Whatever they want! I drink diet coke or teas we’ve already tried.
Tuesday and Thursday are for testing 1 new tea. After the test, we sometimes brew a pot of one we’ve liked in the past.
We actually have 3 kettles, 2 teapots, and 1 pitcher. Mostly we use the kettle to heat the water, then brew the tea in the cast iron teapot.
We have full-sized cups, but I pour about 2 oz for each person.
For testing days, we normally brew 32 oz (that’s how much the cast iron teapot holds). If people really like it, we sometimes brew a second run of the same tea. On other days, I brew anywhere between 1-3 pots throughout the day.
Yes! We’ll let you guys know what we do closer to then.
@Cythwulf I guess the AMA did not specify when it might be answered I will be watching…
I am enjoying the reviews but next tea question…how do you pick which tea is next from that good looking selection? I like going to OOTG and browsing the tea selection for something new. I go with mood, suggestions and “what are you drinking, I’ll have that one”.
I wanted to try that Bartlett pear from harney and sons! Can’t wait to see what you think. It looks like from that stack you will be testing until next year!
@Cythwulf That’s kind of a weird secret to keep, but I suppose we’ll have to accept it. I think I know what Santa is going to be bringing you this year!
Follow-up question: Just the first one? Or have you never seen the trilogy?
I suppose it’s only fair that I share something: I can’t catch fast-moving objects coming at me. All the time growing up, I just figured I was a klutz, because I could throw things fairly accurately. When I was 18 or 19 an eye doctor discovered one of my eyes is a little off needing a corrective prism in my glasses. Turns out my brain was confused about which fast-moving object to catch.
@therealjrn This is going to cause many follow up questions from my coworkers but…I actually recorded a Demo EP at the ripe age of 17. Wanted to be a Pop Star before settling on my Buying career
Uh…I cheated on a health class test once in junior high. There was a brochure (STD, general health info) under my desk on the floor so I opened it with my feet like a ninja and used it some of for answers. Also the teacher at the time was one of the phys ed teachers. Sorry.
Well, when I was about 9 or 10 years old I was kicked out of an AOL chatroom for using curse words. Someone was talking smack about *NSYNC and I cursed them out. The admins emailed my parents with screenshots
@therealjrn I tend to overshare absolutely everything so I’m not sure if any of my facts will actually be unique or ‘never seen the light of day’… but…
One time I skipped school for a week straight to play the release of a new World of Warcraft expansion
I’ve never been to at least 50% of the popular chain restaurants most people go to/talk about
I waited tables at Red Lobster for a while. During the interview, they asked me what my favorite seafood dish was, and I said the shrimp alfredo. I hate seafood, and I don’t eat it.
I was really obsessed with the Twilight series back in the day. I even had a poster that had some cheesy teen-movie type of lipstick marks all over it.
When I was a little kid I released a hamster into the wild be happier there like Hamtaro
I thoroughly enjoy reading trashy paperback romances. The more obscure and campy and troupey, the better.
I liked Gone With the Wind so much growing up that I saved up money from working while going to to school so that I could get a huge belle gown for prom
I ate refried beans and salsa with chips for three days all meals straight this week because sometimes my brain is held hostage by my cravings
I’m sure there’s others but I have a hard time thinking on the spot… LOL
@therealjrn I am banned from all Spencers Gifts for stealing stickers in Woodfield Mall in the ummmm … years ago. They assured me my photo would be in every single store. My many Funko Pop figurines and T-shirts from over the years would beg to differ on me being banned.
@therealjrn Oof, more of a nightmare. It’s a mansion type place with a lot of hatches and escape routes. The place is huge and changes constantly. It’s a wild ride whenever I have it. Usually something is chasing me, never know what. 10/10 would make a great horror flick.
@riskybryzness@themutilator Actually that’s one thing I can’t stand LOL - I don’t like salty/sweet things… however, if I get a dessert, I have to eat it side by side with my meal. I just can’t mix the two within the same bite.
I just made a cup of Apricot Black. Congou black tea blended with apricot pieces, marigold petals and apricot essence. Nice mellow tea. I am chilled (it’s only 72°) so a nice hot cup is perfect.
@sammydog01 The last peach tea I had was too much peach. It was a cheapie brand but it still pushed me away from peach. This tea is really mellow and light tasting. It is mostly a black tea with hints of the apricot.
Hey guys, broke down and ordered some Peaches&Coconut Iced Tea Bags from Market Spice out in Seattle. Nice smell and flavor, but I think the coconut creme flavoring seems to overpower rather than compliment the peach. My favorite iced tea is still their Cinnamon Orange Spice. One of my old Navy Shipmates tells me he thinks it tastes like Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey, without the headache the next morning. Send me an address and I will send some of the Peaches&Coconut to add to your testing samples (I guess I’d throw in some Cinnamon Orange Spice if you would like to sample that as well, let me know.) They both come in 2 Quart bags,
So what does everyone drink when it is not Tuesday or Thursday?
