I love how Irk looks like he’s just zonked out up there on the mantel, as if he’s snoring in a recliner. Much like the black cat down below, except not quite as regal.
@xobzoo The wood stove is cat magic - with three often-whiny aging cats, it turns them into furry balls of jello. I think it compensates for the winter’s lack of sun bathing opportunities.
I love how Irk looks like he’s just zonked out up there on the mantel, as if he’s snoring in a recliner. Much like the black cat down below, except not quite as regal.
@xobzoo The wood stove is cat magic - with three often-whiny aging cats, it turns them into furry balls of jello. I think it compensates for the winter’s lack of sun bathing opportunities.
Those are very large cats!
@Kyeh Not that big, altho the one at the lower left is a bit portly. It was a wide angle shot , so foreground stuff looks bigger.
@stolicat Oh, I see.
@Kyeh @stolicat No excuses, ours are just Chonky (16 & 18 lbs):

@macromeh @stolicat And all that long fur makes them look even bigger!
@Kyeh @stolicat And makes our rugs look an even bigger mess.
/youtube edgar frankenstein
def winter
/image ah, bach