, and makes me think of ¡Three Amigos! for an added bonus.
@Venato I'm voting this one also as I'd love to see the waiter/waitress's face when they have to listen to the whole paragraph to describe nachos in multiples. Ya know it's better that way.
If I remember right, nachos were created by a panicking maitre d' after a bunch of soldiers' wives visited his fancy bar and wanted food after the kitchen had closed. So he fried up some tortillas, quartered them, and melted some cheese and jalapenos on top.
Discrete nachos all the way. The Texiest-Mexiest guy I know takes me to these San Antonio family joints where nachos are not only served individually but priced that way too – per each. 25 cents gets you one lovely, flat, homemade fried corn triangle with a schmere of frijole and a jalapeño ring. You can add more toppings from a list of proteins and cheeses and such if that's your thing.
I hate to be Dude Downer here (Don't call me Debbie) but the only correct answer is the boring one. It is a pile of nachos, because any other way an order of nachos is presented is completely missing the damn point. If your nachos are not in a pile, they are not nachos.
@TellarHK Yes, it's a pile, (syn: heap, mess, shitload, truckload, boatload) on a plate or platter, occasionally in a bowl, tray, or styrofoam take-out container.. But, let's give our cooks and servers a challenge! Be sure to tip well if they manage to pull any of these off.
In order of increasing difficulty:
A cone of nachos A pyramid of nachos A swirl of nachos A tower of nachos and.... A skeletal polyhedron of nachos
With apologies to the discrete nacho folks (yeah discrete carefully created nachos are way way better and more authentic etc but sometimes we just cant be bothered):
If Nacho is short for Ignacio, then it only makes sense that the long version (big version) of Nacho is an Ignacio. Ignacio also kinda sounds like you are about to start a fire... which a big plate of nachos usually... uh, never mind.
My home wifi network name is NachoWiFi. It’s dual band so the other is NachosEither. My neighbors leave theirs as the manufacturer default. No imagination
@ircon96@ironcheftoni Then you’ll like the name of a business I heard about just recently - my mother needs to have a railing put up at her condo. I found a woman-run company that does iron work, and it’s called Brazin’ Hussies! I love it!
I took this question to mean do you eat them by yourself or with a group of people, in which case they're all mine! Because, well...people are filthy and disgusting and eew. Ok, you can have some of my meh.com (synonym for a great deal) of nachos if you promise to wash your hands.
Umm... Er... I was told there would be nachos...
A murder of nachos.
@KDemo You read my mind, sir. Totally have to murder me some nachos this week.
@KDemo not sure of the connection between crows and nachos. ( "murder of crows" is the official name for a flock of crows going back centuries. Or maybe you knew that. whatever.)
@ceagee yea i don't get it either other than "murder" being the coolest name for a group of animals
@ceagee @Lotsofgoats - If you were to eat enough cheap cheesy nachos over an extended period, they could kill you, no? (At least contribute to your death).
@KDemo But not one order of them. And that is what Irk is wanting to know. Hey. Wait. Irk asked us. How's that for turning the tables !
A cavalcade of nachos?
A Libre of Nacho
Also.. "Tortilla Flotilla!" I love it!
Pretty much everyone I knows refers to nachos in multiples as a "plate" of nachos
A flatulence of nachos.
Chivesandcheddarblocks .com
Plate in general, occasionally a basket or bowl, but I am increasingly fond of "a cheesepocalypse of nachos". (Mountain, mountainous cheesepocalypse...I can't stop here).
Plethora also works, and makes me think of ¡Three Amigos! for an added bonus.
@Venato I'm voting this one also as I'd love to see the waiter/waitress's face when they have to listen to the whole paragraph to describe nachos in multiples. Ya know it's better that way.
A mine of nachos
@matthew - As in mine, not yo's?
Or a lode of nachos?
A cartel of Nacho
An individual nacho. Better Call Mike.( Not Saul)
If I remember right, nachos were created by a panicking maitre d' after a bunch of soldiers' wives visited his fancy bar and wanted food after the kitchen had closed. So he fried up some tortillas, quartered them, and melted some cheese and jalapenos on top.
So, maybe, a desperation of nachos?
Nacho Hoard!
@medz for the hoard!
A plethora of nachos.

@medz -
Bed of nachos!
Why isn't a herd of buffalo wings a thing?
A swarm of nachos.
A plague of nachos.
Discrete nachos all the way. The Texiest-Mexiest guy I know takes me to these San Antonio family joints where nachos are not only served individually but priced that way too – per each. 25 cents gets you one lovely, flat, homemade fried corn triangle with a schmere of frijole and a jalapeño ring. You can add more toppings from a list of proteins and cheeses and such if that's your thing.