Are test days for the new teas and the rest of the week regular ones?
Are you still using the fancy new tea pot?
Do you test with a regular cup of tea or a little bit to see if it is good?
With 16 tea drinkers, how many pots get made on an average day?
Hmmm, AMA. Are you decorating for October 31st/November 1st.
Whatever they want! I drink diet coke or teas we’ve already tried.
Tuesday and Thursday are for testing 1 new tea. After the test, we sometimes brew a pot of one we’ve liked in the past.
We actually have 3 kettles, 2 teapots, and 1 pitcher. Mostly we use the kettle to heat the water, then brew the tea in the cast iron teapot.
We have full-sized cups, but I pour about 2 oz for each person.
For testing days, we normally brew 32 oz (that’s how much the cast iron teapot holds). If people really like it, we sometimes brew a second run of the same tea. On other days, I brew anywhere between 1-3 pots throughout the day.
Yes! We’ll let you guys know what we do closer to then.
@Cythwulf I guess the AMA did not specify when it might be answered
I will be watching…
I am enjoying the reviews but next tea question…how do you pick which tea is next from that good looking selection? I like going to OOTG and browsing the tea selection for something new. I go with mood, suggestions and “what are you drinking, I’ll have that one”.
@speediedelivery So far, the only thing we’ve tried to follow is:
Aside from that rule, we try to think about similarities or overlaps, but not overhard. Mostly we just grab a tea and go.
@halfling RIP lemon something tea
@halfling @riskybryzness Luckily, it wasn’t lemon loaf. It was some inferior lemon zinger.
While we’re at it, let’s turn this into an AMA.
@Riskybryzness, @mandirose, and I are, of course, here to answer any questions, but I’d also like to introduce you to our regular testers.
@Cythwulf Holy shit did we just get Voluntold?

I wanted to try that Bartlett pear from harney and sons! Can’t wait to see what you think. It looks like from that stack you will be testing until next year!
@chellemonkey No kidding!
Not sure how we ended up with so much, but we finally realized we might have a slight “tea problem.”
@chellemonkey I keep looking at that pear tea too.
I have a giant pile of new teas too and it’s all your fault @Cythwulf. I should go test one.
@sammydog01 You should! And tell us your thoughts on it!
@Cythwulf @sammydog01
So, You are looking for TestTeaMonials?
@rockblossom nice.
Can it really be an AMA when none of the names you mentioned said AMA? Wouldn’t that be more of a ATA?
@therealjrn I said it for them! Ask away and answers will fly.
Okay then!
@Cythwulf, @Riskybryzness, @mandirose, @Leftoverburrito, @Targaryen, @halfling, @nommynoms, @cardiganb, @denboy, @troy, @burgess42, @infinity065, @ChaseCor, @zombeatles, @FeralRants & @heymahe, please share with us one thing about yourself that you have never shared with anybody in public before.
@therealjrn good question! I’ll start.
I’ve been keeping this secret for years, but, I’ve never seen The Godfather.
@Cythwulf That’s kind of a weird secret to keep, but I suppose we’ll have to accept it. I think I know what Santa is going to be bringing you this year!
Follow-up question: Just the first one? Or have you never seen the trilogy?
@therealjrn If Santa knows what’s good for him, he’ll keep bringing Star Wars stuff and won’t risk deviating.
There’s actually a large number of older movies I haven’t seen. I didn’t see The Shining until @chadp put in on here in the office this last year.
@burgess42 @cardiganb @ChaseCor @Cythwulf @denboy @FeralRants @halfling @heymahe @infinity065 @Leftoverburrito @mandirose @nommynoms @riskybryzness @Targaryen @troy @zombeatles
I suppose it’s only fair that I share something: I can’t catch fast-moving objects coming at me. All the time growing up, I just figured I was a klutz, because I could throw things fairly accurately. When I was 18 or 19 an eye doctor discovered one of my eyes is a little off needing a corrective prism in my glasses. Turns out my brain was confused about which fast-moving object to catch.
So don’t throw thing at me. : )
@therealjrn This is going to cause many follow up questions from my coworkers but…I actually recorded a Demo EP at the ripe age of 17. Wanted to be a Pop Star before settling on my Buying career
@mandirose Oh! That’s a good one! Is there any public release of Mandi & the Mandells available to listen to?
@therealjrn never ever coming to see the light of day haha
@burgess42 @cardiganb @ChaseCor @Cythwulf @denboy @FeralRants @halfling @heymahe @infinity065 @Leftoverburrito @mandirose @nommynoms @riskybryzness @therealjrn @troy @zombeatles
Uh…I cheated on a health class test once in junior high. There was a brochure (STD, general health info) under my desk on the floor so I opened it with my feet like a ninja and used it some of for answers. Also the teacher at the time was one of the phys ed teachers. Sorry.
@mandirose is this on youtube? asking for a friend
@Cythwulf, Can you ask @Riskybryzness, @Leftoverburrito, @halfling, @nommynoms, @cardiganb, @denboy, @troy, @burgess42, @infinity065, @ChaseCor, @zombeatles, @FeralRants & @heymahe, to take a break please from not tracking the TrackRs and share with us one thing about themselves that they have never shared?
@burgess42 @cardiganb @ChaseCor @Cythwulf @denboy @FeralRants @halfling @heymahe @Leftoverburrito @nommynoms @riskybryzness @therealjrn @troy @zombeatles
Well, when I was about 9 or 10 years old I was kicked out of an AOL chatroom for using curse words. Someone was talking smack about *NSYNC and I cursed them out. The admins emailed my parents with screenshots
@therealjrn Oversharing is caring. I’m actually having an issue of thinking of something.
@therealjrn I tend to overshare absolutely everything so I’m not sure if any of my facts will actually be unique or ‘never seen the light of day’… but…
I’m sure there’s others but I have a hard time thinking on the spot… LOL
@therealjrn lol I don’t have to track the trackrs but something about myself…
@heymahe That’s pretty cool. Only 2 months old and you were adopting a puppy? Impressive.
@therealjrn I am banned from all Spencers Gifts for stealing stickers in Woodfield Mall in the ummmm … years ago. They assured me my photo would be in every single store. My many Funko Pop figurines and T-shirts from over the years would beg to differ on me being banned.
@mandirose @therealjrn so, are you going to share? I am sure EVERYONE wants to hear it!!! Posted

@therealjrn Can I just talk about my cat, I can’t think of anything.
@riskybryzness Hmm…can’t think of anything at all? OK then, alternate question: “What’s your most common reoccurring dream?”
@halfling so were you team Edward or team Jacob?
@chellemonkey Team Jacob!! Hahaha
@therealjrn Oof, more of a nightmare. It’s a mansion type place with a lot of hatches and escape routes. The place is huge and changes constantly. It’s a wild ride whenever I have it. Usually something is chasing me, never know what. 10/10 would make a great horror flick.
I’d like to revisit the burrito thread. What’s your weirdest food eating method?

@halfling @themutilator popcorn and sparkling cider, not really a method, but don’t knock it till you try it.
@halfling @riskybryzness Next time you hit up Wendy’s, try using your frosty as a dipping sauce for your nuggets and fries.
@themutilator Hear me out. Apple Jacks cereal in apple juice.
@riskybryzness @themutilator Actually that’s one thing I can’t stand LOL - I don’t like salty/sweet things… however, if I get a dessert, I have to eat it side by side with my meal. I just can’t mix the two within the same bite.
It’s Monday but here’s my review- I bought some Holiday Tea from Harney. A lot of Holiday Tea.
Here’s what they say about it:
Pretty safe, right? Why does it smell like dirt? Why does it taste like dirt? I don’t get it. Maybe they put the wrong stuff in the bag? Anyway, ewww.
I have 49 sachets left over. Want them?
@sammydog01 I was going to say: “Probably because the spices were ground.” - but I won’t.
The tea should have a distinct smell and taste of spice, so I suspect it might have mold.
@rockblossom Ewww.
@rockblossom @sammydog01 Definitely eeeww. I suppose dirt is organic/natural but no, eeeeww. Did you ask Harney?
@rockblossom @speediedelivery I need to send them an email.
I just made a cup of Apricot Black. Congou black tea blended with apricot pieces, marigold petals and apricot essence. Nice mellow tea. I am chilled (it’s only 72°) so a nice hot cup is perfect.
@speediedelivery I almost bought some apricot tea but I have a ton of peach tea and thought it would be too similar.
@sammydog01 The last peach tea I had was too much peach. It was a cheapie brand but it still pushed me away from peach. This tea is really mellow and light tasting. It is mostly a black tea with hints of the apricot.
Why not coffee?
@CaptAmehrican “Test Coffees” isn’t as funny.
@CaptAmehrican i wish…
Hey guys, broke down and ordered some Peaches&Coconut Iced Tea Bags from Market Spice out in Seattle. Nice smell and flavor, but I think the coconut creme flavoring seems to overpower rather than compliment the peach. My favorite iced tea is still their Cinnamon Orange Spice. One of my old Navy Shipmates tells me he thinks it tastes like Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey, without the headache the next morning. Send me an address and I will send some of the Peaches&Coconut to add to your testing samples (I guess I’d throw in some Cinnamon Orange Spice if you would like to sample that as well, let me know.) They both come in 2 Quart bags,
@ajdillon Yum.
@ajdillon Shipped some Peach&Coconut and Cinnamon Orange Spice up to Galactic Headquarters, attn: Cythwulf, for testing.
You Know woot gourmet? How about more food offerings more meh staples.
I’m just a tea guy.
@Cythwulf yes they already have mediocrtee