Fuck a food pile.
A banditi of Nachos!
Torrent of tortillas
A FlashMob of nachos.
I hate to be Dude Downer here (Don't call me Debbie) but the only correct answer is the boring one. It is a pile of nachos, because any other way an order of nachos is presented is completely missing the damn point. If your nachos are not in a pile, they are not nachos.
@TellarHK Yes, it's a pile, (syn: heap, mess, shitload, truckload, boatload) on a plate or platter, occasionally in a bowl, tray, or styrofoam take-out container.. But, let's give our cooks and servers a challenge! Be sure to tip well if they manage to pull any of these off.
In order of increasing difficulty:
A cone of nachos
A pyramid of nachos
A swirl of nachos
A tower of nachos
A skeletal polyhedron of nachos
muchos nachos?
@nadroj - Muchos macho nachos!
I thought this was going to go a different direction:
Ton o' tortillas?
An assembly of nachos.
I think it might depend where you are buying them from. The ones I bought from Taco Hell last week was most definitely a PLOP of nachos.
OBVIOUSLY it's a bushel.
Come on what are nachos made of.
One orders a platter of nachos. However I would also accept a Sombrero of nachos.
With apologies to the discrete nacho folks (yeah discrete carefully created nachos are way way better and more authentic etc but sometimes we just cant be bothered):
A glop of nachos.
an amalgam of nachos
An "avalancho" of nachos.
an indigestion of nachos
A trump of nachos... That may go over well but not in Mexico.
@sohmageek Perhaps
Two No-Trump
would be better.
@sohmageek great wall of nachos
a nest of nachos, obviously
upon consultation of https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_terms_of_venery,_by_animal I may have to borrow from the magpie and change my answer to "a gulp of nachos"
"nachos" having an "s" kinda sounds plural already. What's wrong with just "Nachos"? Nacho vs. Nachos. And give them back cause they're not yours.
A reflux of nachos
Much. Many nachos in one place is a much of nachos.
You and your friends can munch a much of nachos watching the game.
If Nacho is short for Ignacio, then it only makes sense that the long version (big version) of Nacho is an Ignacio. Ignacio also kinda sounds like you are about to start a fire... which a big plate of nachos usually... uh, never mind.
A belly of nachos.
what happened to todays deal of the speakers?
@nizhoni Never mind. I'm on AZ time. It was yesterday
@nizhoni if you see this before 6am eastern you can still order them since you're a VMP (if you really want them)... https://meh.com/deals/mtx-musica-dual-speaker-kit
"No pinche manana". For the true glutton.
A cheesy Nacho Orgy....
Hmm, I like cavalcade...
Mumble. A mumble of nachos.
Cordilera of Nachos
A dyspepsia of nachos
A nacho of nachos
A Montezuma of Nachos.
(No, I will not add an animated GIF)
My home wifi network name is NachoWiFi. It’s dual band so the other is NachosEither. My neighbors leave theirs as the manufacturer default. No imagination
Oh, I love that. I should steal it! I gave mine a name but it’s kind of boring.
@ironcheftoni @Kyeh I thought the same thing! Being the hopeless word play dork that i am, i glommed right on to those little gems!
@ircon96 @ironcheftoni Then you’ll like the name of a business I heard about just recently - my mother needs to have a railing put up at her condo. I found a woman-run company that does iron work, and it’s called Brazin’ Hussies! I love it!

a myriad of nachos
Borracho con nachos.
Armada of nachos?
A pump of nachos.
Heap of 'chos
@medz make sure you pronounce the "c" or your wait person will throw them at you.
Dang it, now I'm hungry for nachos!
I took this question to mean do you eat them by yourself or with a group of people, in which case they're all mine! Because, well...people are filthy and disgusting and eew. Ok, you can have some of my meh.com (synonym for a great deal) of nachos if you promise to wash your hands.
@Knightp Food, like most things in life, is always better when shared! especially something like a cornucopia nachos!
Eat too many from the wrong place(Taco Hell) and you'll get nauseachos.😖
@growyoungagain you really went for something there.
Lotso Nachos
Irk, I'll call them anything you like so long as you choke on them!
A mine of nachos.
my brother from another mothership.
P.S. for los gringos, may I present individual nachos
Those look good.
In light of the upcoming football festivities, it seemed appropriate to resurrect this classic. You’re welcome!
Btw, my addition is “una carga de caca” due to the potential after-effects of a heaping pile o’ nachos.
No takers? Bummer. I’m taking my nachos & going home!